*Theme song: Never Surrender, by Stan Bush*







Angel: This is highly uncomfortable.


Moonshine: FOR ME!!!


Tyrael: Sailor Angel, might I advise you not to interrupt my love while she's working.


Angel: Sorry.


Moonshine: OH SHUT UP!!!


Angel: I'd still like to thank you for stopping time just at the moment the ground was pouring in around us.




Angel: I'm shutting up now.


Tyrael: Reuisu, we're going to have to get out of here while Michelle can still hold the time-stopping magic.  I believe your Angelic power may hold the key.


Angel: Righteo!  HAND OF DESTINY!!!


Sailor Angel's fist glowed an intense white and gold, then shot an energy bream straight through the pile of dirt and rock that was sitting quite still above their heads.  Strangely enough, nothing really happened, but Angel kept firing the beam of energy, expanding it out a bit.  He stopped after about a minute of fire.


Angel: All right, Moon-face!  You can let go!


Moonshine gasped as she stopped her manipulation of time.  Although some of the dirt and rock continued to fall down upon the group, the rest flew up into the air and vaporized.  Sailor Moonshine collapsed to her knees, breathing heavily.  Tyrael knelt beside her.


Tyrael: Are you all right, my love?


Moonshine: Been better...


Angel: Don't worry, Michelle.  Tyrael, how far are we from Lut Gholein?


Tyrael: A few miles.


Angel: Then let's head off!








Reuisu: Take good care of her.


Doctor: Don't worry, Sailor.  We shall do all that we can.


Reuisu and Tyrael nodded, and the Doctor wheeled a recovering Michelle into another room.


Tyrael: My love is very powerful.


Reuisu: I'm certainly glad she's on our side.


Voice: I couldn't agree more!


Reuisu and Tyrael smiled, recognizing the voice as that of Jerhyn, a Prince and the ruler of Lut Gholein.  The two approached him and bowed respectfully.


Reuisu: Good to see you again, your lordship.


Jerhyn: Oh, such formalities are not required.  Ever since your great Queen Serenity took over the world, the royalty in this part of the world isn't what it used to be.


Tyrael: It is still good to be with you, Jerhyn.


Reuisu: Unfortunately, we arrive to you with bad news.  Duriel has been-


Jerhyn: Yes, I know.  The demon has been brought back to life.


Reuisu: How did you know?


Jerhyn: I've been informed by a very reliable source...


Tyrael: Who?


Voice: I swear, I shall never get used to the flying machines of this time period!  Give me a good horse or a mule, and I'll be just fine!


Reuisu and Tyrael gasped and walked into the next room.  Standing in the hospital's waiting room was an old man wearing extravagant cloaks and had a long, thickly beard.  It was Tal Rasha.


Reuisu: Bloody hell!  It's just one reunion after another, isn't it?


Tal Rasha: Indeed.  And the news gets better!


Reuisu: I'm afraid that's where you're wrong, my friend.  Duriel has gotten his hands on the fourth Eternal.  The New Prime Evils now have all of the Eternals.


Tal Rasha: Not exactly...


Tal Rasha was grinning, almost chuckling behind his aged beard.


Tyrael: To what are you referring to?


Tal Rasha: I have just arrived from the Rogue Encampment.  Sailors Centauri and Cephiros have successfully defeated Andariel!  They destroyed her and got their hands on the Eternal!  Their powers have even been upgraded by the crystal!


Reuisu slapped his knee in joy.


Reuisu: Good ol' Lucy!  You see, Tyrael?  It just needs a dash of British ingenuity and you can achieve anything!  Tyrael, pull out my laptop!  It's time for an update from everybody!


Tyrael nodded and went back into Michelle's room, pulling out the laptop and bringing it back into the other room.  Reuisu sat down in a chair and immediately began punching in a code to transmit to the Titans.  Within minutes, the remaining Titans were all on separate screens, along with the CG image of Oracle.


Reuisu: All right, folks, listen up!  Tal Rasha's with me in Lut Gholein and we've discovered the great work Lucy has done at the Rogue Encampment.


Lucy: Thanks, Reuisu.


Reuisu: Although it was a direct violation of the order I gave you to head out to Kurast ASAP.


Lucy and Davros looked at one another and winced.


Reuisu: Thanks for doing that.  Remind me to tell you to disobey orders more often.  Chris, Miya, what's your current situation?


Chris: We're already halfway to Kurast.  It looks like the four of us are going to get there first, Reuisu.


Reuisu: Then get ready for our arrival.  I just hope things are remaining stable back home...








Rei: I just got back here and now we have to leave?!


Amara: We've been planning this conference before the Global Education Association for weeks now, Rei.


Rei: And her Majesty just got back from assisting to kill a great evil on the other side of the planet.


Amara: Rei, she has to go, now!


Rei: I'm not trying to convince you that she's staying at the Tower, I'm just saying she's-


Voice: REI!


Amara and Rei turned their heads around to see Neo Queen Serenity entering Rei's office.  In her right hand was a long wooden stick.


Serenity: I will KILL people, Rei!  I will kill people with this Cricket bat that was a gift to me from Reuisu last Christmas!


Amara: You play Cricket, mam?


Serenity: No, but Reuisu introduced it to me once and I WAS interested in playing!  But now I'm not going to be able to play tonight, and do you know why?


Rei: Because you'll be giving a speech about why we're not screwing over schools and colleges throughout the world?


Serenity: Two minutes.


Rei: Your majesty-


Serenity: Two minutes, Rei!


Rei: Your majesty-


Serenity: Two minutes is all I need to explain!  But NO!  We've transformed it into an hour-long speech so that the people of the world can understand in full why I am pro-education and why they're stupid!


Rei: Not in so many words, your majesty, but-


Serenity: Oh, but it IS in so many words, Rei!  I've looked over the speech, and it's a lot more words than the sentence that I just spoke!


Amara: Your highness, the people within the Silver Millennium don't understand the things we're doing as well as people in Crystal Tower-


Serenity: So, once again, we are implying that the people of the planet are absolutely and totally stupid, Amara?


Amara: Of course not, your majesty.  But the fact of the matter is that they have raised their concerns to us for several months now, and we have to alleviate every one of them or else we lose their support.


Serenity: Yeah, well, we should tell them to go blow it out their asses...


Rei: And if we could, your majesty, I'm sure we would.  But for the moment, let's just go see them as we originally intended to do in the first place.







To Be Continued...