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Beginning in August, Wes had to leave to work for 3 months in Colorado which meant he wouldn’t be home on weekends to help with work that I couldn’t do. I was devastated because I so wanted to hold the Labyrinth dedication in the fall. I still wanted him to backhoe around the outside of the barked area, smoothing it out, leveling it, and making it look great. Once I finally accepted that this was not going to happen and that it was appropriate, I was able to continue doing whatever I physically could. I reworked all the bark area and did whatever I could, postponing the dedication to hopefully the beginning of summer, 2004.

In the month of August, 2003, I was also spiritually led to build what is called a Gaia Space Platform with a Pyramid and place it in the garden area of the Labyrinth. One day in March I received one of those sporadic emails from someone I didn’t know that had somehow received my email address. She wanted to know if I wanted instructions for building a Gaia Pyramid and she went on to explain what it was, and how the instructions were given to her from Mother Gaia herself. Needless to say, it resonated with me really well, and as I was working on the Labyrinth, spirit guided me to getting it made and placing it along side the Labyrinth. The construction is of copper piping, copper wiring, particle board and crystal. There is a larger quartz crystal in the center of the copper wire spiral on the board pointing up toward the sun. The base alone, which holds the copper wiring and crystals can be placed spiral side up to “draw in” negative energies, chemtrails, etc., and then in the evening the board can be turned with the crystals and copper spiral facing downward into the earth to send those energies into the Earth Mother for transmutation and transformation by the earth energies. Another use is to have the base set with the spiral facing downward, the pyramid on the top, and sit or stand barefoot inside the pyramid for a few moments, while a “snapshot” of your feet is recorded inside the memory of the earth, and after that, no matter where you travel, Mother Earth is able to keep track of you and keep you protected. The complete unit can be used to sit within and meditate, pray, and so forth, drawing in the Universal energies from the crystals on the top of the base and pyramid, and also earth energies from the bottom spiral/crystal base.

The beginning of October, 2003, a friend, Peacewalker, from Sedona, Arizona came to visit and help with the painting of the center of the Labyrinth. She began painting the Spirit Quest Logo, but little did we know that the Bear Lake Valley was about to experience an early harsh winter. The center didn’t get finished, needless to say, and what was painted didn’t have enough time to set up, so a repainting will be necessary in the spring of 2004.

The final October 2003 picture of the Spirit Quest Labyrinth before the first winter snow hit the area, approximately 3000 bricks later, give or take one or two. It was a sad day the first time it snowed and I walked the Labyrinth "putting it to rest" so to speak. I spoke gently to each of the trees and bushes and asked them to rest well and prepare for next spring.

I received some information recently which stated that the energies and symbolism of a Labyrinth is so much more than a physical structure planted on top of the earth. The vortex of energy created travels through the realms of many dimensions through all space and time. It is with this in mind that my heart dedicates the Spirit Quest Labyrinth to all the Legions of Love and Light, Guardian Angels, and all our Brothers and Sisters, above, below and beyond.


The Spirit Quest Chartres Labyrinth is located in the Bear Lake Valley at 110 Canyon Road, Montpelier, Idaho. Beginning in the summer of 2004, the Labyrinth will be available for public or private use by appointment. I have recently purchased a 25-foot Classical portable Labyrinth as well, to take on the road. I, Pamela Jackson, of the Energy Transformation Center © will be available by appointment as a facilitator for workshops, weddings, meditation groups and most types of gatherings. As summer approaches, a list of activities will be posted for your information. The portable Spirit Quest Classical Labyrinth is also available by reservation. Please email REVPAM for more information and prices.


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