*Theme song: Never Surrender, by Stan Bush*






Christine paced back and forth, her arms crossed in front of her chest.  Her expression was that of one quite annoyed.  Chris Allot sat a few feet in front of her, working on a laptop.  Christine gritted her teeth as she continued to walk impatiently back and forth in the shade of the tree that they were underneath.  Finally, she turned to Chris.


Christine: How long is it going to take you to do this?!


Chris: Well, I'm sorry, I'm just trying to assess the damage done by those damn gypsies.  Are you sure that today was the day that we'd all reestablish contact?


Christine: Yes.


Chris: Well, then we now...  Have contact!


Christine walked over to him and crouched down, looking at the four window screens that suddenly appeared.  In the center, Oracle's 3-D face was shown.  In the upper left, Reuisu and Michelle were side by side, trying to get into the camera shot.  Behind them were dilapidated surroundings coming from the area of Paris they were in.


In the upper right, Anna sat in Miya's lap, the lighting quite apparent, being somewhere in a desert far from Lut Gholein.


On the lower left, Davros and Lucy were also struggling to get both of themselves in the shot, the area behind them being some sort of forest.


For the longest time, none of them spoke to one another.  Finally, Chris broke the ice.


Chris: Miya, I love you beyond my wildest dreams, and I should be castrated for the mistake I made.


Miya blinked for a moment.


Miya: Yes, you should be.


Chris winced.  However, Miya immediately smiled.


Miya: However, since it's an imperfect universe, I'll have to settle for just being in love with you.


Chris smiled widely, and almost hugged the laptop that was in front of him.  Everyone else laughed with delight.


Reuisu: Well, as much as I'd love to hear about all the things that have happened since we separated, we have more pressing concerns to worry about.    I'm assuming you all know about the Eternals?


Everyone nodded.


Reuisu: Well then, Oracle, please update us on any new information you have.


Oracle: Thank you, Reuisu.  Now, I've been studying the scans of the Sailor Wars books that Reuisu sent me, and I've managed to uncover a map for the locations of the Eternals buried underneath the normal print of the paper.  Unfortunately, it doesn't give us an exact location, but a general area to search in.  There are two Eternals near the northern city of Harrogath, one near the Rogue Encampment, and one near Lut Gholein.


An image flashed on the screen, showing a map of the land of sanctuary.  Each of them examined it closely, blinking lights on the map indicating the locations of the Eternals.


Reuisu: All right, what is everyone's position?  Miya, Anna, are you still near Lut Gholein?


Miya: Unfortunately, no.  After I decided to rejoin the Titans, Anna and I immediately started heading out.  We're currently northwest of Lut Gholein, about a couple hundred miles.  According to the maps we have, we should arrive in Harrogath in a day or two.


Chris: Come to think of it, we tracked those gypsies down for a couple hundred miles, and we should be close to Harrogath, too!  We could meet there and go for the two Eternals there!


Reuisu: Excellent!  Now we're working as a team!  Lucy, what's your position?


Lucy: Well, if the maps we got from that airport we landed at after arriving from London are accurate, than we are currently on the Rogue's pass, about a couple hours walk from the Monastery where the Sisters of the Sightless Eye are!


Reuisu: Then head on that way!  Michelle and I are still in Paris, waiting for the Special Forces teams to arrive and retake Paris.  It'll take a few days, so we'll try to get to Lut Gholein ASAP, but I can't promise anything.  Now, after we've all retrieved the Eternals, we'll meet up at Kurast.  Okay?


Everyone nodded.


Reuisu: On one more note, there's something I'd like to say.  This team split up a while ago, and when that happened, I'm sure a lot of our lives seemed crumbled.  I for one was crushed for a long time.  I think it's pretty obvious that we need each other.  I hope to see you all again, and I love you all.


Everyone smiled and was brought to tears by Reuisu's statement.


Reuisu: Now let's get out there and kick some demonic ass!







Lucy stirred the ladle in the soup pot that was over the fire that she and Davros had started.  She raised it out of the soup and brought it to her lips, drinking a little.  She smiled and turned to Davros, who sat nearby on a bench.


Lucy: Soup's on!


Davros smiled and picked up a bowl, walking over to the soup to get some.


Davros: Soup, rice balls, and ramen.  Breakfast of champions, eh?


Lucy giggled a little at the comment.


Lucy: Yeah, I definitely like you better when you're on our side.


Davros: Well, regardless of my past, I'm here now and we're going to find that Eternal.


Lucy smiled and looked over at the fire, noticing that it was beginning to die down.


Lucy: I'm going to head out and get some more firewood, okay?


Davros: Take your time, I'm fine here.


Lucy nodded and walked off into the forest.  Davros began eating his soup, loving the tomato taste and thinking that the concept of eating was still very new to him, not having done it for so long.  He closed his eyes and savored the sensations in his mouth.  However, his savoring ended when he suddenly heard someone in the grass.  He opened his eyes and saw a girl in raggy leather approaching the soup tray.  Davros stared at her, and the girl saw him.  She gasped and pulled out a knife from a sheath at her side.


Davros jumped into the air, catching her by surprise as he came down upon her, slamming her into the ground and forcing her to drop her knife.  He held her by her arms, and she struggled furiously.  Davros reaches over on a table and grabs a riceball, about to offer it to her as a truce piece.  He pulls her up, still holding her.  However, over her shoulder, Davros saw a dozen or so more women in the same type of clothing all pointing bows and arrows at them.


