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The real work began on June 12, 2003. We first verified the center point of the Labyrinth-to-be, staked it, and marked a 6 foot diameter for the center. We then ran string lines from the center to the outside edges to mark the four quadrants. Our dog, Oscar, began his vigil of anchoring in energies which he continued to do throughout the construction. It was either that or he just liked to have his picture taken in the middle of everything. The first border was done with a labor of love. 1 down 11 to go. Notice the mysterious diamond shape in the lower corner.

June 13, 2003, I thought I was ready to begin the 2nd border, however, I was constantly tripping over the string lines marking the quadrants, so I decided to place the bricks along the lines in hopes that it would help. As I worked today, I realized that I was constructing the Labyrinth from the inside out. I kept getting the message from spirit that this is how we manifest: from the inside outward. I also got smart and realized that God (dess) invented gloves for a reason, but that was not until I worked my hands and fingers raw with brick burns. This was only my second day into the brick work, and I realized this was really going to be a laborious project. 2 borders down 10 to go.

June 14, 2003 I finished border 3 and was pretty proud of my progress. I stopped only long enough to snap a picture before continuing on. 3 down 9 to go.

By the time I finished border 4 today, I was physically exhausted. It dawned on me that with each border the diameter I was working with was increasing, and more than by a brick or two. I was only a couple days into the brick work and was already beginning to question my sanity from time to time. 4 down 8 to go.

June 16, 2003 I began border 5. The diameter is definitely getting larger and taking more bricks per round. There was not one part of this body that had not been affected in one way or another. My dog, Oscar, continued “meditating” in the center. 5 down 7 to go.

June 20, 2003 I finished border 6. 6 down and 6 to go.

I was so full of energy I went on to finish border 7. Gosh the diameter is getting larger and larger. Finishing 7 circuits felt like a real milestone to me. I even took the time to walk it. 7 down and 5 to go.

My ten year old Ashley volunteered (at my request) to help haul bricks to the surrounding area today and gosh, I think she was tuckered out.

A girl just has to take a break occasionally.

June 22, 2003 was probably the worst day of my building-a-laby experience. Wes had been working out of town the past few weeks and wasn’t here to keep an eye on me. He decided I was doing the Labyrinth all wrong and he said we needed to start from the beginning circle and do it all over again. My heart was crushed. This time he showed me the proper use of a level and made me a path spacer out of wood to use. When I got done being upset at him for picking the Labyrinth to pieces, I joined him and we basically started all over from the center. It went fairly quickly, and I will now admit I am so very glad he made me start over. This time we filled in the pathways with the goldstone so we could really feel like we were accomplishing something. So here we went again.

Wes did put together the trellis I had purchased for the entrance and I was able to get the climbing plants planted.

June 27, 2003 was an exciting day to say the least. Wes, Ashley and I had been very busy, hauling sand, hauling goldstone, leveling, releveling and hauling more brick. All of a sudden out of nowhere, 5 skunks came running down Missy Rock, and right to the edge of the laby. They were just playing, running and having a good old time. All four of my dogs were out there with us and with swiftness and as silently as possible, Ashley and I herded the 4 dogs very sneakily across the property and into the house. My good gosh almighty, if we hadn’t been able to trick the dogs into running into the house (bribed with “who wants a snackie!”), can you imagine the SMELL we could have ended up with? That would have been some fun.

The past week we had been working until dark and hoped to have the “redo” on the Laby finished in a few more days. Ashley put together solar lights and we placed them around the outside of the Labyrinth circle, so we now have a lighted landing pad.

June 28, 2003: The “redo” is looking much nicer, more professional. Now I’m happy that we started over.

June 29, 2003 we climbed Missy Rock and took a better picture of our progress.

June 30, 2003 I finally caught up to where I was before we began the “redo”. This was a grand feeling. I was getting much better at using the level and the spacer and the hard work has paid off greatly.

And then came the month of July, 2003. (I can chuckle now looking back. Might I mention, however, that building a Labyrinth was one of the most fullfilling adventures I've taken in this life.)

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