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Zeldaclassix.bmp (24166 bytes)    Seiken3-Elemental-Jinn.gif (17261 bytes)

smog.bmp (614 bytes)Home

octogon.bmp (798 bytes)Tiles

manhandla.bmp (918 bytes)Maps

medlock.bmp (630 bytes)Contacts

 gomha.bmp (694 bytes)   ?

Ramorock.bmp (2614 bytes)JoM 





    With this site up all updates will be here. Zeldaclassix will be more than Octorok Lake ever was. One thing this site shall include is maps of the dungeons from a bunch of the Zelda games for inspiration to those who need new dungeon Ideas or are lost in the game. As of now I have the  contacts page moved ,few of the new pages up and some of the tiles moved.By the next update all my tiles will me up with some new ones. Also I have an all new button set using some pics I found on a different site. Hope you like the new look!( I would like comments about the backround a lot.)
