"Peace be unto you all, amen."


It's how I was ending all my sermons these days.  I think I was beginning to sound a little hypocritical considering what I am believing now.  How did I, Hank Norman, come to my recent revelation, you ask?


I was saved by an Angel.


It had happened a few months back during the events known as "Kingdom Come."  It was a Sunday afternoon after one of my many sermons about the book of Revelations.  One of the many things I had found curious about this time was the inherint fear that washed over everyone after the disappearances of several million people were believed to be of true Christian faith.  I didn't believe the disappearances were the true rapture considering some of the people who disappeared were people I knew, and I certainly knew they weren't Christian.


However, things changed that afternoon.


I looked up into the sky and I saw before me a demon the size of which was too large for words.  All of a sudden, the building I had been walking by began to crumble apart!  I gasped, thinking for sure that this was truly the end for me.


Of course, like I said: An Angel saved me.


Sailor Archangel swooped down and rescued me from the debris and flew me down the block, rescuing me.


"Are you all right?" he asked me.


And in that one moment, all of my faiths turned in on me.  I stared into my savior's eyes, trying to understand what drove him to risk his life to save me.  I know it's morally right, but to save one person while the fate of countless billions hung in the balance thanks to the demon that stood nearby seemed a foolish notion.


And then it came to me that this hero was indeed an Angel.  If he was sent by God himself or if he was created by the wills of men I probably shall never know.  All I shall ever know is that I had been rescued by a symbol, a testament to my faith.  And so, I said the only thing I could say to him.


"Yes...  I'm fine..."


And with that, he flew off in another vain attempt to fight the great demon.  I merely stood there as he flew off, disappearing in the distance.  I couldn't help but wonder if an Archangel like him was mentioned in Revelations.


You know, the bible says that one day, the meek would inherit the earth.


And as I watched an entire army of Sailor Soldiers attacking the demon that  was trying to destroy the freedom that we all enjoyed, I couldn't help but wonder:


Why had God not accounted for the mighty?


Perhaps the really interesting thing about the Sailors are the Titans.  I've asked many at my church if they knew anything about them, yet none of them could give me similar answers.


"Yeah, that Cephiros chick owed me ten bucks."


"Those damn Sailors are just going to destroy humanity!"


"The Titans are the coolest!  They're like comic book heroes, only better!"


I guess in the end it's all a matter of perspective.  I don't know what to think anymore about them.  All I can do is stand here in my church.  I guess the only thing I can do is look for answers...






Forgive me, I suddenly looked up at the ceiling of my church, and the most extraordinary thing has happened.  Descending down towards me was an Angel, a very testament to my faith in the lord.  But this one was not like the Sailor, no.  This one had long brown hair, and he wore white robes with wings slender and true.


"Hank Norman?" He asked.


"Y-yes?" I responded weakly.


"You wish to learn about the Titans?" He asked.


I nodded to him.


"Then take my hand, and you shall learn." He stated.


I weakly brought my hand out to him, my decrepid old hand grasping his young and heavenly one.  Instantly, my church disappeared from view, and was replaced with something far more horrible.  It reminded me of crypts and catacombs I had once happened upon in England, but this was different.  It was as though the walls themselves were filled with evil...


My companion Angel turned my thoughts away from the walls and over nearby to a battle that was occuring.  It was a bit dark, so I strained my eyes to see what was going on.  And there I witnessed five Sailor Soldiers on the ground, writhing in agony.  Standing, or at least sitting, for all I could tell, over them was a demon that pierced everything around it with the very thing of which I had fought so hard to destroy: hate.


The monstrosity turned from one Titan to the next, uncertain which he was going to destroy first.  He finally chose his target: Sailor Love.  As energy began to form in his hands to destroy her, I wondered how many of the Titans had sacrificed their lives for the cause of protecting humanity, if maybe all of the originals had died and the Titans of today are completely different people.


But they didn't die.  Sailor Asteroid took the hit for Sailor Love, saving her life but wounding himself considerably.  As Shakespeare said, "No greater love hath a man than he lay down his life for his brother."  Or sister, in this case.  But Asteroid's life was not given up.  Sailor Love summed up a strength and light from Heaven itself and vaporized the demon.


"Incredible power..." I spoke softly.


"Indeed.  This was not the first time that the Titans have summoned Heaven."


