i rule

i rule

happy things for me today!

first, i was wearing haiku lotion (an avon scent, acquired via katy ) and someone complimented me. this was a customer (significantly older than me, and male) and was said in such a way as to be meant truly in a kind way, not creepy and gross. he said i smelled good and it wasn't overpowering, but nice. that's the second time someone's complimented me on my aroma when i've been wearing haiku. obviously, i will be wearing it even more now ;) .

second, a (cute) guy who works at the starbucks next to my bookstore gave me a free muffin! i bought a chai and asked for a muffin. he asked what kind. i said i didn't really care. he asked if i liked pumpkin. i said no, not really. he said ok, and picked one out. then he said he wouldn't charge me because it might taste bad. heehee. i totally boasted about it, too. not in an obnoxious way. really more so people would (and did) ask 'why?' so i could say 'because i'm cute'. also, i got to jab m. a little, because he has received free beverages from them, but from a guy who thinks (or hopes, perhaps) that he's gay. so i get to say hee hee no one mistakes me for a homosexual - jealous? (not meant in any way to be derogatory to the homosexual community, because at least half my friends are gay or bi and i love them all).

and, to cap it all off, i got free pizza, because two of the dudes who work in receiving ordered a pizza and had two slices left, and offered me one. free supper!

my day ruled!

who needs zoloft when i smell good, and look good enought to get free food twice in one day?

moreover, katy called and we chatted and made plans for when i see her next week (!!!!). i am sooooooooooooo excited i can hardly stand it.