- OLAIRHEAD= Float up and down using x and c keys
- OLAPPEAR= Force Sanchez or Two-Feathers to appear
- OLASH= Unlimited ammo
- OLBOOST= Adds points and badges in historical missions
- OLBOUNCE= Superjump
- OLCDS= Toggle supermap
- OLER= Full health
- OLETHER= Invincibility
- OLFPS= Frames per second
- OLGPS= Location
- OLGUSHER= Unlimited oil
- OLHITME= Lose one heart
- OLHOWMANY= Display number of players in the game
- OLIMYELLA=God mode
- OLJACKPOT=Gives you everything you need to complete the level
- OLJTF= Displays your vital historic and regular mission information
- OLMEMORY= Displays your vital historic and regular mission information
- OLNETWORK= Displays network information
- OLOPEC= More oil
- OLPOSTAL= All guns
- OLREALLYHITME= Lose 3 hearts
- OLRX= Gives you hearts
- OLSCORE= Skip level
- OLSCREENING = Watch cinematic
- OLSHADOWS= Enables jetpack , use x to move up . When you let go , you fall.
- OLSTINNETT= Walk with the gatlin gun
- OLTOMBSTONE= Commit suicide
- OLWIMPY= Auto-reload
- OLYAHOO= Gives you the Sheriff's badge and displays 'Aaak , Aaak , Aaak',
- OLZIP= Teleport
- The cheats listed below are level skip cheats
- OLHIDEOUT= Slimm's Hideout ( level 1 )
- OLTOWN= Sanctuary ( level 2 )
- OLTRAIN= Train ( level 3 )
- OLCANYON= Canyon ( level 4 )
- OLMILL= Saw Mill ( level 5 )
- OLSIMMS= Simms' Fort (level 6 )
- OLMINER= Mines ( level 7 )
- OLCLIFF= Cliffs ( level 8 )
- OLRANCH= Bob Graham's Ranch (level 9 )
Email: rick_keaton_jr@hotmail.com