A crash of thunder, a loud bang of lightning, that's what was heard on the streets of Tokyo.  The rain poured down like mad, sending a never ending stream of water droplets onto the ground.  A lone figure in a trench coat stepped through a puddle as he walked towards a temple on a small hill.  In this temple, one question was being passed across a table.







Rei: Geez, Serena!  Would you just be patient already?  Lita's working as hard as she can!


Serena: If I can't have food, I'll die of starvation!


Luna: For crying out loud, Serena, you've waited longer for food, you'll live.


Serena: No I won't!


Ami: Serena, these study groups are for STUDYING.  If you want something to do, I would recommend studying!


Mina: I want food too!


Artemis: And I always wonder: how did we beat all those enemies with this group of scouts?


Lita: Food's done!


Serena: About time!


Serena ran up as fast as she could towards the kitchen in Rei's temple.  She immediately grabbed the cake on the counter and placed it on the table, cutting out a huge peice of it and eating as fast as she could.


Ami: One must wonder how that girl eats so much yet stays so thin...


Suddenly, the screen door next to the kitchen was knocked upon.  Rei walked over and slid it open.  In front of the door was a shadowed man in a trench coat and hat.  Thunder and lightning flashed behind him.  Everyone looked with faces of shock and dismay at the shadowed man, glaring with his evil-looking eyes.  The man took off his hat...


Reuisu: Bloody smeggin' hell!  Are you people going to invite me in or aren't you?!!?


Rei: Reuisu!  Of course, come in!  Come in!


Reuisu walked in, drenching in water and placed his trench coat and hat on a nearby coat rack.


Reuisu: Honest to God, every time I go someplace alone, it rains!  It rained in Tristram, in rained in South tokyo, it rained in London, and now it rains here!  I'm going to have to stick by you people just to make sure I don't get waterlogged!


Everyone laughed.


Rei: Where have you been, anyway?  You just said about a year or two ago that you had to leave and you'll be back!


Reuisu: There wasn't time to call you guys and give a detailed explanation.  The high school I was going to wanted to give me the opportunity to move back to London and get into a nice school!  It was effective immediately, so I had to pack quickly and leave.  That's why my void apartment was shut off, and why I left in a hurry.  Now that I'm done with high school, I have returned to the people I know and love!


Mina: This is so great!  You'll never believe what happened while you were gone! 


Reuisu: I've heard through my sources...


Reuisu looked at Luna and Artemis.


Reuisu: ...That you took on some sort of Zombie circus and a freak who liked mirrors, and was confronted by the woman I fought when I was involved in the Sailor Holy Wars!  That was dangerous and stupid, and you should've called me for help!




Reuisu: Oh yeah, I forgot to do that...


Ami: I'm assuming your void has now been reinstalled over Darien's apartment?


Reuisu: Correct as always, Ami.  Now that I'm back in town, I'm going to start looking for colleges to enroll in next year, and a good life to recover.  Anything else interesting happen while I was gone?


Rini: I'll say!  Hotaru's back to normal!


Reuisu: Well, beam me up, scotty!  I always knew that girl had potential.  Were Amara and Michelle overly thrilled about the concept like the last time I resurrected Sailor Saturn?


Lita: Surprisingly enough, they seemed rather happy to have the whole team of Outer Soldiers up.


Reuisu: Well, I can't please everyone.  Still, let's dig in!




Voice: The soulstones?


Voice: They are in our hands.


Voice: Not even the Archangel Tyrael can stop us now.


Voice: Our first advance must be against the ones known as the Sailor Soldiers.  They are now our enemies.




The group began to eat the cake, when suddenly, Serena's communicator flashed on!  The image of Trista appeared on screen.


Serena: Trista!  You'll never believe who just walked through the front door of Rei's-


Trista: Quickly!  Something's happening downtown, at third and main!  Hurry!


Luna: Scouts, transform!














Reuisu: Geez, every time I leave, you people get new transformations.  ALPHA CENTAURI POWER!!!








The yellow ball of energy shot out at one of the three creatures, who reflected it easily.


There were three creatures, all of them seemed to have risen from the depths of hell istelf.  One, was red, and stood eight feet tall, from hoof to horn.  His body and horns all over it, black as death, and his body was rippling with muscles and strength and brute force.  Two red eyes were on his fanged face, with enough evil and intensity to send chills down an angel's spine.


The second creature was even stranger than his predecessor.  He had no legs, just a gas and smoke cloud that his torso stood upon.  He was practically bone, with three-fingered bone hands with green energy emitting from them.  His face had two bone horns coming from his face.  His eyes burned green flame.


