The character and aims of the papacy and the threat to your democracy. Also, the truth about life-after-death and spiritualism (communicating with ''ghosts'').

Exposes Catholicism as a pseudo-Christian, covertly pagan religion that relies on a series of futile and ineffectual sacraments for salvation instead of the gospel, i.e., Jesus simply TRADES LIFE'S RECORDS with yours (replaces your sinful life's record with His perfect one, your guilty with His NOT guilty so you can prepare yourself for Judgment) if you 1) BELIEVE in Him as Saviour and 2) ASK HIM to set you free from sin. Exodus 20:3-17. Both. Exposes Mary worship as nothing better than a Christianized form of pagan goddess worship. Explains how the pope, priests and Eucharist are false christs. When a Catholic dies and stands before God, he learns his religion was wrong. A ''This Was Your Life!'' for Catholics. A humorous tract explaining the origin of the Mass. (My favourite!) A promotional tract published to advertise the first Alberto comic (see below left), revealing Rome's current progress in putting a final end to Protestantism, i.e., the separation of church and state—democracy. Exposes Rome's plan for a soon-coming new inquisition and how the Alberto comic blew their plans wide open, and the Vatican's attempt to stop its distribution. (See Alberto below left.) Reveals the pagan origins of the papacy and the fraudulent and criminal ways it used to accumulate its immense wealth. Details how the Vatican birthed communism to destroy its religious competition—the Russian Orthodox church. (Same information as The Godfathers. See below left.) Exposes how the Vatican birthed Communism and Nazism. Exposes how the Catholic ''church'' engineered WWII and the Holocaust as a modern-day Catholic Inquisition. Exposes Rome's behind-the-scenes attempts to sabotage the King James Bible and shows how God preserved it. A suicidal priest is told of the wicked history of his counterfeit, idolatrous ''church.'' Choose between the pope or Jesus—purgatory or heaven. Santeria—mixing Catholic superstition and voodoo. Is the pope really the ''Holy Father,'' or a masterpiece of Satanic deception? Exposes the evil, lies, intrigue, persecutions, assassinations and blasphemy which marked the history of the Catholic ''church.'' The Catholic ''church'' is mother to four great false religions designed to keep you from Jesus Christ. When under attack, the pope finds safety in two idols—the eucharist and the Virgin Mary goddess. Grandma learns that Mary was a sinner saved by grace, just like the rest of us.
When Alberto's mother died, he decided to become a Jesuit priest to learn the truth about God. Eventually being trained to go undercover, he helped destroy Protestant churches and ministries. But as he read the Scriptures, he saw that Catholicism couldn’t save. (Based on a true story.) Alberto Part 2. After his salvation, Alberto is a hunted man. No Jesuit can leave his order alive! He reveals the infiltration of Protestant organizations and warns of false ''brethren'' in our midst. 
•Find out why Alberto was placed on a death list.
•Read the incredible oath he had to take as a Jesuit.
•See why the ecumenical movement will lead to a final ''inquisition.'' Alberto Part 3. Reveals how the Catholic ''church'' engineered both World Wars. This is the book the Catholic press is afraid to mention. Recommended! A noted historian exposes the Vatican's involvement in world politics, intrigues and the fomenting of wars throughout history, including both World Wars. The sensational account of the most horrifying religious massacre of the 20th century. Startling revelations of forced conversions, mass murders of non-Catholics, Catholic extermination camps, disclosures of Catholic clergy as commanders of concentration camps; documented with names, dates, places, pictures, and eyewitness testimony. Documents the ties between the Catholic ''church'' and the Nazis, detailing the papacy's drive to bring Hitler to power and Rome's involvement and complicity in Nazi war crimes. Dangers of the Ecumenical movement. Many Christians are joining the ecumenical movement thinking God has ordained it to bring all Christians into unity. But this book reveals that the ecumenical movement is nothing more than a smokescreen hiding the Vatican's real intent—to stamp out religious freedom and reign despot over the world once more. It exposes this counterfeit Christian ''church's'' long history of exterminating Protestants and her plan to do the same in the future. Pay special attention to Chapter 3. Smokescreens on audio, as read by the author, Jack Chick. Ten chapters excerpted from the Christian classic ''The Great Controversy'' by Ellen G. White. Explains Christian history, the Mark of the Beast, the Catholic ''church's'' drive for world dominance, and the truth about life-after-death—ghosts. Recommended! Click on the Plus or Minus above to enlarge or reduce page size. Read this book online. Life-After-Death—Spiritualism: chapters 33, 34; Character and Aims of the Papacy (Antichrist)/Papal Tyranny: chapters 3, 35; the Fall of Satan: chapter 29; Agency of Evil Spirits: chapter 31; Snares of Satan: chapter 32; the Second Coming/Resurrection Day: chapter 40; Judgment Day: chapter 42. Written by a former Catholic, this book quotes 37 main Catholic doctrines from the 1994 Catechism of the Catholic ''church,'' then compares each one with the King James Bible. Every time, Catholic doctrine contradicts the Word of God. As a reference tool, this book will help you quickly find any Catholic doctrine, and Scriptures that refute it. Compares Catholicism with Protestantism to show Catholics true Christian doctrine. How a Babylonian goddess became the Catholic ''Virgin Mary.'' An easy-to-read history of Catholicism's Babylonian origin. A sample excerpt in cartoon form. A beautifully produced video on Bible history and the plan of redemption. 78 minutes. This video is an excellent analysis of Catholic doctrines compared to Biblical doctrines. It reveals clearly how Roman Catholicism has supplanted the teachings of Christ and the Gospel, with tradition. Actual Catholic priests and nuns, current and former, give their testimonies. Sensitively done. 54 minutes. Recommended. A Biblical examination of the apparitions of the ''Virgin Mary'' in the end times, showing them to be a Satanic deception. Approx. 87 minutes. Calculate the number of the Beast, 666, from the pope's various titles. This is a portion of the Extreme Oath of the Jesuits, a militant order of devil-possessed priests founded by Satanic genius Ignatius de Loyola (St. Ignatius) to counteract and destroy the Bible-based Protestant Reformation and democracy. This evil order of priests eventually created the Nazis and brought them into power. Click for the full version. (The excerpt from this graphic is reproduced in red print.) This comic shows, from their own writings, that the Jesuits' real goal is to destroy true Christians and make the world submit to the pope. See the struggle through the ages to keep God’s Word pure—including the Vatican's hatred of the Bible and its desperate efforts to destroy it and anyone who publishes it—and learn which Bible can be trusted . . . and why! Alberto Part 4. Movies and TV have conditioned people to believe that a Catholic priest is required to exorcise demons who possess a person. Is this true, or is it a devilishly clever scheme by Satan to make the people rely more and more on their priest for protection and cost them their souls? The answer contains many surprises. Reveals how the Vatican is using its occult force to deceive millions. It's the ''habitation of devils'' described in Rev. 18:2. Alberto Part 5. A clear description of how the papacy fulfills Bible prophecies of the Antichrist.
•Who are the Four Horsemen of Revelation?
•Who did Martin Luther and other Reformation leaders insist was the ''Anti-Christ''?
•See the chart containing the front organizations through which the Jesuit order seeks to dominate the world economy for the Antichrist. The true story of Charles Chiniquy, a former Roman Catholic priest. Charles wanted to obey and serve his church, but as he studied the scriptures, he became tormented as he learned that his church was wrong. It will break your heart as you learn how Catholics are being deceived into following a false religion. Chiniquy also reveals how Abraham Lincoln's legal assistance against the Jesuits set him up for his murder . . . The Catholic ''church'' has always believed in her infallible ''Sacred Inquisition,'' that it's right to BTK all the ''heretics'' and Protestants. These are depictions of this ''Christian'' church's ways, throughout history, of butchering her victims. Written by a former Catholic, this 90-page PDF booklet explains the Marian movement as it relates to end-time prophecies about the Mark of the Beast. (English and Spanish. Scroll down the page.) Also available in html at

