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Thunder Results 8/19/99

• Psychosis and Silver King went to a No-Contest.
- Psychosis mainly dominated the match. As he went for a top rope maneuver, Sid Vicious ran in, caught Psychosis as he came down from the top for a Powerbomb. Silver King also received the Powerbomb. Sid said people had been asking him, "Why this devistation?" He talked about being The Millennium Man and taunted Goldberg, as the crowd booed him.

• Shane Douglas defeated Al Greene with the Pittsburgh Plunge.
- Shane Douglas came out to Dean Malenko's entrance music. Al Greene got in some shots, but after Douglas hit him in the guy, he took the win with the Pittsburgh Plunge.

• Rick Steiner Interview, Conducted by Gene Okerlund.
- Gene Okerlund said The Revolution wanted a shot a Rick Steiner and his Television Title. Steiner said if The Revoluation was scared to come out by themselves, then to come out with their moms holding their hands. Steiner said he would beat them one by one, and their there mothers. He said there was no one that could out wrestle him. He said he would go to the ring at anytime to take on any of them later in the show.

• A vignette was shown of Coach "Buzz" Stern (Glacier), who was basically really harshed on his students.

• Steve Regal, Dave Taylor, and Chris Adams vs. Bobby Blaze, Dave Burkhead, and Adryan Byrd esulted in a No-Contest.
- The British team was able to use the British Flagpole to their advantage. As their domination continued, Sid Vicious and Rick Steiner made their ways out. They destroyed Bobby Blaze, Dave Burkhead, and Adryan Byrd with powerbombs and belly-to-belly suplexes. Sid said he needed Steiner with him because it just wasn't fun to destroy people by himself. Sid had Charles Robinson made two pinfalls, so he could build up his winning streak. He said Goldberg was next. Steiner pointed to Blaze, Burkhead, and Byrd, who were all powerbombed, and said, "That's Hogan, that's Goldberg, and that's Sting."

• Revolution Interview.
- Shane Douglas said asked the crowd if they agreed with The Revolution that it was time for a change in WCW. The crowd agreed. Douglas said after three weeks of The Revolution being together, people were shaking in their boots. Douglas called Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, and Perry Saturn the real deals. Saturn said if Rick Steiner wanted to throw a challenge around, The Revolution wouldn't back out of it. Saturn basically accepted the challenge and said he wouldn't bite Steiner, but beat him.

• Lenny (w/Lodi) defeated Rey Mysterio, Jr. via Pinfall, to capture the Cruiserweight Title.
- Lenny told Rey Mysterio, Jr., "Well, hello there." Mysterio said Lenny had been crying about getting another Cruiserweight Title shot, so he would get it. Mysterio told Lenny to tell his boyfriend, Lodi, to go down the hersey highway to the bunny farm. The referee made Lodi head to the backstage area. Lenny Lane dominated, until Mysterio low-blowed him after a top rope maneuver. Lenny bumped into referee, Johnny Boone, so Boone started shaking around, basically indicating he couldn't stand to be touched by Lenny. Lodi then made his way back down, but Lenny ended up accidently knocking him out of the ring. Out of nowhere, Lenny made the pinfall, after Mysterio bumped into the head of Lodi. Eddie Guerrero and Kidman made their ways down to argue about Lenny's victory.

• Harlem Heat defeated Scott Norton and Horace with Booker T.'s Missle Dropkick, to retain the Tag Team Titles.
- Scott Norton and Horace mainly worked on Booker T. to their advantage. Booker later made his way to his brother, Stevie Ray, who started to clean house. As the match went on, Horace had the pinfall on Ray, but the referee was distracted. As Horace took Ray to the ropes, out of nowhere, Booker nailed Horace with the Missle Dropkick.

• First Family Interview, Conducted by Gene Okerlund.
- Gene Okerlund said it was their time. Jimmy Hart said he heard The Revolution the same thing, but they had to go through the present first, which was The First Family. He said they had one goal, and that was to take the Tag Team Titles away from Harlem Heat. Jerry Flynn said The First Family didn't know any introduction, and if people didn't know who they were, they soon would. Hugh Morrus said he saw Harlem Heat win the titles, who had split up before, but said The First Family never did and never will. Morrus issued at the challenge to Harlem Heat. The Barbarian said, "We will eat their lunch." Brian Knobs announced the Tag Team Title match would take place the following Thursday on Thunder.

