the eminem show

the eminem show

i had a dream with eminem in it. what i can remember is as follows:
in a smallish venue, like a warehouse, in a larger context of a festival or fair of some sort where other musicians performed (one in particular in an outside venue was a group of really hardcore - leather and chains sort - that appeared to be primarily black). i was at the eminem show with some friends (friends in the dream, more like acquaintances in real life, from college; the dude i had a crush on, 'with' a cute little blond chick who is currently in super fancy law school - she's super cool, and one other female who i have no idea as to the identity of). It wasn't too crowded, and the show took place on the floor- such that it was more like eminem was in the center of the audience, and far more interactive with them. at some point, the random girl with us was giggling loudly (all of us were chuckling, though) and eminem drew the rest of the audiences' attention to it. part of the floor show also involved large props of a sexual nature - more like biological - kind of like the stuff from kiddy game shows where there's a catapult and a mitt of some kind to catch, only the implication (i think) was that sperm was being thrown at an ovum. in a very silly, glowing in blacklight kind of way. at some point, someone picked up eminem and ran him around the room. and someone who looked like anthony kedis got thrown from in front of an amp by the force of the sound waves. and meredith brooks (all leather and badass looking) was part of the show, and explained to me and my buds why she was there (musical diversity and she plain and simple wanted to see eminem rock out, wooooo. she was very excited about it). at some point during the show, too, eminem made out with little cute blond girl. why? i have no clue. and the dude she was 'with' was laughing the whole time.

the dream then migrated to a more normal apartment type place, with warm toned wood. but i don't remember what happened there.

oh, and i don't usually have a lot of sound in my dreams aside from the occasional conversation. the whole eminem concert was 'audible' - in particular the 'cleaning out my closet' song (oh, that was in the dream, too. eminem had a planner and was asking which song he should sing, then crossing it off the list. at one point he asked me but i sort of shrugged and said it didn't matter.

what the hell does that mean? any takers?

i figure it was probably just my subconscious way of intergrating a late night loud stereo into r.e.m. sleep, but i don't know if anyone in the apartment complex was actually playing it. seeing as i was asleep and all.

saves me the trouble of going to see eminem live, i suppose.

i'm listening to dEUS right now. i forgot how talented they were. i have three of their albums. they rock. good breakfast music.

i found out yesterday that the secretary just hired at my internship used to live in toronto and went to college there. so, needless to say i'm going to milk her for any contacts possible. although i really need to get on the women in film listserv; that's where the jobs are. expensive, but certainly worth it.

anyway, i've gotta get to work where they actually pay me. have a nice day.