Exposes Allah as nothing but a pagan moon-god idol, showing his actual photo. A Muslim learns that his religion is a deception. A Muslim learns that Christ saves, Allah does not. Returning home after his many travels, a Muslim reveals the deceitful origins of Islam to his shocked family. A young Muslim boy is trained by his family to detonate himself as a martyr for Islam. A Muslim is mistaken for a terrorist then learns about eternal life. The birth of Islam and the history and character of Muhammad. Mohammed's young wife. God promises Abraham a son. Who owns Jerusalem? A man must choose between Muhammad and Jesus. God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. After beating his son, Abdul is challenged by a list of questions he must answer from the Qur'an. Islam wants to take over the world and eliminate infidels. Learn how it came from pagan moon-god worship. The most popular Chick tract, ''This Was Your Life!,'' adapted for Muslims, not just in the Middle East but also Europe and the Americas.
Exposes the pagan/Catholic origins of Islam.  (If it takes forever to load, hit Refresh.) ''Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West.'' A sobering and alarming exposé of the radical Muslim threat to our Western way of life and freedoms, revealing their intent to impose their false and Satanic, intolerant religion upon us. 1 hour 17 min. ''The Third Jihad: Radical Islam's Vision for America.'' Terrorism, forcing Islamic Sharia law on America, death to traitors, gays, etc. 1 hour 12 min. ''Iranium.'' Iran's nuclear threat. 57 min. ''The Truth About Islam: An Interview With Brigitte Gabriel.'' She exposes what Islam truly teaches and the threat it poses to America. 1 hour 29 min. Christian pastor John Hagee explains why Islam hates the West. Islam is a violent religion because its founder, Muhammad, was violent. Excellent history of Islam written by a former Muslim apologist who became a Christian.

