*Theme song: The touch by Stan Bush plays*




The rain was beginning once again.  Four very agitated and one not-so agitated figure walked over the horizon from the cave known as the Den of Evil.


Centauri: God is playing games with me.


Moonshine: Where'd you figure that?


Centauri: He's punishing me for some reason.


Cephiros: Again, we ask, where'd you figure that?


Centauri: It's raining.


Moonshine: So?


Centauri: It rains everywhere I go.


Tyrael: The Lord does not concern himself with punishing one person who does such good deeds.


Centauri: And how do you know?


Tyrael: I am an Archangel of heaven.


Centauri: And do you speak with the big guy himself?


Tyrael paused at that for a moment.


Centauri: HA!


Tyrael: I do his will, that is sufficient.


Centauri: Bull.


Tuxedo Mask: We're approaching the Rogue Encampment.


As they finally looked ahead of them instead of the fight between Tyrael and Centauri, the Titans noticed that that fact was true, they were approaching the Encampment.  The encampment had set up temporary walls, made of peices of trees and logs from the forests.  They were bound together with a vine-like substance which wrapped around two at a time, and more at a time to connect them all.  How they stayed up was a mystery.  Akara, the high priestess of the Sisters of the Sightless Eye, stood by the main gate between two female Rogues with bows and arrows.


Akara: Welcome back heroes.


Centauri: Hello, Akara.  Anything new?


Akara: None as of yet.  I assume you weren't successful in capturing Andariel?


Centauri: You are correct in your assumptions.  She escaped within the Den of Evil.


Akara: That is sad news.  I must speak with the others sisters for new information.  I recommend you and your group rest well.  This war is hardly over.


Cephiros: Agreed.


Akara hurried off, and the five took up camp near the center of the encampment.


Reuisu: Alright, Darien, what are you doing here?


Darien looked around at the Titans and Tyrael.


Darien: Things in Tokyo are getting worse.


Lucy: How so?


Darien: for several days now, there's been an eclipse that's blot out the sun nearly indefinetely.  Scientists can't explain it, and not even Amy's computer can pinpoint what's going on.  The Sailors are up to their ears in fighting off the constant wave of demon after demon attacking the city.  They've had little time for food or rest.  Amy's estimated a total of up to 48 days until everyone'll be too weak and tired and hungry to stop the onslaught of demons.  Maybe less in Serena's case.


Everyone looked at the ground at this unhappy news.


Reuisu: Well...  What's so strange about the eclipse that's over Tokyo besides the facts at hand?


Darien: The fact that the Eclipse ends right when you leave Tokyo in any direction.


Michelle: We have to locate the other two Sailor Titans.  It's the only way we're gonna stop the three prime evils.


Tyrael: Before that can happen, you must destroy Andariel.


Voice: Agreed.


The five snapped their heads around to see a woman in light armoring approach them.


Hratli: I am Hratli, I train the Rogues around here.


Reuisu: Greetings.


Lucy: Did you want to give us some Rogues to help us?


Hratli: We can't help you anywhere until we defeat someone who has been...  Bothersome to us for some time.


Michelle: Elaborate.


Hratli: Not far from here, there is a cemetary where we put all our dead warriors.  But, a former friend of mine, Blood Raven, was corrupted by Andariel.  Blood Raven is now rising up the dead into an army.  If you could take Blood Raven out, or show her back into the light again, the flow of undead warriors would end.


The Titans considered this for a moment.


Tyrael: She has a point.  It would slow down Andariel, and make her easier to vanquish.


Michelle: I love the way you talk.


Reuisu turned them away from Hratli for a moment.


Reuisu: Doesn't anyone else think this is a little convenient?  I mean, we've had incredible luck, recently.  We've never been this lucky, before.


Lucy: Things change.


They turned to Hratli once more.


Lucy: Which direction are the burial grounds?







Mephisto slashed his tentacles and claws against the pots and other assorted objects inside the Durance of Hate.


Mephisto: ANDARIEL!


The spider-like woman demon stepped out from the shadows.


Andariel: You called, my lordship?


Mephisto: You have failed.


Mephisto's tentacle shot out and sliced into Andariel.  She screamed in pain as she saw the gash in her shoulder from Mephisto.


Mephisto: Failure is not tolerated.  The next time you fail, the pain will be more severe than you've ever felt, Andariel.  I've trusted you into a very important task: destruction of the Titans.  Why do they continually win?


Andariel: They are always saved at the last minute by something or another.  Do not worry, I will not fail.  I will destroy the Titans.







Centauri: Those are the burial grounds, I presume.


