The Catholic "church" has always believed in an Inquisition. They believe that the pope is "God on earth," and since God is perfect and infallible, the pope is also infallible. That means that the papacy does not make mistakes. Rome has always denounced freedom of conscience and of religion and believes that church and state should unite. The pope's "Syllabus of Errors" says it's wrong to keep state separate from church and church separate from state. The inevitable consequence of joining church and state is religious persecution, and Rome's version of this is the "Sacred Inquisition," now called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. They believe it is designed "for the promotion and protection of the true faith." Theirs. The "church" of the Dark Ages.

In an Inquisition, the Catholic "church" hunts down people who are "heretics" or Protestants—anyone who doesn't believe in the Babylonian, pagan heresies that Rome tries to palm off as Christianity—and burns them alive at the stake or tortures them to death in a dungeon, trying to get them to confess to being heretics. The papacy is trying to establish the endtime one world government, the New World Order, a satanic dictatorship where everyone has to get the Mark of the Beast in their right hand or forehead or else they can't buy or sell. In the book of Revelation, God forbids this but Rome not only encourages it, but wants to be the very leader of it. They're going completely against God's will. This is not a Christian church but a satanic, Babylonian, pagan cult masquerading as a Christian church, what the Bible calls the Whore of Babylon, drunken with the blood of the saints and martyrs of Jesus. Rev. 17:4-6. God hates this counterfeit Christian, harlot church of Satan and will destroy her at the end.

The following are depictions of the Catholic Inquisition and the persecution and slaughter of Protestants in past ages. It is the boast of the church of Rome that she never changes. What she has done in past ages, she holds to be right and fully intends to do again once she regains the control over the world she once enjoyed in the Dark Ages. The following scenes Rome hopes to repeat in the coming one world government.


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