*Theme Song: Never Surrender, by Stan Bush*






Reuisu closed the laptop and relaxed back a little, sighing.  His body shook slightly along with Michelle's and Tyrael's as the caravan they were in moved across the desert road.  Reuisu shook his head silently.


Reuisu: The Eternals are slipping out of our fingers.


Michelle: That's not true.


Reuisu: I never should have tried to do this all at once.  Bloody hell, what was I thinking!


Reuisu hit himself in the head and then kicked the wooden floor of the caravan in anger.


Tyrael: Your plan was most efficient.  As soon as we secure the fourth Eternal, we'll go to Kurast and defeat these new Prime Evils.


Reuisu: I should've just brought the entire group from city to city and bring us all together at once.  We could've handled all this at once...  Instead, we're separate and I doubt we're going to be getting ANY of the Eternals anytime-


A beeping sound interrupted Reuisu.  He reopened his laptop, which was engaging a direct-linkup to Oracle.  He smiled as the red polygonal image of Oracle appeared on the screen.


Oracle: Good to see you, Reuisu!


Reuisu: You too, Oracle.  What's the good word?


Oracle: Well, using my trace system, I can see that you're in the deserts near Lut Gholein.


Reuisu: Yes, that's true.


Oracle: If my translations and examinations of the maps and ancient texts are accurate, you, Michelle, and Tyrael are VERY close to the location of the last Eternal!


Reuisu immediately stood up in the caravan with the laptop in hand.


Reuisu: Give me coordinates!  We'll move immediately!


Oracle: With pleasure!  I'm transmitting now!








Reuisu and Michelle leapt off of the back of the caravan as it raced off towards Lut Gholein.  They sighed as Tyrael followed suit, hovering above the two.


Michelle: Now what?


Reuisu: I've already committed the location of the Eternal to my memory.  Now all we have to do is transform and head after it!


Michelle: Right!  MOON CRYSTAL POWER!!!


A pink glittery silhouette of Michelle appeared, with only her heart necklace showing.  Suddenly, crystal showered out of it, wrapping around her torso and forming the shirt and first bow of the outfit.  The crystal then shot out more crystals that wrapped around her arms and legs, forming the gloves and boots.  Another spray of crystal formed her skirt and back bow.  The skirt and bows were colored gold.  One last burst of crystal formed a tiara and earrings.  The crystal then shot out a beam of energy, forming into a staff.  She grabbed the staff, and stood in a pose.




A silhouette of Reuisu appeared, he was holding out his transformation stick, which immediately turned into a long yellow staff.  Angel wings came out of his back, with a wingspan of eight feet.  The wings had feathers fly out, and the feathers merged into his torso, forming the shirt and gray bow of the outfit.  More feathers flew out and wrapped around his arms, forming the sleeves and gloves.  Yet again, more feathers flew out and wrapped around his legs and feet, forming white pants and boots.  A golden belt with an engraved cross in the center formed around his waste.  A coronet of gold formed around his head, which formed two sides on the sides of his head.  A jewel formed into a cross on the forehead of the coronet.  He stood in a pose of his angel wings extended outwards from his sides, and him aiming his staff outwards.


Tyrael and Sailor Angel nodded at one another, and picked up Michelle by her arms, lifting her up as the two began flying in the direction of the Eternal.


Angel: It's very odd, I can actually SENSE the Eternal, as if it were calling to me...


Tyrael: I can feel it as well, Sailor.  I believe it may be caused by the energies of the Eternal itself.  Perhaps it is of some Angelic origin...


Angel: If it is, that just makes our situation worse considering the claws that currently hold most of them.


Moonshine: Don't worry, Reuisu!  We'll kick their asses and be home in time for tea!


Angel: A very British comment coming from a French lady.


Moonshine: Oh shut up, Reuisu.


Sailor Moonshine stuck her tongue out at Angel, who chuckled happily.


Angel: It really feels like old times, Michelle.


Moonshine: Don't worry, Reuisu-


Angel: I really wish people would stop telling me not to worry.  I'm not worrying, I just state facts.


Moonshine: Well, here's a fact for you: even families need some time alone sometimes.


Angel: It was three bloody months!


Moonshine: Okay, they need A LOT of time.


Angel sighed and shook his head.


Angel: I can only assume someone has spray-painted the word 'idiot' on my back again.


Moonshine giggled, then stopped when she looked up ahead.  She gasped.


Moonshine: Put us down here!


Tyrael and Angel nodded and descended downwards towards a patch of large rocks.  They landed quickly, letting Moonshine jump off first as they settled down on the ground.


Tyrael: What did you see, my love?


Moonshine: One diamond-shaped glowing crystal thing and three sand leapers protecting it.


Angel: Sand leapers?!  You mean those bloody little weasel things that just jump around and try to attack you?


Moonshine: Yep.


Angel: Bloody hell, Duriel must be off his bonkers...


Tyrael: You think it's the Eternal?


Angel: I'm sure of it!  As a matter of fact, let's go even the score with that asshole demon right now!


Moonshine and Tyrael smiled.




And with that exuberant battle cry, the three leapt from their hiding spot onto the unsuspecting sand leapers.  The small, rodent-like creatures were caught completely off guard by the attack, so confused that they even attacked one another as they jumped about, trying to find a target.  However, all they were met with was two staffs and a flaming sword.  Within two minutes, they were all dead corpses to be fed upon by vultures.


Angel: I love it when things go easily.


Moonshine: It's pretty.


Angel: The Eternal?


Moonshine: Yeah...


Angel: It's to be expected.


Tyrael: And now we have one in our possession!  Let us take it now to-


Before Tyrael could finish his sentence, the ground beneath the three began to shake!  Before Tyrael and Angel could take flight, the ground collapsed beneath them, forcing them to fall into a large pit about fifteen feet deep.  The group groaned as they looked up.  They all winced as they saw the figure standing over the hole.


It was Duriel.


Angel: I hate it when things don't go easily!


Angel tried to fly up to fight Duriel only to be met with the flat end of Duriel's blade arm, sending him back down to the pit with a broken arm.  Angel winced as he cradled his arm to his stomach.


Duriel: Pathetic human.  That's four for us, none for you!  Goodbye, Sailor Nothings!


And with that, Duriel clapped his two blade arms together, and instantly the cave walls began to collapse around the three.









To Be Continued...