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Katherine Mary DaSilva

October 23, 1993 - July 6, 2002

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On Saturday July 6th, God crowned another beautiful angel.  Though Katie lost the battle with her disease, she left this world with wisdom, courage, and strength that most can only hope to achieve.  She left a remarkable impression on all those who knew her and will continue to be a great inspiration to those who meet her in heaven.

Rest in peace sweet angel.

Remembering Katie





 Thank You!!!

Katie is an eight year old second grader from Wilbraham, MA who was diagnosed with type1 chronic tyrosinemia, a genetic disorder which led to cirrhosis of the liver and caused irreparable damage just over a year ago.  With the help of prayers from so many wonderful people from all over the country and the world, doctor's at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia were able to find Katie a new liver and give her the transplant she so desperately needed only weeks after her diagnosis.  Katie's new liver functioned properly for only a short time before the cancer appeared.

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