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Family Members

Now that you have gotten your orders to come live and work in our lovely community it's time to give some thought to what you need to do in order to have your family ready for that "long" trip.

If possible it's a good idea to get your family involved with the sponsor's family. I have found that it works wonders if the two spouses can compare notes, and if the children can talk to other children living here to get an idea of what to expect, what the school is like, etc. We try to stay very involved with all members of the families we sponsor.

Make sure your sponsor knows as much about all of you as possible. The more he/she knows, the easier it will be for him/her to assist you with all your needs. If there are any special requirement needs by any family member make sure they know well in advance. I can not emphasize enough good communication between you and your sponsor. Try to keep in as close contact as possible.

You must all complete an overseas screening including medical & dental and getting everyone current with their immunizations. Contact the military medical facility in your local area to start the process, don't wait until the last minute, the sooner this is done, the sooner you will know if there are any problems that will need to be taken care of. Along with the booster immunizations that will be needed, it's a good idea to start the series of Hepatitis B vaccinations. Once you have completed all your booster immunizations you will be given an "International Certificate of Vaccination (PHS Form 731). If you need any further booster shots once in Naples they will be given here at our hospital.

You will need passports for all family members to enter into Italy. You are given "No Fee" passports through the base on which you are currently stationed. I highly recommend though, that you obtain Tourist Passports, with world events the way they have been lately, it's a good idea to remain as "low key" as possible. The No Fee passports stand out as a military issue, and everyone looking at them knows that you are connected with the military. The Tourist Passport is only a suggestion, and is by no means a requirement. If you decide to apply for a Tourist Passport they take between six to eight weeks from the time applied for, to the time of delivery, so be sure to allot enough time prior to leaving the U.S. Passport agencies are normally listed in the yellow pages of your telephone book, and most "main" post offices will have the applications.

The Italian Government requires all incoming civilians to obtain a visa prior to arriving in Italy.  Military members are admitted into the country on military ID cards and travel orders.  Dependents who are citizens of a European Union country do not require a visa.  Visas require several weeks to obtain, so plan ahead.   See for additional information regarding visa requirements.  All incoming civilians are required to apply for a sojourner permit within eight days of their arrival in Italy.  A sojourner permit is a confirmation of your legal status in Italy, similar to a Green Card in the US.

The flight to Naples: As with any airline flight be sure that all your baggage has your new address on it. Do not use any military rates or ranks on the address tags. This is a very long trip, be sure to bring with you items to keep children busy, diapers, etc. if you are traveling with children. Civilian clothes are authorized for all military members traveling under PCS orders, Space "A", TAD, and Emergency Leave. You will most likely be traveling on the "Cat B" which originates in Norfolk and very soon will fly non-stop to Capodichino. From Norfolk it will take approximately 8 - 10 hours to reach Capodichino. You will need to have your passport(s) handy when you deplane, as they will be needed to pass through customs immediately upon entering the terminal. You should be met at "Capo" by your sponsor and taken to the TLA Hotel. Your time in the terminal will be very short, about long enough to find your bags, and hit the road.  If you have a commercial flight from the US to Naples, you will be met by your sponsor either at the airport, or at the US Airways bus in Naples.