Previously on Sailor Moon Titans Hunt...


Reuisu: It took me a moment to understand it's meaning, but I actually think the meaning is straightforward.  "The separated Titans of love and justice would seek out the Eternals and stop the reformed Prime Evils."  The original Titans group is separated throughout Europe and Asia.  That means that somehow, they're all going to begin fighting some reformed version of the Prime Evils.


Christine: This is all well and good, Reuisu, but what does that have to do with us?  After all, they're separated, and we're not.


Reuisu smiled and leaned over.


Reuisu: The others don't know about the Prophecy.  I suggest that we begin a Titans Hunt, so to speak.  I've contacted Oracle, and she will be our guide in locating the Titans.


Miya held onto Chris' arm and spun around him.


Miya: It just feels like old times!  When the Titans were first getting together, we traveled from one raggedy town to the next, making allies and fighting side by side against evil!  It feels just like those old times!  Especially when I'm with a certain handsome devil...


Qual-Kehk: Welcome to Harrogath, Titans!  I am Qual-Kehk.  I am acting as the military head of Harrogath while demons besiege the area.


Malah: I am the local healer here in Harrogath.  However, in my old age I've relied on others' assistance in certain matters.  One of these helpers, a young girl named Anya, seems to have disappeared.  Anya was the daughter of one of the Clan Elders before he was slain by Baal.  Anya was investigating on her own one of the townspeople named Nihlathak.  With the sudden uprising of undead demons, and with Nihlathak being a necromancer, Anya suspected his involvement.  And now she's disappeared...


Chris: Have you reported this to anyone?


Malah: Qual-Kehk believes this to be merely one of Anya's little games.  She often did this before her father was killed.


Malah pointed to a man who was hunched over near a fire.  His skin looked pale and weak, and he was dressed in a warm black cloak.  And three out of four of the Titans recognized him.


Chris: It's HIM!


Miya: Who?


Christine: When we were kidnapped and brought to Harrogath by Charsi and Argent, there was this guy who helped them have a place to store us!  IT WAS HIM!


Nihlathak turned around, his body suddenly emanating a blue and black aura as his eyes turned pure white.  Despite Nihlathak's sudden change into a glow stick, the Titans were focusing on something else in the cavern: the young girl with brown hair and ragged leather clothing who was encased in a block of ice in the center of the room.


Love: Is that Anya?!


Crystal: It must be!


Asteroid: That bastard froze her in a block of ice!


Life: Geez, that old guy is really strong!


Asteroid: TOO powerful.


Love: What do you mean?


Asteroid: Malah said he was a necromancer.  Necromancers resurrect the dead and use undead magics, not teleportation, flight, and energy bolts like that.


Nihlathak: Maybe you're right, Titan.  But this damned town, and probably the entire world, is going to bow before me, now!  I've sacrificed so much, given so much to this damned world, and it has given me nothing but contempt and cold my entire life.  I AM IN CONTROL NOW!


The demon looked at the Titans and grinned before turning his attentions back at Nihlathak, who gaped in horror at Belial.  Belial grinned wider and leapt at Nihlathak, who, in surprise and shock, threw the large crystal aside as he ran away.  Belial caught it in mid-air and laughed maniacally.


The Titans got up from the ground, helping Asteroid as well; because he still ached from the blast he had received earlier.


Asteroid: We have to go after them!


Life: Which one?


Asteroid: Both!


Love: They can both wait!  We have to see if we can get Anya out of this!








*Theme Song: Never Surrender, by Stan Bush*







Blue energy formed and spiral together, electrical bolts forming from it and wind blew from the gravitational forces it exerted.  A portal was being formed through the help of Malah, the local healer and sorceress of Harrogath.  She kept her eyes closed as she silently mouthed spells to keep the portal open long enough for the four Titans to come out of it, with Anya draped over two of their shoulders.  And as they came out, Qual-Kehk approached them and took Anya from them.


Qual-Kehk: So, Malah, you were right about Nihlathak, as was Anya!


Asteroid: Not entirely.  Nihlathak had the town's best interests going at first, but as the situation decayed here, he went insane.


Asteroid and Love gave Anya to two doctors who were standing by.


Qual-Kehk: Well, his alliance was completely unnecessary now!


Love: Why?


Qual-Kehk: Remember that offensive against the demon plateau I mentioned before?  Well, it turns out that the encampment we attacked was actually one of the main gathering points for the demonic soldiers!  We attacked them totally without warning and slaughtered the entire force with minimal casualties!  If our intelligence is correct, the only thing that remains of the demons here are minor raiding parties, which we can hunt down and slay!


Crystal: That's wonderful!


Qual-Kehk: Indeed, and with Anya's return, we can rejoice even more!


Asteroid: I won't be rejoicing until Nihlathak's been captured and the Eternals are in our hands.


Qual-Kehk: Fear not, Titan!  My hunting parties are searching for the traitor as we speak!


Asteroid: I still sincerely doubt that it'll make a difference in the long run.  Knowing the magical power of that guy, he's probably well out of sight by now.


Malah: Well, in the meantime, you should rest now.







Chris sat on the rooftop of the main town hall, his arms wrapped around his legs as he felt the cold winds travel through his short, black hair.  He sighed as he looked out at the city, seeing minor celebrations occur from the recent victory against the demons.


Voice: Penny for your thoughts?


Chris turned his head a little, not moving from his spot, just as Miya sat down next to him in a similar position.


Miya: Brrr!  It's cold up here.


Chris: I don't mind.


Miya: You look like you're in deep thought.


Chris: I am.


Miya: Why?  What are you thinking about?


Chris sighed and shook his head.


Chris: I don't know.  I guess I'm just starting to think we've lost our edge?


Miya: Lost our edge?


Chris: Yeah.  Look at us, Miya.  We're supposed to be the Titans, the Champions of Justice, Agents of love and all.  We can barely function as a team these days!  We split apart, supposedly trying to find our own way, and all it did was separate us during the one time when we truly had to be together.  We can't even face up against some old guy with a few tricks and turns.  What's happened to us?


Miya: I don't think there's really anything wrong with us.  We did our best-


Chris: NO!  We didn't do our best.  The full seven of us managed to defeat Baal the fricking lord of hatred, TWICE!  Reuisu defeated Diablo single-handedly twice!  We've beaten Queen Beryl time and time again!  We've saved the world more times than I can count, why the hell couldn't we handle some stupid uber-necromancer?!


Miya: I don't know, Chris.  Maybe we're just destined to lose sometimes.


Chris: I can't accept that.  After all-


Miya: We're the Titans.


Chris smiled and took hold of Miya's hand, rubbing it affectionately.


Chris: You're feeling cold, why don't we head downstairs and I'll warm you up a bit.


Miya giggled and the two helped one another up.


Miya: Lets.






To Be Continued...