Weapon Info
This is the section of this page where you can find out what everything is, Starting with the Difference between Clan and Inner Sphere: The Star League was first, when it was lost only Comstar and the Houses or Successor States were left. The Inner Sphere fought amongst itself and was weakened. Comstar tried to stop the war but couldn't, Then the Clans came, and had the Inner Sphere on the brink of total destruction until Comstar got in their way. Comstar and with the new united Inner Sphere, fought back and destroyed Clan Smoke Jaguar, Scaring all the other clans.
Here is descriptions of what everything is:
Extended Range Lasers (ER): The extended range laser is an upgraded version of the basic IS laser with improvements that are obvious in it's superior beam focusing and targeting equipment. ER laser models are small, medium and large versions.
Extended Range Particle Projection Cannon (ER PPC): The Particle Projection Cannon (PPC) fires high energy ion bolts which cause damage through both the impact and high temperature. Extended Range PPC is a significantly improved version of the PPC. This PPC is smaller, lighter and more powerful than the basic version with it's longer range and harder punch. Heat buildup is also much higher and could be a critical disadvantage of employing this weapon.
Pulse Lasers The pulse laser uses a rapid cycling, high energy pulse to generate a lasting laser beam, creating an effect comparable to holding a flashlight. This characteristic improves each laser attack's hit probability with more firing time. They are available in small, medium and large versions.
Guass Rifle: The Guass Rifle uses a series of magnets to propel a projectile through it's barrel and towards a target. While requiring a great deal of power to operate, it generates very little heat and can achieve a muzzle velocity twice that of any conventional weapon. Guass rifle ammunition consists of nickel-ferrous metal slugs. If Guass ammunition takes a critical hit, there is no explosion, but the hit destroys the ammo-feed mechanism rendering the rest of the ammunition in that location useless. A critical hit on the Guass rifle itself destroys the capacitors that power this weapon. Such destruction causes a catastrophic discharge of the capacitors stored energy with results similar to an ammo explosion. If a Guass rifle takes a critical hit, it causes an ammunition explosion in the location containing the rifle.
LB-X Autocannon: The LB-X autocannon makes use of light, heat dissipating alloys to reduce weight and heat buildup. The reduced space and weight requirement of the LB-X autocannon allows this weapon to mount more sophisticated fire-control systems. In addition to these advantages, the LB-X can use special cluster munitions that act much like an anti-BattleMech shotgun in combat. When fired, the ammunition fragments into several smaller submunitions. This improves the chances of scoring a hit and striking a critical location, but reduces overall damage by spreading hits all over the target area rather than concentrating on one location. The 5X A/C causes five times as much damage as the common model, and the 20X causes 20 times more damage than the common model.
Machine Gun: The clan machine gun is a rapid-fire weapon. It is one of the lightest, yet powerful weapons a Battlemech can carry. The sheer volume of machine gun bullets which can be shot at close range increases the probability of scoring a hit, but does not cause severe damage to it's target.
Ultra Autocannon: The Ultra A/c features a short, smooth-bore barrel, a modified breech mechanism, a rapid-feed reloader and specially designed ammo. The AC/5 version, a multiple configuration possessed by the Clans, causes five times more damage than the common model. The Ultra AC/10 causes ten times the damage and more heat built up, while the largest version causes 20 times the damage.
Short-Range Missiles (SRM's): Short range missiles are specially designed to fie at close range. Although the SRM-2 missile fires only two missiles at once, it can cause more the damage of a missile in the long range missile group. The SRM-4 fires four missiles at once and the SRM-6 version delivers six missiles in one powerful shot.
Streak Short-Rnage Missiles (SSRM): These short-range missile launchers are linked to a computerized fire-control system which handles target acquisition. Once the computer obtains a target lock, the streak missile will automatically home in on it's target. The sure-hit SSRM-2 fires two missiles at once while the SSRM-4 blasts four missiles worth of fire power. The SSRM-6 does the most still, blowing out six stinging missiles of power.
Long-Range Missiles (LRM): The long-range missile is a specialized weapon designed to make contact with it's target at long range through the use of it's guidance system. It's indirect hits have been known to be as effective as it's direct hits due to area-effect explosions known as "splash damage". The LRM-5 sends off a five pack of missiles at once. The LRM-10 fires ten missiles per blast. The LRM-15 launches 15 per salvo and the LRM-20 tops all with a 20 missile shot that will send a mech reeling.
Anti-Missile System (AMS): This is basically a machine gun that fires at missiles instead of where the crosshairs of the mech are pointed. The pilot can't choose when to fire, the mech's onboard targeting system sets the ams firing whenever it detects missiles to be shot down. It is small and light but is very useful for larger slower mechs against smaller mech that use srm attacks while running around you.
Flamer: This weapon is most commonly used by scout mechs and rarely is there alot of them mounted on larger ones. Scout mech's make the best of this extremely short range weapon much better than bigger mechs. It can only shoot about 200 meters but it can set a mech on fire or cause and ammo explosion so it is a somewhat deadly weapon.
Special Items
- MASC (Myomer Acceleration Signal Circuitry) This makes a 'Mech run faster but if used too much will damage myomer(muscle in mech's legs)
- Supercharger Same as MASC but doesn't last as long
- CASE (Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment) This protects ammo from exploding when disturbed by heat buildup or direct hits to ammo stores
- Artemis Fire Control System (FCS) This system helps missiles to be more accurate when Fired
- TAG (Target Acquisition Gear) Extra Targeting Equipment)
- Active Probe (Clan) Detects Shutdown mechs so that you can get them before they get you
- Beagle Active Probe (IS) Upgrade from the normal Active Probe
- Bloodhound Active Probe (IS) The most advanced and best version of the Active Probe
- Electronic Counter Measure (ECM) Suite (Clan) This device jams enemy scanners to produce the opposite effect of the Active Probe, it let's you get close undetected(unless you have an Active Probe)
- Guardian ECM suite (IS) An upgrade to the original
- Angel ECM Suite (IS/Clan) This is the most advanced and best version of the ECM suite
- Anti Infantry Pod (A-Pod)(IS/Clan) This is mounted on a mech for when infantry or Elementals try to climb on a mech, these pods explode blowing them off (one time use)
- C3 Computer The C3 Computer allows a lance of 4 'Mechs to fight as one, using the range modifiers of
the 'Mech closest to the target. C3 lances are deadly in almost any situation. The C3 slave system is
light enough to be carried by any 'Mech with little modification. The master system, however, is
quite heavy and should be placed in a larger Combat, Support, or Assault 'Mech. The variation
possible within a C3 lance is unlimited, but there are a few general concepts that should be
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