*Theme song: Never Surrender, by Stan Bush*






Chris: ...And when we came to, both Nihlathak and Osmoudon were gone.


Reuisu: This is BAD!


Chris: Well obviously.


Reuisu: The New Prime Evils have gotten their hands on three out of four of the Eternals!  If we don't do something soon, those horrible beings will use the Eternals to plunge this world into hell itself!


The Titans were once again discussing their situations via laptop and satellite communication.


Oracle: Well, obviously restating the facts isn't going to help the situation.


Reuisu: Indeed!  Michelle and I have gotten passage aboard caravans to get to Lut Gholein, where Duriel is no doubt heading.  We'll deal with him there.  Do any of you know the whereabouts of the other demons?


Davros: Andariel's still nearby, but according to some of the Rogue scouts, she's preparing to move out of the area and rendezvous with the other Prime Evils.


Christine: According to Qual-Kehk, Osmoudon and Belial have already left the area and the trackers they have on them indicate that they're heading to Kurast.


Reuisu: Then that is where we shall meet!  Miya: Your team should head immediately to Kurast in pursuit of Osmoudon and Belial.  Michelle, Tyrael, and I shall join you there later after we've acquired the Eternal.  Lucy: don't try to engage Andariel.  Come straight to Kurast immediately.  Let's go, Titans!







Lucy quickly kicked a wooden crate in anger, growling silently.  Her hands were on her hips as she paced back and forth in front of the Rogue Encampment's storage area.  Davros sat nearby on another crate, watching Lucy move.


Davros: Well, I'm glad we're in agreement.


Lucy: This isn't how it's supposed to be!  We work great as a team, but when we're separated, we can't even recover some stupid crystal!


Davros: 'Divided we fall, united we stand?'


Lucy: Exactly!


Davros: Well, unfortunately, we're going to have to live with the discomfort of being on our own.


Voice: I assure you, Titans, you are not alone!


Lucy and Davros turned their heads towards Hratli and Akara, who were walking towards them.


Hratli: The last time we fought Andariel, we stayed behind and merely held off demon hordes.  Those demon hordes are not attacking us now, so the entire Rogue army is ready to stand behind you all and face her!


Lucy: Yes, unfortunately, Reuisu has ordered us to Kurast-


Voice: Well, we wouldn't want to disappoint your great leader!


Lucy, Hratli, and Akara all gasped in surprise at the voice.  Davros didn't recognize it.  They all turned and saw a very old man approaching.  He held a wooden staff that he used to stabilize himself up, and although he wore extravagant cloaks, the three knew that he was a humble man.


Akara: Tal Rasha!


Tal Rasha: Yes, it is I.


Akara: It is a great honor to see you again.  Remind me, when was the last time we met?


Hratli: The wedding, Akara.  You know, the one between Michelle and Tyrael?


Akara: Ah, yes!  My old friend, what has brought you here?


Tal Rasha: This great plight!  The one known as Oracle informed me of the reformation of the Prime Evils, and so I decided to come and assist you all.


Davros: On your own?


Tal Rasha: No, no!  I've brought some allies...







Andariel laughed maniacally, the Eternal hovering right in front of her.  She grinned widely as the great power's light shined throughout the massive room she was in.  Her skin was beginning to change color in adaptation to the new abilities she was gaining as the Eternal's power flowed into her.


Andariel: HA!  And those other Prime Evils said we should work together in Kurast!  BAH!  I'll go to Kurast, but I shall make them my servants first!


Voice: Oh great Andariel!


Andariel turned her face towards the door, where a succubus was kneeling before Andariel.  She was bowing in respect for her mistress.


Andariel: What is it, handmaiden?  Speak quickly, or face my wrath!


Succubus: The Titans, my Queen!  The Titans have stormed the Catacombs!  They are heading this way!


Andariel grinned.


Andariel: Well then, it's time for a demonstration of my new power.







The entire plan seemed to be going well, at first.  Sailors Cephiros and Centauri had annihilated any of the guarding demons that had crossed their paths, and they were easily making their way towards the location of the Eternal, which was being detected on Centauri's sensors.  It was all going well.


And then the entire building exploded.


Andariel tapped into her new powers that had been given to her from the Eternal, and she created an expanding wave of explosive power that moved away from her in all directions, blowing up the entire catacombs and monastery that had once belonged to the Sisters of the Sightless Eye. 


Sailor Cephiros had once been in an explosion, one that had cost her her life, but this one was very different.  Sure, she felt some slight pain as she was blasted through several walls and out of the Monastery, but she wasn't killed like the last time.  This time, her Sailor abilities had protected her.  Also, she had been right next to the bomb that had blown up the last time.  The epicenter of this explosion had been several stories underground.


And Centauri?  Well, he had three layers of steel protecting him.  Get it?


And so, all that remained of the Monastery and the Catacombs was a large crater in the ground that had once been it.  And standing in the very center of that crater was Andariel, who laughed loudly as she continued to stand in front of the Eternal.  She then shouted out to the Titans, her voice amplified by the Eternal.


Andariel: Foolish Titans!  You see what happens when you try to face someone with the Eternal Power?!


Centauri: We're not dead yet, you egg-sucking bitch!


Andariel: HA!  It took the power of Super Sailor Centauri, two other Titans, and an Archangel to defeat me the last time!  And that was just me at my normal power!  This time, I'm reinforced by the power of the Eternal!  AND YOU TWO EXPECT TO DEFEAT ME?!


Cephiros: Damn right we do!


Andariel: YOU AND WHAT ARMY?!?!


Cephiros: THIS ONE!


