last night

last night

i had the best time last night. :)

after interning, i went to viola's b-day party. that girl parties hard. and i hadn't seen her in a while, so it was cool to hang out. a few kids from the shakespeare thing were there too, which was awesome, because i got to catch up with them (the chick who played horatio got a really adorable haircut). the other bonus is that viola tends to hang out with hot people, so everyone was looking nice. including the bartender/waiter who was not only hot but also had a brit accent. i love accents.

anyway, after hanging out there til elevenish, this guy (who i feel i must refer to as 'burns because he has some really creative facial hair) who i had a gender and lit class with last year and who had taken some other classes with some of the shakes people suggested than he, horatio, lady macbeth and i catch a ride from a friend of his and hang out at the brickskeller. which we did. and we hung out there til well after midnight, just having a good time. the peeps decided i should try a beer, continuing the quest to find me alcohol that doesn't suck. so lady mcb asked the waiter to bring me a beer suitable for my sensitive sensibilities. it ended up being something fruity and belgium that everyone seemed to think tasted like champagne (it came in a flute instead of a normal beer glass). it wasn't bad, the after taste wasn't nearly as piss-like as most beers. although after about half of it the fruity taste kind of faded, so i had a sugary weak beer (it was like 3% or something too, which i thought was pretty funny - and received a couple of 'slow down, tiger!' type jokes), but i didn't want to waste money and not drink it. but, for the record, while it wasn't foul, i would have enjoyed water more.

we shared some fries as well.

all in all, a superb evening. 'burns was enthused about the idea of us all hanging out again (he gave us all his car - from the whitman walker clinic where he works, and i wrote our phone numbers down for him). and lady mcb (i crashed at her place because i missed the last metro) seemed to think that 'burns and i (yes, i thought he was cute. since the class, actually. there were many comments made about my, shall we say, direct and assertive classroom manner) definitely had some positive conversation going on. so perhaps there will be beardburn in my future. woohoo.

i'm so damn horny it's not even funny. and it's embarassing. not that i want to jump random people or anything, but i definitely wouldn't object to a little somethin somethin with some of my friends and acquaintances.

if there's a saint/god/goddess for that, please feel free to send him/her some positive thoughts in my direction.

today is laundry day for me, so i'm just trying to clean house, read, relax. it's been ages since i've had a day off, so i'm milking it.

lalala. have a nice day. i know i will.