• Perry Saturn defeated Rick Steiner by Disqualification, to let Steiner retian the Television Title.
- As the match went on, with Perry Saturn dominating, Sid Vicious ran down and knocked Saturn off the top rope. The referee called for the bell. As Sid and Rick Steiner attacked Saturn, Chris Benoit made his way down to scare them out of the ring. Benoit said The Revolution was about to take over the dog pound. Benoit then issued a challenge for tag team match of he and Steiner vs. Sid and Steiner for the following week's show. Sid and Steiner accepted, and went at it with Benoit and Saturn just for a bit, before they made their ways back. Both sides continue to taunt each other, as the show went off the air.

Thunder Results 8/12/99

• Rick Steiner defeated Spyder with an Arm-Bar submission, to retain the Television Title.
- Before the match, Rick Steiner insulted and taunted Goldberg about their upcoming Television Title match at the Road Wild PPV. Steiner dominated Spyder, using an exposed concrete floor and cable to his advantage. At one point, Steiner kicked a crew member on the outside of the ring. He strapped Spyder in an Arm-Bar submission for the win.

• Backstage, Brian Knobs, along with Jimmy Hart, talked about the Kevin Nash vs. Hulk Hogan Heavyweight Title, Career vs. Career match at the Road Wild PPV. Knobs said it would be wild. We would hear comments from other WCW superstars on the match throughout the show.

• In a Handicap Match, Sid Vicious defeated Disordely Conduct with Powerbombs. Following the match, Sid taunted Goldberg and talked about being The Millennium Man.

• Booker T. talked about the Hulk Hogan vs. Kevin Nash match. Booker said it was hard to decide how the match was going to go because of Hogan.

• Shane Douglas and Dean Malenko defeated Barry Windham and Bobby Duncum, Jr. (w/Kendall Windham, Curt Hennig) with Douglas' Pittsburgh Plunge.
- As the match went on, Kendall Windham tried to use a cowbell, but was knocked to the outside. Kendall later handed Bobby Duncum, Jr. the cowbell to use on Shane Douglas, but Douglas countered with the Pittsburgh Pluge for the win. Curt Hennig and Kendall tried to make the save before the three count, but were unsuccessful. The West Texas Rednecks all attacked Douglas and Malenko after the match. Perry Saturn ran-in to make the save, but was outnumbered.

• Diamond Dallas Page when he first looks at Kevin Nash and Hulk Hogan, it's a big deal. He said we'll find out in Sturgis who would win.

• A Berlyn vignette aired.

• Randy Savage and Evan Karagis went to a No-Contest.
- Before the match, Randy Savage teased the crowd about the hummer driver. Evan Karagias said he had been watching Savage for months, but didn't understand him, since he (Savage) was a legend. Savage said there would be a Miss Madness 2000 contest and if Karagias wanted Mona to be in it, she would. Karagias said Savage could beat Dennis Rodman. Savage then asked Karagias to shake his hand, but Savage ended up attacking him to get the match underway. As the match went on, Mona made her way down to cheer on Karagias. Savage attempted to use her as a shield at one point, but Mona ended up moving out of the way when Karagias dived on Savage. Savage hit the Big Elbow, but didn't pin him. Savage took his belt off, whipped Karagias with it, and went for another Big Elbow. Mona got in the ring and tried to convince Savage not to execute the maneuver, but Savage went ahead and executed the maneuver. Savage then went after Mona, who tripped. Referee, Johnny Boone jumped on the back of Savage and started to punch him. Boone was knocked down and received a piledriver. Savage then nailed Karagias with another Big Elbow and made his own pin.

• The show also consisted of past Nitro and Thunder Highlights.

Thunder Results 8/5/99

Opens with a recap of the tag match main event from Nitro, including some off-the-air footage of Sting and Goldberg helping Hogan up from Nash's Powerbomb.

Tenay hypes Road Wild, says Goldberg will wrestle tonight, DDP will lock up again with the Crippler. Before we can even get to a commercial, we get our first match...

