*Theme song: Never Surrender, by Stan Bush*







Michelle: So how'd you escape from them?


Lucy: Hratli used an ice arrow to freeze the ceiling.  The sudden heat and ice at the same time made the roof collapse on Duriel and Andariel.  We quickly made our escape to tell you guys about it.


Reuisu: Of course!


Lucy and Davros sat near Akara's tent, their laptop sitting before them.  They were communicating with the other Titans who were spread out across the Land of Sanctuary.


Reuisu: "Those who were less sought that which would make them Prime!"  The prophecy!  These four demons, Belial, Osmoudon, Duriel, and Andariel, are basically lesser evils, servants of the original Prime Evils.  But now that the Prime Evils are gone and destroyed, they're seeking the Eternals to become the new Prime Evils!


Chris: The real question is what do we do now?


Michelle: I think that's obvious: We hunt down the Eternals and get them before the new Prime Evils do.


Oracle: I've already looked into that.  The Eternals each give off a distinctive energy signature to them.  While we're talking, I'm uploading a tracking device to find your Eternals into each of your laptops.


Reuisu: Good work.  The Military Police just arrived, and we're preparing to re-take Versailles tonight, which was also impounded with the Martial Law rule.  After we take Versailles, we'll be on our way to Lut Gholein.


Chris: Christine and I are almost to Harrogath.


Miya: As are Anna and I.


Reuisu: Nice work, Titans.  Let's get to work!


Everyone nodded in compliance and turned off their laptops.  Lucy and Davros were at the Rogue Encampment inside Akara's tent.  Lucy closed the device that she used to keep in contact with the Titans with a sigh.


Lucy: Well, we're screwed.


Davros: Nonsense.  The scanners within the Sailor Centauri armor can easily find this Eternal-


Lucy: Not that, the fact that we're stuck here in the Rogue Encampment against four new Prime Evils.


Davros: You guys defeated them before I came around.


Lucy: That was different.  We had help from a lot of other people, and even then, it took all five of us to finally defeat ONE of them!  And it took Reuisu a helluva lot MORE just to take out Diablo!  And Baal actually came back 1,000 years later!  Face it, Davros, we can't face all four on our own.


Davros: Then we won't face them.  We'll just get the Eternal and get out of here.








Belial: I still feel this is an unwise decision!


Osmoudon: By separating out and getting all four Eternals at once, it gets them faster so we can get to the ultimate goal.


The four Prime Evils were gathered within the catacombs of the Monastery.  All of them were concentrating on one another.  None had had time to really examine their new teammates, unsure if there were any hidden agendas.  They all realized that the original Prime Evils had not done the same, for they had been brothers.  These four were completely unfamiliar with one another, except for Andariel & Duriel and Osmoudon & Belial.  Andariel and Duriel had both been servants of the original Prime Evils, albeit slight rivals.  Osmoudon and found Belial shortly after the Day of Judgment incident, both being banished from Hell for attempting to usurp power from both Hell and the mortal plane.


Andariel: But look what happened when our former masters attempted to split up: they were defeated by the Titans.


Duriel: Irrelevant!  These are different circumstances!


Andariel: But the same Titans!  We mustn't underestimate them.  We did that before and look what happened!


Osmoudon: Come, my friends!  Let us not bicker about this decision.  The fact of the matter is that there will be not more than two Titans at each location.  We shall all go forth to our respective targets and retrieve the Eternals.  The moment that you do, retreat to your lairs or domains and prepare to head to Kurast as soon as you are ready.  We shall all assemble in Mephisto's Durance of

Hate, and proceed on from there.







Davros: According to the maps that Oracle provided, the Eternal that we're looking for is located somewhere in a place called the Dark Wood, near the center in a sacred relic known as the Tree of Inifus.


Akara: I know of it.  Some of the sisters sometimes got there to pray.


The group was assembled near Akara's tent in the Rogue Encampment looking over some maps on the ground.


Lucy: If these maps are right, it's going to take days to reach the Dark Wood by foot, and even then we'll have to stop a couple of times along the way in a cave.


Akara: I could use a portal to send you there quicker.


Davros: Agreed.  The sooner we retrieve the Eternal the better.