Denounces the gay lifestyle of Sodom and Gomorrah. Denounces the gay lifestyle. An exposé on the gay lifestyle. A gay couple tries to deceive young students into accepting the gay lifestyle. A true story about sexual sin leading to homosexuality. AIDS. A nurse teaches gay men how they got themselves into this mess and how Jesus can give them hope. An emotional message against homosexuality and child abuse.
Long ago God destroyed two ancient cities, Sodom and Gomorrah, with ''eternal'' (unquenchable) fire. Jude 7. This brief chapter, taken from ''Patriarchs and Prophets,'' explains why. Gay Rights Special Rights: Exposes the gay agenda. ''My Childhood Was RUINED:'' Detransitioner Chloe Cole Talks About Trans Procedures. ''Detransitioners try to warn us.'' Transitioners expressing regret. Becket Cook's Testimony: A Gay Man's POWERFUL Redemption Story | Eric Metaxas on TBN Can You Be A Gay Christian? | EXTENDED Interview 700 Club Ex-Gay, Now Christian, Leaves Students SPEECHLESS With Powerful Testimony. Panel of former homosexuals share how they found freedom in God.

A teenage couple learns that abortion is murder, and that Jesus is the only solution. Dramatic story! Abortion. It looked like they were going to get away with it . . . but Someone was watching. Exposes Freemasonry as satanic. Sovereign Pontiff Albert Pike said in his book ''Morals and Dogma'' that ''Lucifer is God.'' Exposes the fable of evolution. A soldier leads his sergeant to Christ. Store up your treasures in heaven, not here. A tragic tale of child sexual abuse. Explains how God loved you enough to die for you. Financial pressures, world tension, crime...the world has gone mad! Only Jesus can give you peace! (To keep your sanity, rely on Christ.) Murph learns that despite what his priest said, he can have assurance of salvation by faith in Jesus. Lance didn't fear death until he committed suicide and learned of his eternal fate: Suicides do NOT go to heaven! A simple gospel message told in pictures. A girl learns of Satan's plans to destroy her. The blood of Christ will save you from destruction. A rabbi learns too late that Jesus was his Messiah. God's moral law, the Ten Commandments, the Rules that apply to us, and the criteria our Creator will use to judge us at the end—guilty or not guilty, the justice system, and not, ''Have you been more good than bad overall,'' as most people like to think. A simple and touching story, told only in pictures, about an abused boy who got saved. David and Goliath. A woman learns too late about the dangers of promiscuity. The creation and fall of Lucifer, Christ's plan of redemption, Satan's deceptions—false religions, New Age—and the final defeat of Satan and all his deluded followers. Satan's Hunter targets high school kids to destroy them with drugs. Life is a trip to either heaven or hell. (One of my favourite.) Gives Christians instructions on how to get their prayers answered. A Hindu priest learns that Hinduism is satanic and turns to Jesus for salvation. Based on a true story. A Buddhist learns too late that only Jesus could have saved him. A woman learns what the bizarre doctrines of Mormonism really are, just in the nick of time. A little girl is accused of hate speech when she tells her friend that Jesus is the only way to heaven. See what happens to those who disagreed with her. A young boy learns to heed God's warning against sin. A thug at a dangerous high school learns that Jesus loves him. The classic tract that started it all. A man learns at the end of his life that he should have trusted Jesus for salvation. (Over 100 million copies in print in nearly 100 languages.) (The heresy of the immortal soul, i.e., as soon as you die your ''immortal soul'' goes somewhere—heaven or hell—is a Satanic, pagan myth that has insinuated its way, via the ''church'' of Rome, into Christianity. But the gist of the tract is still important.) Chester thought he didn't need God. But when the ship began to sink, he realized how wrong he was. A message to Christians shows why many churches have no revival. When Leroy got out of prison, the turf war began. But all the time, he kept remembering Grandma and her faith in Jesus. An inner city story. Advice on how to spread the gospel using Chick tracts. Reach 1,000 people per year for Jesus with this easy witnessing plan! If you're a Christian will your friends say this about you? Adapted from the classic story of Ebenezer Scrooge but with a twist. Scrooge gets saved! When a respected religious leader dies and stands before God, he learns that his name wasn't in the Book of Life. A soul winning message. Exposes Rome's connection to the Communistic Liberation Theology in South America. When a youth finds Christ he becomes a nightmare for the demons trying to stop him. A rock band self-destructs after making a deal with Satan. He thought no one would know he beat his wife. But when the secret got out, Jesus changed his life. Suppose someone tries to talk you out of receiving Christ. What would happen to you? (The heresy of the immortal soul, i.e., as soon as you die your ''immortal soul'' goes somewhere—heaven or hell—is a Satanic, pagan myth that has insinuated its way, via the ''church'' of Rome, into Christianity. But the gist of the tract is still important.) ''You're gonna love these drugs, kid. Trust me.'' But this youngster pays a terrible price before he learns that Jesus is the only One he can really trust. His family ruined, Daddy turns to booze. But he becomes a new man through Christ. Harry would rather have his daughter be a drunk than a Christian. But things didn't turn out the way he expected. An emotional story with a positive ending. Let God deliver you from alcohol