The third one looked the weakest of the three.  He was wearing a dark cloak.  His skin was a tannish white, and his skin seemed to be just wrapped around his skeleton, with no muscles or tendons or anything.  He walked normally, but nothing else was special about him.




Sailor Pluto blasted a purple bolt of energy out of her staff, which went towards the ghostly figure that stood on a cloud.  The creature's glowing green hands took the purple ball of energy and changed it into a greenish color.  He then sent it spiraling towards Pluto!




A black wall of energy suddenly appeared out of nowhere and blocked the blast from hitting Pluto.


Horned creature: Hmmm...


Ghostly creature: Teamwork and anticipation.


Skin creature: I think a new strategy is in order.


Voice: You're gonna need a lot more than just a strategy after we're done with you!


The three creatures look up and see seven silhoutetted figures.


Moon: You're in big trouble, Nega sleezes.


Centauri: We're Sailor Soldiers!


Mini Moon: And we stand for love and justice!


Moon: I'm Sailor Moon!


Mercury: Sailor Mercury!


Mars: Sailor Mars!


Jupiter: Sailor Jupiter!


Venus: Sailor Venus!


Centauri: Sailor Centauri!


Moon: And in the name of the moon,


Mini Moon: The future Moon,


Mars: The Inner planets,


Centauri: And Alpha Centauri...




Ghostly creature: We are getting more outnumbered, brothers.


Horned creature: Irrelivant.  We are superior to them.


Skin creature: Agreed.  Triangulate our postions, and we'll do more damage.


The three went into a triangulated position, facing the two groups of Soldiers, all preparing to fire, when...



...Three red roses shot down, stopping each one in their tracks.  Tuxedo Mask jumped down.


Tuxedo Mask: Your evil, demonic ways are not welcome in a world full of peace, hope, and love.  You should leave now, before you are destroyed by the Sailor Soldiers.


Ghostly creature: Pathetic halloween costume, human.  Brothers, destroy them!


The three suddenly shot out a green ball of energy, a red ball of energy, and a yellow ball of energy, each one ricochetting off each of them and hitting each of the Sailors, knocking every one of them to the ground.


Skin creature: They are puny things.


Horned Creature: Yes.  I was expecting more.


Centauri suddenly stood up with the other inners and outers.


Centauri: We're not down and out yet!  Outer Soldiers: Distract those three!  Inners: Prepare for Sailor Planet Attack!


They all nodded, and got to work.  Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Pluto, Tuxedo Mask, and Mini Moon were all firing their attacks at the three, with little avail.


Moon: Moon Eternal Power!


Centauri: Alpha Centauri Power!




Mercury: Mercury Crystal Power!


Mars: Mars Crystal Power!




The yellow and blue energy spheres bounced harmlessly off of the three creatures.


Jupiter: Jupiter Crystal Power!


Venus: Venus Crystal Power!


The horned creature sent out a blast which knocked the outers away.


Moon: Sailor Planet-




The six beams of energy shot out at the ghostly figure.  Suddenly, he held up one his hands, and the beams hit his hand!  Suddenly, he pushed his arm forward, sending the energy back at the inners!


All of them were hit with their own blasts, knocking them down to the ground, each one hitting it hard.


Horned Creature: There goes a group that has been a nuisance for us for some time.


Centauri slowly got up and kept thinking of the words the horned creature has just said.  Suddenly, his eyes got wide and he suddenly realized it.


Centauri: That voice...  That appearance!  Dear God, YOU'RE DIABLO!!!


Diablo: No duh, Insolent sailor brat.


Centauri: I killed you...  And I destroyed your soulstone!


Diablo: You cannot destroy me so easily.  Allow to introduce my brothers: Mephisto, the one with the cloud, the lord of hate.  And my younger brother, Baal, the lord of destruction.


Saturn: You know these guys, Centauri?


Centauri: To my utter horror, yes.  Allow me to introduce Diablo, lord of terror.


Mephisto: Correct.  Time to die now, Sailor nothings!


The three charged up energy balls and shot them at the Inners and outers.  Suddenly, a white force field erupted upwards and stopped the energy in their tracks!  And old man in a dark robe walked out of the force field.


Diablo: You!


Baal: When he gets involved, it is time to leave.


Mephisto: Agreed.  Goodbye, Sailor nothings.  We shall return.


The three evil demons teleported away.


Centauri took off his helmet and looked at the old man.


Centauri: Deckard?  DECKARD CAIN?!!?


Cain: Expecting someone else, Reuisu?





To Be Continued