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There is no quarantine period in Italy, but, you will be required to have a current rabies immunization record. The pet(s) must have had the rabies shot not more than 12 months and not less than 30 days prior to transfer. A veterinary health certificate stating personal identification of the owner and a detailed description of the animal stating to it's good health is also required

Pets are not allowed in the TLA Hotel. The kennel is located across the street from the TLA. You will be responsible for supplying the food and water, walking, and cleaning of the cage for your pet. In other words you are supplied with only the cage, everything else is up to you to provide. There is a charge of $7.00 per day for the use of the kennel, this fee is not reimbursable by the government.

You need to know that if you plan to live in government housing at the Support Site, no pets are allowed. Some of the government "parcos" (neighborhoods) located off the Support Site do allow one animal. There are no exotic pets of any kind allowed.

There are only limited veterinary services at Agnano. If your pet is old or requires special treatment it is recommended that you not bring it. Once you are here you will be required to get a "chip" placed in your pet(s) ear. The chip is used only for identification purposes.