before it hurts you. An anti-liquor salvation message. When his son became deathly ill, Juan turned from drinking and gambling to serve Christ. Duke thought Jesus was a sissy until a trucker explained to him the horrible price Jesus paid so his sins could be forgiven. Then Duke saw that Jesus had more guts than anyone who ever lived. Peter has AIDS but after he met Christ he knew he would never die. He was just going home. Gomez is an imprisoned gang leader. Before he is to be released, his kid brother is killed in a drive-by shooting. Everyone expects Gomez to get revenge, but a chaplain leads him to Christ. In a surprise ending, Gomez forgives the killer. A mobster has Rose's family murdered. When Jesus helps her forgive, the mobster wants Jesus, too! Free salvation was an offer he couldn't refuse. A couple spends 50 years on the mission field, trusting in their good works. But when they die and stand before God, they learn that good works can't save...only Jesus can. Bob was mean and didn't need God until he nearly died in jail. When the king was dying without Christ, the jester knew he had found a bigger fool than himself. The king had a present that he wanted to freely give to those in his kingdom who would receive it. God wants to give you a free gift...eternal life through His Son, Jesus. Almost all scripture. Those with no Bible training will understand who Jesus is. Here is a description of the horrible times the Bible says are coming in the future. There is no one to turn to for help but Jesus. He is the only hope. Here's why Jesus really came to earth...from His birth to His resurrection. The story of Christ's resurrection from the dead. Because of the empty tomb, Jesus is the only way to heaven. The Bible in a nutshell. How the world began, how sin entered the world, and why we must trust Jesus. Mildred dreams her friend sends her a letter—from hell! It says, ''You weren't my friend. You never told me about Jesus.'' When King David repented of his sin with Bathsheba, God forgave him. Repent, and God will forgive you, too! When the Slugger learns he is about to die without Christ, he realizes that his money and fame are worthless. An exciting baseball story that delivers a powerful salvation message. When his ants are about to die, Charlie learns that God became a man to die for us. Great salvation message for children. Through Adam and Eve, sin entered the world. Jesus is the only one who can remove it. When this burglar breaks into the home of a Christian, he wants to get saved too. He was supposed to be executed for his crime, but someone took his place. Jesus has taken our place too. Heidi is terribly sick. But when she gets saved on Halloween night, her whole family finds Christ too. An emotional story with a happy ending. All through life we make choices. But there is one choice that is more important than all the rest. A policeman explains to gang members how Jesus changed his life...and his destiny! You don't have to sell your soul to Satan to go to hell. He gets all who reject Jesus as Saviour. Holly tells her friend about Jesus, then is kidnapped. Will her Jesus help her escape? Do you have something in common with those going to heaven...or those going to hell? This soldier learns that it's not what you know that gets you into heaven. It's WHO you know...Jesus! Billions worship some kind of idol. But there is only one way to heaven, and that’s through Jesus. Many hear the Gospel. Some truly repent, some just play religion. Which will you be? We're all born into sin, and headed for the same place. The only words in this simple tract are basic scriptures that show us how to be set free. Unexpectedly brilliant and recommended. The world is confused about who Jesus is. It's a mistake they can't afford to make. Money, women, was all his. What a deal! But then it came time to pay up. If I just had more money, everything would be okay, right? Joe thought so, until... Sydney didn’t need Jesus. He knew all the ''right'' people. All except one, that is. Joy was alone, with no one to care. But God had other plans. The judge risked his life to save Jimmy as a boy. What will he do when Jimmy is found guilty of murder? Hell...what it is, where it came from, and how YOU can stay away from it. When Charlie dies in a construction accident, he stands before the Jesus he had laughed at. Don't end up like Charlie. Don’t insult Jesus by ignoring His sacrifice for you. Suicide at a foster home: Ralph hated them for what they did, but he had to learn to forgive, and be forgiven, before he could be free. (Shows the great love Jesus has for people that were abused as children—physical, sexual, etc.—and that forgiveness stops the nightmares and hate.) Jonah was a ''hater.'' And like many haters, he justified his own hatred of these lost Assyrians. So what did he do? He withheld preaching God's word to them. He showed his hatred by not warning them about God's coming judgment of their sins! Of course, God had other plans, and turned Jonah around later. But that's another story. A story of revolution and betrayal shows us that Jesus is the real answer for those who want change. A simple Bible reading plan that will help build faith.
For those interested in avoiding marriage problems. Growing as a Christian. Teaches many major Bible stories from Genesis to Revelation. And along with each story, scripture references show readers where they can find that story in their Bible. Many young people find that the stories leave them hungering for more, which leads them to deeper Bible study. Thinking that no one loves her, Marsha attempts suicide. Rescued by the Crusaders, she learns that Jesus loves her and has a precious gift of love and life.

