Text decription are links to the images. I took the time to scan these images (from the books "The Shadow: The Making of a Legend" and "The Shadow: The Lost Shows"). Seeing as how I took them from a book, I cannot really stop you from stealin em but if you do, please e-mail me and tell me which ones you are takin and give me credit. Thanks!
Orson Welles and crew in action
Agnes Moorehead as the original Margot Lane
John Archer as Lamont Cranston
Bill Johnstone adding character to The Shadow
A cool cartoon of The Shadow shooting his guns
Bill Johnstone doing a supporting role with Frank Readick as the original Shadow
A Cover of the Detective Story Magazine during their describe The Shadow contest
The Original Shadow movie poster
A cover of "The Shadow magazine" pulp comics
Bret Morrison as The Shadow, sneaking around
A screen shot from the original Shadow movie
A Shadow Sunday comic strip and a page from his comic book
Frank Readick as The Shadow and Lamont Cranston
Another of cover from "The Shadow magazine" pulp novel
Orson Welles looking pretty smooth
Bret Morrison and Grace Matthews posing for a publicity shot
These images were all taken from other webpages and credit has been given to each - If you want these images please contact the webpage. I have gotten permission to use most of these
All of these are taken from the "Highlights on the Shadow" page with permission
Pulp cover from "The Red Blot"
Pulp cover from "Crime Rides The Sea"
Pulp cover from "The Chain of Death"
Pulp cover from "The Black Falcon"
Pulp cover from "The Dark Death"
All the rest of these images are from other sites without permission
Pulp cover from "The Gray Ghost"
Cover from the more recent Shadow Comics from Dark Horse
If you have ANY images of The Shadow and would like me to post them please tell me