Match 1: Gentleman Chris Adams vs. Prince Iaukea
The match opens without the announcers even acknowledging that people are wrestling inside the ring. Mike Tenay eventually gets down to the action, as Adams throws Iaukea out of the ring. About two minutes into the match Sid comes down the ramp and meets Chris Adams alone in the ring who is quickly decimated by a huge Powerbomb. Iaukea comes off the top only to be caught by Sid and then Chokeslams Iaukea which is quickly followed up with another Powerbomb. At this point he is met with Goldberg chants. Sid then grabs the mic and says that in the year 2000 you won't remember Hogan, Sting, or Goldberg because if he has to he will come out and make victims out of as many wrestlers as it takes. Tenay quickly hypes Sid's match at the PPV and claims that he is the millennium man (Sound familiar?).
Winner: No Contest

Match 2: Hotty Scotty Riggs vs. Buff Bagwell
Tenay and Zbysko talk about the American Males tag team which included Riggs and Bagwell and how they eventually parted ways. Bagwell gets on the mike and says that the American Males thing is done and so is Riggs. Bagwell takes Riggs mirror and looks at himself, Riggs goes for the cheap shot but misses and Bagwell takes control of the match. Bagwell follows Riggs out of the ring but upon his return is met with several kicks to the stomach. Bagwell quickly takes control with a dropkick and swinging neckbreaker. Riggs hits Bagwell with the mirror in the throat and follows up with a few elbows and a drop kick. Riggs works on the neck of Bagwell and applies a reverse chin lock. Buff mounts a comeback with elbows to the stomach and then both men attempt clotheslines and go down hard. Buff gets up and hits Riggs with 2 clotheslines and gets a quick 2 count. Riggs catches Bagwell on the top rope and attempts a Superplex but is knocked off and hit with the "Buff Blockbuster" for the 3 count.
Winner: Buff Bagwell

A nifty little video package highlights the history of Harlem Heat, leading up to their run for an 8threign as tag champs coming soon at Road Wild

Highlights of DDP on The Late Late Show last night are shown, where he states that he and Benoit are going to, as he eloquently puts it, "Knock the hell out of each other" at Road Wild.

Match 3: Kidman vs. Eddie Guerrero
Guerrero takes control at the beginning of the match but is pushed of the top rope while going for the Superplex. Kidman ends up on the ring apron and hits Guerrero with a cross body block over the ropes. As they come back from the commercial Eddie has Kidman in the Swinging Gory Special? Kidman then reverses a Powerbomb into a Facebuster. As he climbs the top rope Eddie stops him and hits him with a Superplex. Eddie gets a two count off of a Tilt-a-whirl slam. Kidman meets him with a Hurricanrana over the top onto the floor. Both men are down as Vampiro comes down and hits Eddie with a running clothesline and then a "Vamprio Spike". Kidman goes up for the "Shooting Star Press" but hits Vampiro instead with a cross body. Both Eddie and Kidman team up on Vampiro who then gets nailed from behind by Rey Mysterio, Jr. As Kidman and Mysterio hold down Vampiro Eddie hits the Frog Splash. Great match ending in a no contest.
Winner: No Contest

Match 4: BA & Swoll w/4x4 vs Lenny and Lodi
B.A. takes the advantage quickly with a headlock as Lenny quickly makes the tag. B.A. tags in Swoll and levels Lenny and Lodi with a clothesline. B.A. hits Lenny with a blow to the arm off the second rope. Lodi grabs the ankle of B.A. and is met with a leg drop. Lodi chokes B.A. as the referee tries to keep Swoll out of the ring. Lodi is then tagged in and gets a quick 2 count. Lenny goes for a lariat but B.A. ducks and Lenny hits Lodi by accident. Swoll is then tagged in and dominates Lenny and Lodi and hits a corner lariat on both of them. Swoll throws Lodi over the top rope and propels B.A. into Lenny who then hits Lenny with a clothesline. As Lenny gets up Swoll hits him with a heart punch for the 3 count.
Winners: The No Limit Soldiers

Video package of Nash and Hogan that aired on Nitro is re-shown. Thunder Report brought to you by and Matthew Cox. Someone else will probably copy it and post it as their own.