The Titans, Tyrael, and Tuxedo Mask were behind a small hill and some shrub bushes about twenty feet away from the cemetary.  There was an iron gate surrounding the entrance to the grounds, with iron bars extending around the cemetary, with an entirety of 70 square feet total in area for the entire burial grounds.  The ground had a path put into it with stone bricks.  In front of the bricks as they were seperated and connected once again, were grave stones, of course.


Moonshine: Looks like it.


Tuxedo Mask: Do any of you see Blood Raven?


Cephiros: How can we even tell she's here?  Hratli didn't exactly give us a picture or anything.


Centauri: Some technologies just don't reach this far into the area, Cephiros.


Tyrael: Should we attack?


Centauri: Yes, but with strategy.  Tux, hang back as backup in case we need a help.  The rest of you: FOLLOW ME!


The Titans and Tyrael followed Centauri as he ran, slicing through the iron gate with his giga blades, into the burial grounds.  They looked around.  There were no signs of anything here.


Moonshine: Perhaps Hratli was wrong.


Centauri: No, we're not that lucky.


Suddenly, everyone heard a faint footstep noise coming from the left of them.  They all turned to see a woman with pale skin walking towards them. She was wearing tight brown leather over her chest, and no pants except for a pair of leather shorts around her pelvic region.  She wore a bone mask, fitted from what appeared to be a cow's skull.  She held a bow in her hand, and a quiver of arrows on her back.  She slowed to a stop as she was ten feet away from them.


Tyrael: Blood Raven, I presume?


Blood Raven: Your presuming is correct, archangel.  Now, join my army of the dead!


Blood Raven rose her arms into the air, as the grave stones began to shake and quiver.  Undead zombie hands began to rise up from the ground, pushing the dirt away as they moved.  About fifteen of them in all, they surrounded the four in a tight, circular formation.


Centauri: I think we're in trouble.




Sailor Cephiros pointed her ring out at a group of zombies, and a firey silhouette of a woman running shot out right into the large group.  Exploding on impact, the blast exploded the zombies into blood and body peices.




Moonshine's staff became a mirror, and the light of the moon reflected off of it into a solid beam, vaporizing the zombies as the light hit them.




Panels and compartments opened up all over Centauri's chest armor, arm armor, and leg armoring with guns and missile pointing out.  Centauri's wrist-based missile ports opened up and aimed at the zombies.  His two cannons came out of his back armoring and onto his shoulders.  With a ferocious roar, all the weapons on Centauri's armor shot out like mad at the group of Zombies he was facing, annihalating them utterly into a pile of blood.


Blood Raven merely stood there and surveyed the carnage of her undead minions.


Blood Raven: Do you know what's so good about living in a cemetary?  ALL THE BODIES I COULD WANT.  Undead, ar-




Tyrael's flaming crystal sword shot out at Blood Raven, who dodged, but being an inch away from the flame singed her skin, or what was left of it.


Blood Raven: That hurt.


Blood Raven reached for an arrow in her quiver, and placed it in her bow.  she shot it out at Centauri, who couldn't move quick enough to stop her or dodge.  The arrow his his stomach with shocking precision and power, knocking him to the ground in pain.


Centauri: ARGH!  It's so cold!


Blood Raven reached for another arrow, pulling it back in her bow and releasing it towards Moonshine, who dodged the arrow as it hit a nearby plant, which burst into flames.


Tyrael: She has a spectral bow!  We must take cover!


The others complied, taking shelter behind tombstones and monumental structures.  Blood Raven continually fired her arrows at them, despite what they were hiding behind.


Blood Raven: Come out, Sailor Titans!  We all must die sometime!


Centauri aimed his arm around and the missile port opened.


Centauri: Not today, Blood Raven!  GIGA MISSILE!


The missile shot out at Blood Raven, the explosion rocketing her backwards several feet.  She was still up, and took aim again, this time at Centauri once more, who was now fully exposed.  She aimed her bow and arrow and....




....And a rose flew down, cutting her hand.  She immediately dropped the bow, holding her cut hand in pain.




Tuxedo Mask: I'm glad to see you too, Centauri.


Blood Raven: You'll pay for that, cape boy!


Blood Raven aimed her bow and arrow once more, two feet away from Tuxedo Mask.  Suddenly, Azurewrath was sticking through Blood Raven's stomach!  She looked at it for a moment, then yelled a deafening scream.  She then evaporated into nothing.  Tyrael was holding Azurewrath in still the same position.


Tyrael: I think the problems with the undead just became solved.





To Be Continued