Art Program
Fifth and sixth graders have art for one semester under the direction of Ms. Wright. Students come to the art room (Room 106) twice a week for twenty weeks. Classes are 43 minutes in length. A variety of media, materials and techniques are presented. These may include drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, two-dimensional design, architecture and textiles. Students learn to use art vocabulary and appreciate artists and art styles through lesson correlation, activities, computer games and videos. Critical thinking skills, assessment techniques and interdisciplinary connections are learned. The Massachusetts Visual Arts Curriculum Frameworks Standards are used in the design and presentation of all art lessons. Students receive a Satisfactory or Needs Improvement as a report card grade, as well as a grade in Effort and Conduct. All artwork is kept in a student's designed portfolio until the end of the semester.
A Note for Parents
Parents have a great role in the success of their child's Middle School art experience. Interest, discussions, positive feedback and encouragement help your child's performance and effort not only in art, but all subjects. Consistent attendance by your child fosters the sequential learning process needed in such a hands on subject. The arts are not a frill but a CORE academic subject not only designated by the state of Massachusetts, but also by the federal government in its NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND law. In many national studies, it has been shown that by studying the arts, students receive higher grades in math and science; score higher on standardized tests, including the SAT's; have better attendance records and are more active in community affairs. To learn more about the value of the arts in the education of your child, visit the "Cool Art Sites" page.