And suddenly, everything changed.  We left the horrible, dark realm of the demon's lair and were flooded with quite the opposite.  I felt a lifting of my spirit that I had not felt in years.  I was surrounded on all sides by a beautiful light: that of heaven's itself.  And standing before me once more were the Titans.  But this seemed like a different group.  Not just were there Titans, there was an Archangel, a small cat, and two beings wrapped in white robes that I did not recognize.  Added to that, there was a different number of Titans.  There were six of them, and one of the originals was missing.  She had been replaced by a girl no older than seven or eight, and a Sailor with colors of blue and gold.  They seemed to be appealing at first to the two men in robes.


After the men in the robes shook their heads in refusal and began to walk off, the leader of the Titans, Sailor Angel, stood up, his face filled with anger and frustration.


"Don't turn your back on me!  Don't you even try to walk away from me!" he shouted furiously.


And then, much to the surprise of his compatriots, he grabbed one of the men by the shoulder and turned him around.


"Just who the hell do you think you are?!  Oh wait, I know what you think you are, what you want us to believe, but I don't buy it!" he continued.


"Who is the man that Sailor Angel is so angry at?  An Angel?" I inquired.


"No.  The holy father himself." my companion stated.


I was my turn to be shocked.  Where did Sailor Angel get the nerve that he could touch such a being?


"He is human.  That is all the nerve he requires." The Angel said.


"But still, how can those who claim to be our protectors speak to the creator with such disdain?!"


"That is enough of the past.  Perhaps now we must gaze upon the future." the Angel that guided me suggested.


And with that, our surroundings changed once more.  We now stood upon the streets of Crystal Tokyo.  People fled and ran around me in terror.  I looked down the street and saw another great monstrosity.  This was not one of demonic origins, but of human.  It was yellow and black metal merged together to form some type of protective armoring.  It was a walking tank, and it's creators stood on the streets before it, wearing some type of yellow and black uniforms with a yellow helmet.  They almost reminded me of hornets or bees.


They filled the streets like it was an invasion force.  They carried weapons in their hands that attacked anyone who refused to move.


"This is horrible!  Can no one stop these horrible things?!" I shouted to the Angel.


"Possibly." he told me.


"Well, can't you stop this slaughter?!  We need some kind of hope!" I pleaded.


"At no point did I promise you hope, Hank-"


"Like hell you didn't!  You are an Angel, your existence a very testament to faith!  If we are to survive until the day when evil itself ends, we need a sign!  We need people who can stop such suppression of free will!  WE NEED HOPE!"


And in one instant, it all changed.  A bright flash of light and a beam of light shined down from the skies were sent down into one of the mechanical beasts.  It fell over instantly, and then I looked up, as did the invading soldiers.  There were now eight of them, one of the originals back again.  They were joined by an old companion, the Sailor protected by steel: Sailor Centauri.  Some of have said that Sailor Angel and Sailor Centauri used to be the same person, but I guess that proves that wrong, eh?


They swiftly went down and engaged the forces of darkness, each one using tactics unique to themselves.


Sailor Angel swooped down and tackled a group of the soldiers with his staff.


Sailor Moonshine froze a group of them in time, then encasing them in a glass orb.


Sailor Cephiros sent out a fiery spirit from her ring to knock them down, then tied them up with a ring of fire from her ring.


Sailor Love summoned up energy in the form of a large heart that slammed a group of the soldiers into a nearby wall.


Sailor Asteroid made the very ground rise up and destroy any more of the giant monstrosities.


Sailor Crystal blew them all a kiss and spun crystal around their weapons and legs, stopping them in their tracks.


Sailor Life summoned a spirit from her baton that traveled through a line of soldiers, leaving them to writhe in agony on the ground.


Sailor Centauri leapt from one of the mechanical suits to another, launching missiles and cannon fire to incapacitate them.


And then it was all over.  The Angel and I were once again inside my church.


"It is done.  Do you see why I have done this?" he asked me.


"No." I responded.


"To show you that the Titans are there to inspire hope.  It doesn't have to be the kind of hope that there are people running around the streets in sailor fukus saving the world, but that there shall always be hope and faith in our minds, even if we do not believe the same things." he explained.


And with that, he was gone.  I was alone once more in my church, and I blinked as I took that all in.  The Angel, whoever he was, had been right.  Although the Titans of today and yesteryear have not yet saved the world, we shouldn't give up hope on them yet.  The Angel left me with an important message.


That we would see miracles happening and angels all around us if we just opened our eyes and looked up.







To Be Continued...