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A temporary station in my life

Hebei Forestry Bureau is a state-owned forest-industry enterprise which is located in northeastern China, closely to Russsia. The above picture was in Lianying farm where the workers were felling high-quality pine timbers. The local train-like trucks were transporting raw logs in winter. The long-size logs were then cut as demanded size when they were transported to the wood yard. The scenery of winter in the forest area is still wonderful!
The wood yard of Hebei Forestry Bureau where plenty of good-quality timbers were transported outside of the bureau 10 years ago. However nowdays the goal of forestry management has been changed to protect the natural stands which limited forest resources and worse enviroment forced people to think how to do in future. Sadly the locals are suffering from their salary for living. A scenery of Hebei Worker Club. People enjoyed films and different kinds of performances. In the morning of summer, people come to dance in the square with music. It has been bringing the locals a lots of fun. Behind of the building, a large square for entertainment to supply the locals for skating and dancing.
The scenery of Hebei street. Beside the road is the market of Hebei where people can buy normal goods. The further construction is the office building. I have worked in the foreign project office in this building for 1 year and before that I worked in the silviculture company of the bureau. The sky in Hebei is still blue! This is Shuangfeng farm which is about 30km from the bureau. The farm is peaceful in winter time and covered by white snow. The locals in farm have nothing to do in winter. They might play Majiang game together , or drinking alcohol on warm platform (Re Kang Tou). It is life!
Here is Qinglin farm where from 1994 to 1998, one demonstration forest farm project between China and Finland was performed and a 1000m2 greenhouse was offerred by Finland. The workers were measuring basical data of the seedling production. They have been in Finland once for traning work. Now this project has been ended with some kind of result. I do not think it is successful in the co-operation. Some experts from Finland were doubtting this sort of achievement as well. But anyway it has been becoming truth of that over 60 Chinese have reacted their dream to abroad. A common feeling to most of them visit Fiinland is just like once coming to Da Xing An Ling (original saying from Director Guo) because of abundant of trees in Finland. Limei and I came to Hebei forest bureau in July of 1991. It was hard to find a better placement from our profession. We finally decided to come to Hebei together. She was a teacher in the professional school and I was distributed to work in Shi Fangshan farm for 1 year and then I worked in the silviculture company. We got married on 24th September of 1991. We also bought a set of living house in No. 10 of worker building. We have good friends there: Zhang Hua and Ningning; Gao Weiqin and Zhang Jingwei and Zhang Fan and also some others. Amy was born on 11th June of 1993. Many good memory are still surrounding of us. Later we may visit there and see what has been changed!       


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