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Definitions - Alphabetical Order
Area Orientation ("mass check-in")
A three day course to acquaint you with the base and all the services available to you. This course is held weekly at the NSA Theater located on the base in Capodichino beginning at 8:30 a.m. the Friday after arrival in Naples. On Friday this class will take applications for your driver's licenses, medical/dental records are collected, sojourners permits are applied for and travel claims are prepared. On Monday you will receive up-to-date information from Security, Morale, Welfare & Recreation, Public Works, Housing, Religion, Education, Family Services, Commercial Services, Human Resources, Supply Services, Health Services, Communications and Military Personnel Support. If you are accompanied, bring your spouse, no children under the age of 13. On Tuesday you will be given a bus tour of the military facilities and installations around the area.
Child Care Reimbursement
MWR will provide cost reimbursable child care while parents attend Area Orientation and ICR.
Intercultural Relations (ICR)
A four day course presented on base to acquaint you with the Italian Culture and Naples, offered by the Family Service Center. This course is mandatory for all Navy, Marine Corps and Army members. Students age 13-18 will attend the ICR for teens program. This class will help you to adapt to the environment within Naples. You will be given "survival Italian," taught currency (lire), customs, traditions, non-verbal communication, shopping & eating tips. During the field trip portion of this class you will be familiarized with the city of Naples, public transportation. Check with your sponsor prior to arrival to ensure that you have been enrolled in this class.
Sojourner's Permit
All Military family members are required to obtain a sojourner's permit (children under 18 are added to the parents permit). A Sojourner's Permit is in addition to an American passport, the application for this permit should be made within eight days of arrival. Normally the application is started during "mass check-on" and is free of charge.
Enough emphasis cannot be placed on the importance of the sponsor. Remember, you are coming overseas and do not have all the comforts of stateside life. Use your sponsor. They have been assigned to you for a purpose. Don't blame your problems on the area if you didn't use them. Remember, you aren't living in the states anymore and many things in Italy are different. It will take time to get used to them and adapt accordingly.