Davros winced, looking at them.  He put the riceball to the girl's throat.


Davros: Drop your weapons, or I'll kill her with this deadly riceball!


Some of the women wince, flinching slightly.  The lead woman, however, merely had her arms crossed and narrowed her eyes at him.


Woman: Kill her, then.


Davros stared at her, taken aback.


Davros: What?


Woman: Kill her, then.


Davros put his eyes to the corner of his eye for a moment in thought, then narrowed them at the woman.


Davros: I don't take orders from anyone.


Davros took a bite out of the riceball, releasing the girl.


Davros: Take me to your leader!


Voice: Hratli?


Everyone turned themselves out in the direction of the forest, where they saw Lucy standing there, holding a pile of sticks and broken off wood.  She was gaping at the sight before her, and the lead woman's eyes got wide and lit up.


Hratli: Lucy!


Lucy dropped her firewood and ran out to Hratli.  The two girls hugged one another in happiness, and the Rogues dropped their weapons.


Davros: You know her, Lucy?


Lucy: Of course!  She was in charge of the Rogues at the Sisters of the Sightless Eye!


Davros: Oh.  Why did you come here?


Hratli: We'll explain it back at the Encampment.  This way.








Lucy: So why are you back in the Encampment?  I thought after Andariel had been defeated you returned to the Monastery.


Hratli: We had.  However, shortly after Charsi escaped from prison after Kingdom Come, demonic forces began springing up once more.  We fought them off a lot stronger than we had the first time, but they were still too much for us so we fled back to the Encampment.  We've been there for about two months, now.


The group was finally approaching the Encampment.  As Lucy looked around, her thoughts brought her back to the time when she had first come to the Encampment with Reuisu and Michelle.  She had been traveling as a mobile doctor, which actually seemed like a high profession in the land of sanctuary considering how many knights and warriors there were trying to fight the demons, but most of them were slain in combat far away from the places that Lucy traveled.


She especially smiled when she noticed that they were approaching an old woman who sat near a fire, staring into it.  Her clothes were mostly purple and black, and she appeared to be some kind of witch.  However, she was something more than that.  The woman looked up at Lucy, and she smiled widely.


Akara: Lucy!


Lucy: Hello, Akara.


Akara: You're just in time!  I've uncovered something that may be of great value to you.  Where are the other Titans?


Lucy: I'm afraid that for now, it's only Davros and I.


Akara: A pity, considering what I have to tell you is very important!


Davros: Oh?


Akara: Yes.  I've been having visions, visions of Andariel and Duriel being raised from the dead and brought back to become new Prime Evils...


Lucy: Raised from the dead?


Akara: Yes.  Two demons calling themselves Osmoudon and Belial...


Davros: Belial?!  Where is this resurrection taking place?!


Akara: I believe it is the Monastery.


Davros: Take us there!


Lucy: Why?  Who's Belial?


Davros: A demon who was involved in the events that first led to the Hell rebellion that got me to become Sailor Centauri!  Now, let's go!








Sailor Centauri winced and breathed deeply in the helmet he wore.  About four rogues were running along with Sailor Cephiros and Hratli.


Hratli: We're coming up on it now!  Demons ahead!


True to her word, there was a platoon of fallen ones readying themselves with axes and swords to fight the group.


Hratli: Prepare to take offensive-


Centauri: GIGA CANNON!


Before Hratli could finish her command, Centauri's giga cannons came out of his backplate and rested on his shoulders.  They fired out six rapid shots of yellow energy balls that slammed into the red imps and annihilated them.  Hratli smiled.


Hratli: Can you bring the door down, as well?


Centauri just nodded and re-aimed the cannons, now at the large steel doors that served as the entranceway to the Monastery.  Shouting out the attack name once more, the cannons fired once more, the energy balls exploding on contact with the door, blasting the door off of it's hinges and to the floor of the Monastery.  The group jumped inside, each one a weapon at the ready.  On the other end of the dilapidated building stood two large demons.  One was quite obviously Belial, whereas the newcomer seemed to be Osmoudon.


Belial snapped his gaze to their direction and gasped.  However, Osmoudon just stood and laughed.


Osmoudon: Well, well, well!  I meet the Titans at last.


Centauri: Osmoudon, I presume?


Osmoudon: Very astute.  I suppose you're going to give a little song and dance about being agents of love and justice, and how you're going to punish me?


Centauri: No, I'm just going to ram a giga missile so far up your ass-


Voice: Oh really?  And what about us?


Centauri turned his head to the direction of the male voice.  It had come from the shadows next to the door, and his head was met by a scythe arm that sent him flying ten feet away.  Cephiros was about to run over to him to help, but she was suddenly restrained by four hairy, spider-like arms that wrapped themselves around her arms and legs.


Voice 2: What's your hurry?


Out of the shadows still carrying the Titans was a woman standing about eight feet tall on feet like hooves.  Her hair stood up and pointed like a Frankenstein's bride, and colored black as pitch.  The tarantula-like arms that came out of her back indicated who she was.


Duriel and Andariel were already alive.


Belial: Sailor Nothings, allow me to introduce you to the new PRIME EVILS!







To Be Continued...