Series of 25
Here's how God created the world, including dinosaurs. Then Satan caused the Fall of our first parents—Adam and Eve. Noah's's true! Here's how it happened. An exposé on the gay lifestyle. Through the story of Abraham, we learn how today's Middle East crisis began and how God always keeps His promises. Just as God transformed a liar and schemer named Jacob, He can change us, too! Joseph was framed by Potiphar's wife and ended up in prison. But the same God who delivered Joseph will deliver you. The Ten one can obey them perfectly. That's why we need Jesus. A battered prostitute learns that Jesus loves even harlots. Just like Joshua was fooled by the people of Gibeah, you are being fooled by Satan. Don't let Satan's scam land you in hell! He was afraid of everything. But God changed Gideon from a loser to a great leader. Samuel was a great judge. But he's nothing like that final judge we must all stand before. He knows everything we've ever done. A young witch is warned what the Bible says about witchcraft. David thought no one had seen his adultery. But everything was recorded by God. Just like Jezebel, Kelli's actions had led to a man's death so she could steal his property. But when Kelli met Jesus, her story had a much different ending. The same One who saved Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from Nebuchadnezzar's fire can save you from the fire of hell. A.J. was a lot like Nebuchadnezzar...arrogant and self-sufficient. God dealt with both men's pride in an unforgettable way. The Nervous Witch part 2. Gladys is warned of her fate. Be careful how you use His name. He wasn't just a baby in a manger. Jesus is GOD! His mother loved him but no one else did. When Bruce came to the end of his rope, he discovered he wasn't the first Prodigal Son to need forgiveness. A Muslim is mistaken for a terrorist then learns about eternal life. When the collapsing roof dumped him into the flames, Fred thought he had seen hell. But the real hell is much worse. Exposes Masonry as Luciferian. A suicidal priest is told of the wicked history of his counterfeit, idolatrous ''church.'' When the rapture hits millions will be missing. Will you be one of them or will you be left behind? The day is coming when millions will disappear and the world will enter a horrible period of suffering. Will you be caught in it or will you escape? Here's how you can know the answer.