And it was then that Andariel realized that the two had not come alone.  All around the edges of the crater, hundreds of Rogues got up from their hiding places and aimed bows and crossbows at Andariel.  And all at once, they all launched, hundreds of arrows all hitting Andariel.  Some normal, some imbued with mystical or elemental energy, or some with poison tips.  However, they were all just pinpricks to Andariel.


Andariel began glowing a bright yellow, and the Eternal became lodged to her chest.  She grinned widely and flew into the air, going straight at Sailor Centauri.  Centauri gasped and tried to block her, but she moved too fast, crushing him under her strength.  Her hands wrapped around his throat and began to strangle him.


Andariel: It was you who killed me before, but this time, I'll kill you first!


Centauri: You're... wrong!


Sailor Centauri grabbed the Eternal and ripped it from her chest, then throwing it away from Andariel.


Andariel: HA!  You think that'll stop me?!  The Eternal has already imbued me with it's power!  AND THAT POWER CAN DESTROY ANYONE!  ANY-




Andariel barely had any time to register the sudden arrival of a bright orange blast that slammed into her and sent her flying twenty feet away from Centauri, face first into the ground.  She immediately regained her composure and leapt to her feet, growling loudly as she saw five new players who had just entered the battlefield.


The Inner senshi.


*"A Little Less Conversation (JXL Remix)," by Elvis Presley, begins playing*


Moon: That power can destroy anyone?  I'd like to test that.


Mercury: The mage Tal Rasha brought us here to help our friends!


Mars: And so we fight you, demon!


Jupiter: We are Agents of Love!


Venus: Agents of Justice!


Moon: And in the name of the Moon,




Andariel growled and then grinned.


Andariel: So, a few more Sailors have entered the battle!  It matters not, because I still possess the power of the Eternal!  And no one can top that!


Centauri: Oh yeah?


Andariel gasped when she looked past the Inner Soldiers and saw Sailors Centauri and Cephiros approaching the Eternal.


Andariel: NO!


Andariel began to fly over to the Eternal to reclaim it, but she was stopped.  What by?  Well...








The Flame Sniper hit first, striking Andariel right in her eyes and blinding her.  She gasped momentarily in pain as Jupiter's constant barrage of green energy knocked her out of the sky, and Mercury's attack sent her sprawling on the ground much farther away from where she had been.


Meanwhile, Sailor Centauri tried to pick up the Eternal, but the instant he touched it, it began glowing and floated in the air in front of the two Titans.  Centauri and Cephiros stared at each other briefly, but then, all of a sudden, a bright flash of light came from the Eternal, encompassing Sailor Centauri and Sailor Cephiros!


*Dubbed Sailor Moon Classic and Sailor Moon R transformation music*


The old Cephiros suit disappeared from Lucy's body, leaving her only a silhouette as her transformational ring shot out a beam of light that formed a talisman necklace.  The Talisman burst out with five large ribbons that wrapped around her torso, forming a kiwi-colored bow and green collar.  Four rings came out from her torso, one on each of her arms and legs, moving down her arms and legs and forming white gloves with green starts and green high-heels.  The final thing that came to her outfit was the green miniskirt and a green belt with a kiwi-colored ring on it.  Cephiros stood in a pose with her, pointing her ring out and her winking.


Centauri's armor suddenly disappeared, except for the wrist and ankle armor, which turned golden with a blue jewel appearing on each.  The whole pink ribbon thing happened with his torso, making a white sailor outfit, except it wasn't like a girl's.  The ribbon was smaller, and the upper part just before the neck was not visible.  White sleeves materialized on his arms, with black gloves appearing above the wrist armor.  White pant legs appeared, with black boots below the ankle armor.  No mini skirt appeared like a girl's outfit.  A black collar appeared on his neck.  Instead of a tiara, a golden halo came over his forehead, with a gray jewel in the center.  He stood in a classic pose.


Andariel gasped and beheld the rebirths of Sailor Cephiros and Super Sailor Centauri, then growled, getting up from her previous position.  She flew past the Inner Senshi, who merely smiled and watched her come near the two enhanced Sailor Titans.  Centauri grinned and got to work first.


Centauri: GIGA FORCE!!!


Blue energy quickly formed in his hands, and he threw the energy ball straight at Andariel, slamming it into her stomach and forcing her out of her flight.  She landed on the ground hard.  When she looked up once more, she winced as she saw Sailor Cephiros standing over her.


Cephiros: Stay dead this time, spider-bitch!


Andariel's pupils dilated.


Cephiros: INTREPID RING!!!


Cephiros quickly extended her arms out from her talisman, which shot out a green ring of energy that quickly traveled through Andariel's body, leaving her nothing but a pile of decaying bones.







Lucy smiled and shook Neo-Queen Serenity's hand.  Everyone was gathered at the Rogue Encampment, and it was only a few hours after the great celebration of the defeat of Andariel.


Lucy: It was good to see you again, my Queen.


Serenity: Think nothing of it.  It felt great to get out of the Palace for a bit!


Rei: And fighting a fight like that reminded me of the good old days when WE saved the earth from demons and youmas.


Lita: Yeah, and not from greedy politicians and health care plans...


Ami: Hey, what we do is important work!


Mina: We know, we know.  But still, fighting bad guys is a heck of a lot more fun!


Davros: And this is an even better day than you guys think.


Serenity: Oh?


Lucy: Davros is right.  We've just taken the first step to defeating the new Prime Evils and saving the Earth once more!


Davros: Today begins the turning of the tide!  That's one Eternal, three more to go!


Davros smiled as he held the Eternal in his hands.


Lucy: Come along, Davros!  TITANS TOGETHER!






To Be Continued...