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Masonry almost destroyed his family. Repentance saved his son. (An updated version of the above tract.)      Larry thought becoming a Mason would help him in business. But when he took the oath, he picked up something he didn't plan on.      John and Robbie come face to face with a decision: Where will they place their loyalty—in the Masonic Lodge, or the Lord Jesus?      Well-known Masons, in their own words, show why no Christian should be a Mason.      Dr. Cathy Burns proves Masonry and Eastern Star are occultic. Secret passwords, symbols, and more. A former high-level Mason reveals secrets about this dangerous group.      Christ the Way bookstore is the Canadian distributor of Chick Publications.      Allah was the little idol god of Muhammad's Quraysh tribe. Muslims worship the demon behind that idol.

''Best Modern Exposure of Freemasonry - Time to Wake Up Saints.'' A comprehensive exposé of Freemasonry's evil plan to take over the world for Satan and depopulate the planet by billions.

The Curse of Baphomet
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