Akara: I shall do so immediately.  I'd recommend you transform, Andariel could already be on her way there with the other Prime Evils!


Davros: Right!




Out of her ring came energy bolts, which wrapped around her torso, forming the front of the outfit.  Then the ring fired beams at both her arms, wrapping around them to form the white gloves.  The ring shout out another beam, which wrapped around her legs and formed the boots.  She then twirled around, as did the beam from the ring, which wrapped around her hips and formed into the skirt.  Her tiara and earrings formed with one last blast from the ring.  She stood in a pose of her winking with her ring outstretched in front of her.




The whole pink glittery thingy appears with a silhouette of Davros.  Chest armor enveloped his torso as the symbol of spirit appeared on his forehead.  Leg armor came around his legs, with ankle armor and foot armor.  Behind the armor, only visible in spots where different pieces of armor joined, was a black outfit.  Arm armor enveloped his arms, wrists, and hands.  His hand armor was separated, only having finger armor and palm and backhand armoring.  A red blade emitted from his wrist armor.  A green grid in the shape of the helmet armor, except for the visor.  The red blade passed in front of the grid, and the head armor appeared.  The black visor formed directly afterwards.  He stood in a pose of his two red blades coming out as he kneeled down with the Greek symbol Alpha behind him.


Akara closed her eyes and put her arms out.  Green energy began to gather up directly in front of her, and then formed into a full green opening in space.  The two Titans ran inside of the portal, instantly emerging onto the other side within a deep, dark forest.  The two looked around themselves as the portal closed behind them.


Cephiros: Now what?


Centauri: My scanners are picking up an odd energy source coming from our right.  It might be the Eternal!


Cephiros: Lead the way!


Sailor Centauri nodded and began running in the direction he referred to.  Cephiros followed close behind him as he cleared a path before them, using the energy blades attached to his wrists to slice away at shrubs, plants, and branches that were in their way.  After finally getting past a large amount of weeds and trees, they made it into a clearing.  Before them stood a tree not too tall, only about eight feet tall, but it had a golden aura to it, as if energy pulsed from the plant.


Centauri: According to my sensors, I believe the Eternal is directly within the Tree of Inifus.


Cephiros: Do you think we should destroy it to get to the Eternal?


Centauri: Not necessary.  Watch.


Centauri took a step forward towards the great tree, and instantly a crystal about the size of a child's head emerged from the trunk of it.  It was clear and sparkling, and shaped like a diamond.


Centauri: Well, that's one-


And before he could finish speaking, a fist as large as his head slammed into him, knocking Centauri twenty feet away.  Before she could be hit, Cephiros did a back flip away from the tree.  Before her stood a demon nine feet tall, covered in brown fur and hair.  Despite it's height, its legs were stubby and their heads were small.  Also, its arms were long and brutish.


Centauri: What the hell is that?!


Cephiros: A gargantuan beast!  We fought a few of them some years back.


Voice: Its name is actually Treehead Woodfist.


The two turned their heads in the direction of the voice.  Andariel was standing, leaning against a large tree with a grin on her face.


Andariel: It used to be my servant for this area millennia ago.  It went into hibernation after I died.  I believe you'll find it a worthy opponent.


Cephiros: We don't have time for this!


Andariel: Too bad!


Treehead roared and ran towards Cephiros to try to crush her under its power.  Centauri gasped and raised his arm up as Cephiros began running towards him.


Centauri: GIGA MISSILE!!!


The wrist armor opened up and a missile launched out of it, Cephiros ducking out of its way as it exploded on contact with Treehead.  The explosion rocketed it back, but it got up just as quickly as it had been knocked down.  Treehead roared once more and tried to get at Cephiros, who aimed her ringed hand at it.




A large flame in the form of a running woman shot out of the ring and slammed into Treehead, instantly bursting it into flames.  And roared and ran around frantically in pain before finally falling over, dead.  Cephiros ran over to Centauri and helped him up.


Centauri: Good, now let's get that-


They both stopped when they looked at the Tree of Inifus.  The Eternal was gone, and Andariel was nowhere in sight.


Cephiros: She distracted us!


Centauri: And now the Prime Evils have an Eternal.


Cephiros: This is not turning out as well as the last time we were here.







To Be Continued...