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Naples & Vesuvius

TLA (Temporary Housing Allowance)
Helps offset the cost of living in the hotel while transferring in or out of Naples. TLA is based on the per diem rates for Naples and Gaeta. TLA is paid in 10-day increments. You must present a bill from the TLA Hotel to PSD. PSD will take the amount of your bill or the maximum rate you are allowed, whichever is less, and add in your M&IE (meals & other expenses). Then will subtract 10 days of your BAH. You are authorized up to 60 days TLA when arriving in Naples, and six days when departing. Emergency TLA may be granted as needed. TLA for civilians is different than above.
OHA (Overseas Housing Allowance):
The Overseas Housing Allowance, OHA is paid to service members who live in privately leased housing at their overseas duty station.  Residents of government leased quarters do not draw OHA.  OHA is comprised of three components; rent, utility/recurring maintenance allowance (URM) and move-in housing allowance (MIHA).   MIHA is a one time payment. BAH will help you pay your housing costs, including: rent, utilities, and recurring maintenance expenses. To calculate the amount of BAH you will receive in your pay you must add your Rent Cap & URM together. The rent portion of your BAH is computed on your contracted rent amount up to a maximum cap amount based on your rank and if you are accompanied or not. The capped rent amounts for accompanied members in Naples effective 31 December, 2002 are shown in the table below. These tables were compiled from the data available on the web page. The capped rates for unaccompanied members is 90% of the amount. You do not need to stay within your cap when looking for a house, but any rent amount agreed upon with your landlord above your cap is not supplemented by the government. Likewise, any amount you agree upon with your landlord below your cap is not payable by the government. The amount of OHA that you receive will fluctuate with the dollar and lire exchange rate.


Table calculated with dependents at exchange rate of .09699 Euro to $1.00, rates effective 12/01/2002


Rent Cap

Rent Max Euro

URM Dollars

URM Euro

MIHA Dollars


O6/O7/O8/O9/O10 $1704.12 1653 Euro $412.37 400 Euro $1014.43 984 Euro
O5 $1596.91 1549 Euro $412.37 400 Euro $1014.43 984 Euro
W4 / W5 / O3E / O4 $1432.99 1390 Euro $412.37 400 Euro $1014.43 984 Euro
W1 / W2 / W3 / O1E / O2E / O1 / O2 / O3 $1197.94 1162 Euro $412.37 400 Euro $1014.43 984 Euro
E9 $1224.74 1188 Euro $412.37 400 Euro $1014.43 984 Euro
E8 $1130.93 1000 Euro $412.37 400 Euro $1014.43 984 Euro
E7 $927.84 900 Euro $412.37 400 Euro $1014.43 984 Euro
E5-6 $876.29 850 Euro $412.37 400 Euro $1014.43 984 Euro
E1-4 $798.97 775 Euro $412.37 400 Euro $1014.43 984 Euro
MIHA (Moving in Housing Allowance):
MIHA is a one time payment that is added to your OHA to help pay for items you will need while moving into your new house/apartment. MIHA is not paid to members that are moving into government quarters. After you have negotiated your rental contract you may apply for MIHA at PSD. As of 31 December, 2002 the MIHA amount is $1014.43 or 984 Euro. Please note that this amount is subject to change, either up or down. When I arrived in '96 it was a little over $1000.00, when my friend arrived in April of 1998 MIHA was $900.00, in February 1999 it was $796.00. 
COLA (Cost of Living Allowance):
COLA is paid when the cost of living in Naples is higher than stateside. COLA is to help you pay for things you purchase on the economy. COLA is paid to all service members, whether or not accompanied, or in government quarters. The amount of COLA received is based on rank, length of service, and number of dependents.   Overseas COLA can be calculated at .

Due to the fluctuation on the Euro/Dollar exchange rates the above allowances will often change. Therefore your paycheck will change on a frequent basis. We rarely receive the same pay amount twice in a row.

OHA and COLA rates are available on the Internet at: . These rates are updated every two weeks.