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Murder In Tokyo
by: Meghann


The rain poured down on the small town house. The thunder cracked sending shivers down the girl's spine. This night brought back to many memories. She couldn't help but think what might have been. What if it hadn't happened? What if he was still alive? The phone rang and she jumped.

"Hello?" she asked as she picked it up. No one answered.

"Hello?" she was a little bit more frightened.

"I killed him. Your next." She slammed down the phone. 'What do I do?' She picked up the phone and called 911.

"911 emergency. How may I help you? " The operator answered cheerfully.

"Help! I live at 411 33rd Ave 53rd St and I need your help! I got a call from a guy and he threatened to kill me!" She started to cry. This had happened before.

"Stay on the line some one is on their way." She calmed down slightly. BANG! She jumped. Someone was upstairs.

"Help they are in my house! Hurry!!!"

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