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Murder In Tokyo
by: Meghann

Chapter 2

"You're late Serena!"

A girl with long black hair and purple eyes shouted as Serena entered the temple.

"Oh shut up Raye!" Serena shouted back. Darien rolled his eyes.

"Serena you're supposed to be here on time! And you're late! Why don't..." Raye stopped short as Darien entered the temple.

"Darien hi!" She giggled and hugged him tightly. He flinched but politely hugged her back. He watched as Serena started to get jealous.

"Raye hands off!" Serena yelled. Darien smothered a laugh. 'She is so cute when she's angry.' He smiled. Serena cocked her head sideways and gave him a quizzical look.

'What's he laughing about?"

"I wasn't laughing at you Serena." He answered as if he had read her thoughts. She smiled and nodded. She then turned back towards Raye.

"I'm not staying Raye." The priestess' temper began to flare.

"Serena that is so irresponsible! How could you? Do you want to fail your exams?" Serena groped for an answer. Darien sensed her incapability to answer Raye with a suitable reason.

"I want her to." He spoke up. Raye shut-up quickly.

"What?" Her face was clearly readable. They both new she was disgusted but more then that she was shocked.

" I want to take Serena out tonight, It's a special occasion." Serena looked at him. 'What is he talking about?' Raye smiled as if she had read his thoughts. Serena was thoroughly puzzled. 'What does she know?' Serena pondered this oblivious to what was going on around her. A man saying her voice awakened her from her thoughts.

"What?" Raye laughed. "Flaky aren't we Serena?" Serena shot her an angry look. She was about to say something but was stopped. Soft lips touched her own. She smirked and brushed her thoughts away.

"All right I get the point." She murmured after Darien's and her own lips had parted.

"So you ready to go?" Serena smiled and nodded her head.

"All right then. See you guys later!" They waved to the others and walked down the long steps and onward to do whatever it was Darien had in mind.

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