Halloween and the Occult
Exposes the true satanic purpose behind Halloween. It was supposed to be a fun Halloween, visiting a ''Haunted House'' for a great scare. But when an accident claims a boy's life, his friends learn there is a real hell waiting for all those who die without Jesus. This takeoff on horror films reveals the truth about Halloween. Heidi is terribly sick. But when she gets saved on Halloween night, her whole family finds Christ too. An emotional story with a happy ending. While out for Halloween, a young girl explains the Gospel to her friends. Satan's Master is...? A teenaged girl brings her life to near ruin through drug abuse and the occult. A teenaged girl learns that witchcraft is really satanism. The thing possessed poor Maria. It drove her to do strange things. But Jesus' power delivered her so the thing couldn't hurt her anymore. Cautions against playing occult-oriented role-playing games. Explains how Halloween began and the choice everyone has to make between Jesus and Satan. A young witch is warned what the Bible says about witchcraft. The Nervous Witch part 2. Gladys is warned of her fate. A campy vampire story that ends with a straight gospel message. Based on a true story where a demonic spirit actually manifested visibly in the guise of the Hindu goddess of destruction, Kali, to attack a Christian in India. Bad kids want to hurt the kitty for Halloween. Will she be saved in time? A story for kids. Santeria--mixing Catholic superstition and voodoo. A native American occultic battle between God and Satan. Guess who wins. The little devil, Stinky, was sent out Halloween night to get a present for Satan. Children will read the gospel as they see Stinky's terrible mistake. We're all like zombies—spiritually dead. Here's how to change it. Here's what REALLY happened in Salem. It's not what we've been told. Masonry almost destroyed his family. Repentance saved his son. Exposes Masonry as Luciferian. Simple gospel for kids. Sam dared to accept Jesus. Is Mr. Hill brave enough to do the same?
Learn of rock’s ancient Druid origins, its occult connections, its dangers, and why it should have no place in a Christian’s life. Includes background information on Halloween. An Indian boy pays a high price for his fascination with the occult. But the Crusaders cast out a demon and lead the boy and his family to Jesus. When Jody gets more than she bargained for in the occult, she learns that Jesus loves her and is the only One who can help her. Satan, as an ''angel of light,'' is turning men from God through idolatry, false religions, politics and secret societies. The danger of white witchcraft exposed! Written by a former high priest of witchcraft with his own coven, this book reveals that Wicca, goddess and nature worship, is just a clever satanic trap designed to lure people into actual Satan worship. Click on the link at the bottom of the page to read two chapter excerpts.

Drugs and Alcohol
His family ruined, Daddy turns to booze. But he becomes a new man through Christ. Satan's Hunter targets high school kids to destroy them with drugs. ''You're gonna love these drugs, kid. Trust me.'' But this youngster pays a terrible price before he learns that Jesus is the only One he can really trust. A party girl learns of Satan's plans to destroy her. Harry would rather have his daughter be a drunk than a Christian. But things didn't turn out the way he expected. An emotional story with a positive ending. Let God deliver you from alcohol before it hurts you. An anti-liquor salvation message. When his son became deathly ill, Juan turned from drinking and gambling to serve Christ.

