Name: Tenoh Haruka AKA Amarah
Sailor Senshi: Sailor Uranus
Age: 16
Birthday: January 27
Sign: Aquarius
Hobbies: Racing
Likes: Racing, playing piano, running
Favorite Subject: Physical Education
Least Favorite Subject: Modern Japanese
Favorite Food: Salad
Least Favorite Food: Natto
There are many different characteristics to all the the Sailor Senshi. Still, of them all one that stands out as the most recignizeable has to be Amarah (Haruka), Sailor Uranus. Her actions can leave your mouth hanging in surprise.
Until the SuperS first appeared in the U.S. there were quite a few Sailor Moon fans that knew very little of Amarah, but that is no longer so.
Amarah has the ability to excel in just about anything, from running to dirt biking. The answer to this lies with her past in a way. She was always trying to run from it, not matter how she did it. Finally it caught up with her. At first Amarah refused to except it, but she finally gave in and took Michelle (Sailor Neptune) as a VERY close friend and partner. Over time her and her partner work together to discover the Princess who will save the world and control the powers of the Purity Chalice.
it is difficult for Amarah to juggle a life were sweet emotional Serena "messes" things up. To Amarah it is best not to show feeling for it is a weakness. Amarah tries best to be her normal self. By appearing out of nowhere and wearing guys clothes.
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