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Chapter 1

"Serena, are you alright?" Darien startled me.

"Yeah." I answered absentmindedly. The truth was that I was just plain horrible. I wasn't sure why, it was a beautiful day. Darien and I were out walking enjoying the cool September weather. I wasn't sure why I was so depressed. I just was.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Darien asked me once again. We stopped walking. I turned and stared up into his deep blue eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine." I told him sincerely.

"Alright. You just look so down." He leaned down and kissed me. His soft lips gently corressing mine.

"What a great guy." I thought. I pulled away and started walking again. Darien eventually caught up with me. I grabbed his hand and walked on, only to be stopped. Darien had stopped walking. I turned to face him. I admired his fatique. His black hair shining in the sun. His dark eyes full of concern.

"Serena....are you sure your not upset? Because if you are I want you to tell me so I can..." I put a finger to his lips.

"Darien my love I'm fine. Quit worrying and kiss me." I cried out. He smiled as I took his face in my hands, I pulled him down and kissed him. I let the kiss linger. The sweetness was too great. Darien pulled away. I opened my eyes to see him running down the street.

"Why on earth did he do that?"
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Sailor Moon is © Copyright 1992 by Naoko Takeuchi and many companies including Toei Animation, Bandai, Kodansha, and DIC.

DISCLAIMER: The things on this site are not mine or any of the people who interact with it. It belongs to many companies and Naoko Takeuchi. I and the visiters of this site are only fans who enjoy showing they enjoy and are proud of Sailor Moon. I do not want to be sued, this only a fan page. If you feel that there is something that absolutly should be removed for copyright reasons or of other sort e-mail me at