Match 5: Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Booker T.
They circle the ring as they feel each other out. They lock up and Bigelow scoops up Booker T. for a slam. Booker T. gets up and locks Bigelow with a series of arm and head locks. Bigelow knocks him down but is caught with a dropkick. Bigelow rolls to the outside as they go to a commercial. As they come back from the commercial Bigelow has Booker T. in a reverse chin lock. Booker T. gets up and hits Bigelow with a kick to the head. Bigelow runs up for a powerslam and gets a quick 2 count. Booker T. gets an Ax kick off followed up by a spine buster. As he climbs to the top Page enters the ring, knocks Booker T. of the ropes and hits T with the Diamond Cutter. David Flair comes out with a can of spray paint and Page paints the triad symbol on Booker T. but Stevie Ray comes out to make the save but is cut down from behind and also painted with the triad symbol.
Winner: Booker T by DQ

Mean Gene interview's Macho Man Randy Savage with Gorgeous George Macho Man came out alone, I guess she is still in "safe keeping". He talked about his match with Rodman at Road Wild and guaranteed that he is a basketball player and will be an ex-wrestler. Macho said that he had 4 surprises for Nitro:
1. He will talk about his feelings of Sid being with Nash
2. Something about him talking to the president of something.
3. Miss Madness 2000 contest
4. George is going to Sturgis and has a body guard for her that is also the driver of the Hummer.

Highlights of DDP on Hollywood Squares are shown.

Match 6: Diamond Dallas Page w/Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Chris Benoit
DDP is bad mouthing Benoit's mother as Benoit runs to the ring and attacks them from behind. He then clotheslines Benoit over the top rope and hits DDP and Bigelow with a flying cross body. Benoit stays in control until he is distracted by Bigelow and hit by a Double Ax Handle off of the ring apron. He then gets a quick 2 count after a Powerbomb by Page. After another 2 count he puts the Abdominal Strech on only to have it reversed by Benoit. After an exchange of kicks and punches Benoit holds on for a German Suplex and after the 2 count another German Suplex. David Flair then comes out but is decked with one punch from Benoit. He hits the diving headbutt but Page blocks his head with the belt and gets the 3 count.
Winner: Diamond Dallas Page

Match 7: Bill Goldberg vs. Flyboy Rocco Rock w/ Johnny Grunge
Goldberg hits him with a press slam and then levels Grunge. Rock tries to mount some offense but obviously has no chance. Grunge passes a chair to Rock and Rock then hits Goldberg with the chair. As they double team him the referee gets back up. Public Enemy stacks the table in the corner but get double speared through the table. Then Jack Hammers Rock and gets the 3 count.(Sign: Taz could kill you!)
Winner: Goldberg


Thunder Results 7/29/99

Announcers-Mike Tenay and Larry Zybiszko
Taped from Moline, IL

-NWO/Hulk Hogan vignette was shown

Ernest Miller vs. Barry Darsow
-Miller started off by cutting a promo, the usual stuff about challenging the crowd and that he was going to whip some butt. He then said that he would beat whoever his opponent was in less than 5 minutes. The match went back and forth as Darsow dominated more than not. Ernest Miller got the pinfall victory at 4:33 with a sidekick while wearing his dancing shoes.
Winner: Ernest Miller via pinfall

-The showed a Goldberg vignette that had the Megadeth song, "Crush Em" playing.

-Show clips from Monday of Randy Savage and the problems he is having with Miss Madness, Madusa, and Dennis Rodman.

Erik Watts vs. Buff Bagwell
-The match played around the idea that Bagwell was cooler than Watts and it was mostly stalling for the most part. The match had back and forth action with Bagwell playing the major face, as Watts kept getting control but would lose it for not taking advantage of the situation. The match went about 10 minutes until Ernest Miller interfered and hit Watts by mistake with a elbow drop that was ment for Bagwell. Bagwell then chased him off.
Winner: Erik Watts by DQ

-They showed the Curt Henning vs. Bill Goldberg match in its entirety from Nitro.

Booker T vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
-Triad started off by cutting a promo that made fun of Booker T and his family. The match was about 10 minutes and was a back and forth bout. Both guys were able to nail signature moves and nothing spectacular occurred. Booker T at the end looked to have the win when the Triad interfered. The ref called for the DQ when Stevie Ray came down to make the save. Booker T told him to remove the NWO shirt, which he did as the two brothers re-united.
Winner: Booker T via DQ

-They showed the Nitro angles and entire main event of Hogan/Sting vs. Nash/Sid

Ric Flair/DDP/Kanyon vs. Malenko/Benoit/Saturn
-The match broke down early as everyone was brawling in the ring. After a few minutes, the match became the standard 6 man tag match the face team dominated early but soon the heel team dominated Saturn and would not allow him to make a tag for a extended period of time. After having one tag called off, Saturn made the hot tag to Benoit who cleaned house and then the match broke down again as Benoit nailed a diving headbutt but Flair punched him with brass knuckles to get the pinfall victory.
Winner: Flair/DDP/Kanyon via pinfall

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