My Lance Experience

Ok, I think you all have waited long enough. So here's my little 'N Sync experience, the best day of my life : )

*Note: Please do not take any of my pics w/o asking me first. I've seen my pics being posted in clubs and sent to mailing lists w/o my knowing it. And please no more emails about who the girls are in the pics. Also, none of my pics are available for trade or sale. Mahalo for understanding.

The Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel...should be re-named the *NSYNC Hotel!

It started out at the hotel where the guys are staying at, the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Isn't it pretty? As me and my friend were walking around, I saw two guys come out of the hotel. I glanced at them, and then looked away. Then something made me look back. I stared at the guy on the left for awhile before realizing that it was Steve Fatone! I suggested to my friend that we follow him, since we were going in the same direction anyway.

Steve and his friend walked onto the beach, and then walked back to the hotel. Me and my friend stayed on the beach and met up with some other friends who were already there. We saw a small group of people standing around and staring at a spot near the water. Some of them were saying that Justin and Britney were on the beach, and Lance was there too.

Look at my man's sexy back! Hehe.

We decided to get a closer look, so we went onto the beach and kinda hung around near them but not too near as to piss off the two bodyguards with them. When I saw Lance lying on his towel, wearing only his board shorts, I nearly freaked. It was so surreal to be seeing him in person for the first time. As I drooled over his body (lol), we took some pics of him, Justin, and the girls with them.

Yes, that skinny stick of a guy standing up is Justin. What happened to his muscles??

Britney was there, as well as Danielle Fishel and a couple other girls I didn't know. Melinda was there too. And no, Britney wasn't all over Justin, at least not that I saw. And neither were Danielle and Lance.

After admiring Lance some more and taking some pics, I decided to try my luck at getting my gift to Lance. I had bought him an "I Love Lucy" pillow and had it wrapped and in a plastic bag. I tried going up to one of the bodyguards, but he told me that I couldn't give it to him yet, and that I had to wait a in half an hour.

Aww how cute, Justin is getting the sand brushed off of him!

After a little while I tried to go up to him again, but he didn't even let me ask, he just shook his head and told me to give it up. But I wasn't going to give up that easy! I wanted Lance to have my gift, and I was going to get it to him! So I waited a little longer, and sat down on the sand a little ways above them. My friend was standing and all of a sudden she said "Lance is looking this way!" so I slowly stood up, and he was looking right at us! I smiled and waved slightly at him. I felt like such a dork. lol.

My man's sexy back again...and Justin's skinny one.

After watching Justin playing football in the water, and Lance making a sand castle or something with the girls, I decided it was now or never. I went up to a guy sitting on the sand nearby, I guess he was with them. I explained to him that I had a gift for Lance, and asked if I could give it to the bodyguard to give to him, and I would leave. He said ok. So I went up to the bodyguard (the one who didn't tell me off), and explained it to him. He said "Sorry I can't give it to Lance now, he's busy." Yeah right, he's real busy playing in the sand, I thought. I told him I'd leave, and he asked me if I would leave, and I said yes. I just wanted to get the gift to him already! So he said ok and I gave it to him and left. As we were walking away my friend said that Lance had been looking at me the entire time! Aahhh!!

Too bad you can't see his hair better. It's getting really frowy. LOL

So we walked back to the hotel, but before we could get there, some girls came running up and I heard them saying something about Lance and a pillow...and I freaked! They said that Lance had opened it as soon as I had left, and he was like "It's an 'I Love Lucy' pillow!", and he looked around wondering where I had went because he wanted to thank me! I went into shock!! Everyone was all like "Were you the one who gave him the pillow? He's asking for you!" It was unreal.

Whoo!! My fave pic! What a sexy man he is.

So we go back onto the beach, and just as we're getting there, he was putting on a wifebeater. Everyone was getting ready to go, and he saw me. He pointed at me and asked me if I was the one who gave the pillow to him. I said yes, and he gave me a big smile and said "Thank you very much!" and I said "You're welcome." Then he stood up and came over to me and waited patiently as I got the lei I had made and my camera out of my bag. I was sooo nervous!! But he was so incredibly sweet and I gave the lei to him and asked if I could take a picture, and he said "Sure!". He came up to me and I put my arm around his waist and kind of leaned up against him. He was shorter than I had expected! Hehe. But I like short guys so that's good for me. lol.

Me and Lancey Pooh...awww how sweet.

After I took the picture with him, I thanked him, and he said "No problem" in that deep sexy voice that I looove!! I looked up at him and was so close I could see his stubble! He looked so cute!! I couldn't believe it had all happened, and I was still in shock as the crowd of teenys that had gathered and watched us surged forward and started asking for autographs. Lance was so nice and gave out a whole bunch before they left. I also had a lei for Justin, and tried to give it to him, but he kept his back to the fans and was just talking to his bodyguard. He had kind of a pissed look on his face, and he didn't sign anything. A couple girls called out his name, and he turned around. My friend said he smiled at them, but then he left. I was a little disappointed, but didn't care because I had done what I had come to do. And I had gotten way more than I had expected in return. I will remember this day for the rest of my life.