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Murder In Tokyo
by: Meghann

Chapter 1

"Darien! Oh Darien!"

Serena ran towards him in gulping him in a large hug.

"Hey Darien. How are you?" She smiled and gently kissed him. She giggled.

"I'm great. How about you?" He smiled slightly and kissed her back.

"I'm all right. At least now that you're here." This caused Darien to laugh.

"What's so funny?" She asked, hurt showed on her face.

"Oh I'm sorry. It's just what you said was so corny." Serena's face twisted up in hurt and anger.

"Well I didn't know that my being happy to see you was so corny." Darien's stomach dropped.

"Oh Serena I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." He touched her hand gently. She jerked it away from him.

"Well you did." He frowned. He hated making her mad. He had almost lost her that way many times before.

"Serena I'm sorry. That was wrong of me. Please accept my apology." A smile played on the girl's dainty lips.

"Don't I always?" She turned around and hugged him.

"Don't scare me like that!" He smiled though and lifted her up and swung her around. Serena shrieked in pure enjoyment. This was the guy of her dreams. Darien had similar thoughts in his mind. He looked at the young girl in his arms. 'She is perfect in every way'. He chuckled at how corny he now sounded. He set Serena down and grabbed her hand as they started to walk. Serena was on her way to study sessions. She absolutely despised these, and was glad to have Darien's company as she went. She knew, however, as soon as she got there the fun would end and she would be forced to study. She let out a sigh and looked at Darien.

"What's wrong baby?" His face filled with concern.

"Oh I was just thinking about how boring study session is going to be tonight." She giggled. Darein's face relaxed and he smiled at her.

"Well you don't have to go." She looked up at him in surprise. Darien had always pushed her to study and get good grades, which never happened. So why would he encourage her to ditch tonight?

"What's the look for?"

Snapping out of her thoughts she answered, "What look?" Darien cocked his head sideways and looked her over.

"That look. You look like you were hit by a meteor or something." She laughed. "Oh that look. It's just that you are actually encouraging me to skip a study session!" She smiled.

"I just want to spend more time with you." He leaned down and kissed her forehead gently. She blushed. She was flattered.

"I want to spend more time with you too babe. I love you so much." She looked up at him and smiled a broad smile. He grabbed her hand and started to walk towards the temple.

"I think we should tell the girls first baby." She nodded and they walked hand in hand towards the waiting temple.

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