See the struggle through the ages to keep God’s Word pure—including the Vatican's hatred of the Bible and its desperate efforts to destroy it and anyone who publishes it—and learn which Bible can be trusted . . . and why!

Exposes Rome's behind-the-scenes attempts to sabotage the King James Bible and shows how God preserved it.      A simple Bible reading plan that will help build faith.      The Bible has two histories. One is of God preserving His words through His people. The other is of the devil using Roman Catholic ''scholars'' to pervert God’s words and give us corrupt modern Bibles. (Sample excerpt in cartoon form.)      David W. Daniels answers difficult questions about the KJV. Learn how to defend the KJV and why you can trust it.      Reading much like a novel, this book tells the story behind the King James Bible and the attempts to stop it through intrigue, slander and attempted murder of the King.      What does the NIV have against Jesus? Is your Bible missing important verses and doctrines? If it is the New International Version there's a lot missing!      How a Babylonian goddess became the Catholic ''Virgin Mary.'' An easy-to-read history of Catholicism's Babylonian origin. A sample excerpt in cartoon form.      The original work by Alexander Hislop that shows the Babylonian origin of many Catholic teachings. Heavy scholarly reading.      This beautifully written classic work shows how French Canadian priest Charles Chiniquy began to question the teachings of his ''church'' until he became saved and led his entire parish to salvation.      A Lamp in the Dark is an exciting documentary that unfolds the fascinating ''untold'' history of the Bible, revealing critical information often overlooked in modern histories: Rome's persecution of Bible translators through the deadly Inquisition in an attempt to silence and outlaw the Book which exposed her unbiblical doctrines.      Written by a former Catholic, this book quotes 37 main Catholic doctrines from the 1994 Catechism of the Catholic Church, then compares each one with the King James Bible. Every time, Catholic doctrine contradicts the Word of God. As a reference tool, this book will help you quickly find any Catholic doctrine, and Scriptures that refute it.      A gentle witness you can give Catholics that deals with venerating images, purgatory, where popes go when they die, and more. ''New Age Bible Versions'' is THE all-time, international best selling book, proving the perfection of the King James Bible and demonstrating the corruption of all modern versions. G.A. Riplinger objectively and methodically documents the hidden alliance between new versions and the New Age Movement's One World Religion. If you only read one book on the version issue, THIS IS THE BOOK!  It is so powerful—the devil despises it.

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