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Chris Skelding's Page

I am Chris Skelding, Tom's Dad, and I am the District Inspector of Mines for North Western Queensland in Australia. That means that I am employed by the Government of Queensland to help make the mines of the region safe and healthy for all who work in them.

It is a job I love very much. At the present time Quensland is having a burst of new mines which I am priveleged to be involved with. Century Zinc, the largest zinc deposit in the world is only a few hundred Kms to the north of my home in Mount Isa.

Mount Isa is a the largest city in the world (by area). It has a population of about 23 000 at the moment. The population keeps changing because of the temporary influx of people when a new mine is developing in the region. This year is the town's 75th anniversary. A guy called John Campbell Miles found a lead ore body here in 1923 and the result is one of the largest mines in the world.

One of my other interests is GENEALOGY, the family history of the SKELDING family. Here follows a family history which is still in production, any comments would be most apperciated.

To navigate maps of Queensland and the Nothern Territory, Click on the compass below and click the arrow of the direction you wish to go. (Simple eh?!)

Click on the compass to check maps of the area.
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