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Chapter 2

"I'm sorry Serena." I murmured.

I kept running. I don't know why but I knew I had to. I love Serena so much but I....oh I don't know why I ran I slowed down to a walk. Serena is probably the most beautiful person I've ever met with her long flowing golden hair, and playful blue eyes. Not to mention being my goddess and Moon Princess. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small red box. I opened it and stared at the ring inside. I looked at the engagement ring thoughtfully. I bought it for Serena last night. I guess I ran because I was afraid. Afraid of rejection is more like it. I mean she's only 16. I love her to much I don't want to lose her. I finally reached my apartment. I went to unlock my door, absentmindedly turning the key. I headed into my lonely apartment. Plopping down on the couch I flipped on my T.V.

"The Super Heroines win another battle. Sailor Moon and the scouts kick...."I flipped it off. I didn't want to hear about Serena. I just abandoned her.

"Serena...Oh Serena..."

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Sailor Moon is © Copyright 1992 by Naoko Takeuchi and many companies including Toei Animation, Bandai, Kodansha, and DIC.

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