I stumbled across your web page probably a month or so
ago, and just started reading. I really enjoyed hearing
your experiences in Korea, and today have read all of
your Egyptian entries.
You sound like such an adventurous and brave soul. My
family lived in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia when I was a
child, and reading some of your experiences brings those
days back to me. That is so far removed from my life
now, though. I've lived in New Orleans for the last six
Anyway, just wanted to drop you a line and tell you how
much I'm enjoying your web page. Keep up the entries
-- it's almost like reading a book. I check in on your
page every so often just to see how it's going. I have to
admit, I was surprised to see so many entries today.
Since you do have internet access, I'll check more often.
P.S. Reading about the many hours you traveled getting
to Egypt makes me tired just thinking about it.
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Email: thefattraveler@hotmail.com