A professor thought we came from monkeys until a student proved evolution was a lie. Humorous, yet powerful! Students love it. See what happened to the dinosaurs and what will happen to you if you reject Jesus! Since evolution says there is no God, anything goes, right? But you still have an appointment with Him. How did we get here? It all started in a garden.
Denounces the errors of the theory of evolution. This story proves evolution is impossible. Connelly says he is convinced but keeps producing evolution films. You will learn why. The Crusaders learn about the history of Noah’s Ark and of recent sightings.

Lance didn't fear death until he committed suicide and learned of his eternal fate: Suicides do NOT go to heaven! Rejected by his family, unemployed and with no one to turn to, Jimmy was ready for suicide. But then he met the One who truly loves him. Rahab was saved because she trusted the Lord. He will save you too, if you will call upon him. A simple and touching story, told only in pictures, about an abused boy who got saved. Joy was alone, with no one to care. But God had other plans. Suicide at a foster home: Ralph hated them for what they did, but he had to learn to forgive, and be forgiven, before he could be free. (Shows the great love Jesus has for people that were abused as children—physical, sexual, etc.—and that forgiveness stops the nightmares and hate.) Through the beautiful story of Ruth, we learn that we are all ''outsiders,'' in need of a Redeemer. Financial pressures, world tension, crime...the world has gone mad! Only Jesus can give you peace! (To keep your sanity, rely on Christ.) Queen ''Don't Try Suicide'' with lyrics. Alice Cooper ''Hey Stoopid.'' An anti-suicide message with lyrics. Peter Gabriel duets with Kate Bush ''Don't Give Up.'' Wilson Phillips ''Hold On.'' Kix ''Don't Close Your Eyes'' with lyrics.
Thinking that no one loves her, Marsha attempts suicide. Rescued by the Crusaders, she learns that Jesus loves her and has a precious gift of love and life.

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The Canadian distributor of Chick literature (tracts, books and videos) is Christ The Way.

Spirits of the Dead, do they speak and hear? Explains the state of the dead and that ghosts are actually devils (fallen angels) pretending to be the souls of the dead. An explanation of the ''absent from the body'' scripture to debunk misinterpretations of the ''immortal soul'' heresy and occultic out-of-body experiences. The Whore of Babylon--Rome. The Beast 666, endtime prophecies. How to identify the true church. Debunks the popular doctrine among sincere Christians regarding the rapture. Explains the correct interpretation of the PARABLE of the rich man and Lazarus communicating after death. Explains the truth about hellfire. Compares the Old and New Covenants and their effects on the Sabbath day. Explains how Catholicism came from ancient paganism. Denounces the errors of the theory of evolution. A great explanation of ancient prophecies of world empires, the papacy, the U.S., and endtime events. Shows how to calculate the number of the Beast. Recommended! A brief booklet on living the Christian life.

An easy-to-understand, quick, illustrated lesson on: The state of the dead/ghosts, denouncing the ''immortal soul'' myth, and spiritualism, i.e., the dangerous practice of communicating with the spirit world of devils (fallen angels loyal to Satan) impersonating the dead. An easy-to-understand, quick, illustrated lesson on: The difference between a true and false prophet, and the satanic power behind the occult, spiritualists and prognosticators. An easy-to-understand, quick, illustrated lesson on: The truth about hell. Not what most people have always believed. An easy-to-understand, quick, illustrated lesson on: The prophecies of world empires, the papacy, and the change of sabbath from the Christian Saturday to the pagan/papal Sunday. An easy-to-understand, quick, illustrated lesson on: The prophecies of world empires and the rise to power of the papacy. An easy-to-understand, quick, illustrated lesson on: The harlot ''church'' of Rome, endtime prophecies and the conflict between God's truth and Satan's deceptions. An easy-to-understand, quick, illustrated lesson on: The rise to power of America and its role in endtime deceptions. An easy-to-understand, quick, illustrated lesson on: The origin, fall and ultimate destruction of Satan. The truth about ghosts. What happens when you die?

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