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Name: Serena
Sailor Senshi: Sailor Moon
Age: 14
Birthday: June 30th
Sign: Cancer
Hobbies: Shopping and video games
Likes: Junk food, video games, and comics
Dislikes: Pop quizzes and school
Favorite Subject: Home Economics
Least Favorite Subject: Math
Favorite Food: Ice Cream and Junk Food
Least Favorite Food: Carrots
It's surprising that Serena is the leader of the Sailor Senshi, yet she's also the biggest cry baby and chicken. Still when it comes down to a battle she always there help protect others and her friends.

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Sailor Moon is © Copyright 1992 by Naoko Takeuchi and many companies including Toei Animation, Bandai, Kodansha, and DIC.

DISCLAIMER: The things on this site are not mine or any of the people who interact with it. It belongs to many companies and Naoko Takeuchi. I and the visiters of this site are only fans who enjoy showing they enjoy and are proud of Sailor Moon. I do not want to be sued, this only a fan page. If you feel that there is something that absolutly should be removed for copyright reasons or of other sort e-mail me at