*Theme Song: The Touch by Stan Bush*




Hratli: Thank you, heroes.  Although Blood Raven was once my friend, it is good to know she now has a final resting place in heaven.


Reuisu: You're welcome, Hratli.  Anything else we can do for you?


Hratli: Not that I can think of...  Oh, Akara wanted to speak to you about something.  You should go find her.


Lucy: Thanks.


The three Titans, Tyrael, and Darien walked through the Rogue Encampment to Akara's tent.  It seemed to be shoddily built, with a fire built seven feet away from it.  There was a cot, and several arrays of potions and books and scrolls all scattered about the ground.  Akara walked out, still in the same clothes she had been this entire time, purple cloth and a black cloak.


Akara: Hello, Titans, Archangel, and-...  I don't know you.


Darien: My name's Darien.  I'm a friend.


Akara: If you assist the Titans you are my friend as well.  Now, I wished to speak with you about saving our Encampment.


Reuisu: We're still working on it.


Akara giggled softly.


Akara: I had something in mind.  There's a powerful old mage, the last of the Horadrim, Deckard Cain.  We may be able to stop Andariel using the knowledge of Deckard Cain.


Darien: Well, that's easy!  When I left Tokyo, he was still there.


Michelle: Provided he's still there.  We haven't had the best of luck in the past few days.


Lucy: Oh come on, Michelle!  Just because we've run into a few problems doesn't mean we always have bad luck!  Don't you think so, Reuisu?  Reuisu?


Everyone turned to see Reuisu accessing his laptop and connecting via-computer port back to Tokyo.


Reuisu: Hello, hello, come in please!  Is anybody there?


A crackled and staticy image of Rei's face appeared on screen.


Rei: Reu-...  -that yo-...?


Reuisu: Hang on, I'll try to fix the interference.


Reuisu tapped into the laptop some more, and the image of Rei became clear.


Rei: It is you!  Have you found all the Titans?


Reuisu: Only two of them.  Say, is Deckard still there?


Rei: Um, no.  He left for Tristram a few days ago.


Reuisu winced at this news.


Rei: Reuisu?


Reuisu: Yes?


Rei: I miss you.


Reuisu: I miss you too, Rei.  I'll keep in touch.


Reuisu tapped two more buttons, and the image disappeared, leaving a blank screen on his laptop.  He closed his eyes, and began to think of Rei and what she was going through back in Tokyo...


Michelle: Reuisu!  Snap out of it!


Reuisu jumped a bit, snapping out of his train of thought.


Akara: I have unpleasant news about Deckard, if he really has gone back to Tristram.


Reuisu: What?


Akara: The hellmouth near Tristram reopened two days ago.  The city was set aflame by the demons of hell.  No survivors are known to still be there.


Reuisu: Cain's a survivor.  If anyone managed to escape from Tristram, it would be him.  He'll come to us, eventually.


Michelle: We can't wait that long!  I say we go to Tristram and rescue him!


Reuisu: The caravan lines are closed!  We're already behind schedule and running out of time for Tokyo and the world!  We cannot try to go by foot to rescue Cain!


Akara: There is another way.  I can use a portal spell to open a gateway to Tristram.


Michelle: Alright, let's-


Reuisu: NO!


Everyone slowly turned to face Reuisu once more.


Reuisu: We're staying here.


Lucy: Reuisu, we have to rescue Cain!


Reuisu: We don't even know if he's still alive!


Darien: In the off-chance he might be, don't you wanna at least try to rescue him?


Reuisu: I'm NEVER going back to Tristram!


With that, Reuisu turned around and began to walk off.


Tyrael: And just why not?


Reuisu stopped and turned around once again.


Reuisu: Three years.  Three years, four months, and sixteen days ago, I was in Tristram.  I fought Diablo and the Archbiship Lazarus in an all-out battle to the death.  I walked out of it with horrible memories, two broken ribs, a broken arm, and nightmares that will not end!  It's all because of that accursed demon, that wanderer, AND THAT TOWN!  It almost killed me, and I won't let it get a second chance at it!


Lucy: Fine!


Reuisu: Huh?


Michelle: We'll go without you.  We don't need you.


Tyrael: If that is your decision, I shall assist with them.


Reuisu: You don't understand, if you go to Tristram, you're all dead!


Darien: We're dead anyways without Cain!  This is your last shot at being a hero to others, Reuisu.


Reuisu thought for a moment.


Reuisu: Go.  And don't blame me when you're all dead.






The metal hammer sliced through the Moonshine mirror beam.  The shadowed figure holding the hammer jumped up and impaled the hammer straight through Sailor Moonshine.  Reuisu was standing there, looking gray as a ghost, watching all of it with shock and horror.  A demon with a jagged arm struck it through the head of Sailor Cephiros.  Seeing this, Reuisu's figure threw up, then fell onto the ground in more horror.  Reuisu suddenly saw two shadowed figures suffer the same fate as the the Titans.


<Those must be the other Titans...> he thought.


Looking up again, he saw the Titans, all standing around him.  Standing up more, he saw all the Sailor Soldiers too, even the Sailor Stars standing around him.  All of them had horrible injuries and were still bleeding beyond any mortal comprehension.


Serena: You killed us.


Michelle: We trusted you.


Unknown Titan: You killed all of us.


Lucy: Where were you when we needed you?


Seiya: You killed all of us.


Reuisu: Stop it STOP IT STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!





Reuisu woke up in a heavy sweat.


Reuisu: Great.  This one's even worse than the falling dream.  I let them down in that one...  No, I can't let that happen!  AKARA!


Akara, wearing a robe and nightgown, yawned and walked out of her tent.


Akara: yes?


Reuisu: The portal to Tristram, is it still open?


Akara: Yes.  You may enter through it whenever you want.


Reuisu: How did you kno-


Akara: It's a running gag for people.  Don't go, have a dream, want to go.  It happens all the time.  Now go!


Reuisu nodded and ran off into the red portal.





Immediately after stepping through, his foot landed in a burning bush, nearly setting it on fire.  He immediately jumped down and rolled around the ground, putting out the fire.  Standing up, he looked around and gaped in horror.  The entire town was still ablaze with fire.  The town well had been broken, and it's watery contents evaporated.  The tavern where he spent the nights in had been burned to the ground, now a pile of bricks and ash.  Every other place in the area was still on fire, the wickedness of it all too horrifying to comprehend.


Moonshine: Reuisu!


Reuisu snapped his head behind a burning building and saw the Titans, an unconscious Tyrael, Tuxedo Mask, and Deckard Cain all within a small, crampped cage.


Cephiros: Transform and get us out of here!




The whole pink glittery thingy appears with a silhouette of Reuisu.  Chest armor enveloped his torso as the symbol of spirit appeared on his forehead.  Leg armor came around his legs, with ankle armor and foot armor.  Behind the armor, only visible in spots where different peices of armor joined, was a black outfit.  Arm armor enveloped his arms, wrists, and hands.  His hand armor was seperated, only having finger armor and palm and backhand armoring.  A red blade emitted from his wrist armor.  A green grid in the shape of the helmet armor, except for the visor.  The red blade passed in front of the grid, and the head armor appeared.  The black visor formed directly afterwards.  He stood in a pose of his two red blades coming out as he kneeled down with the Greek symbol Alpha behind him.


Centauri: GIGA BLADE!


The two red beams shot out, and just as he was prepared to strike down...


Voice: Returned so soon, lad?


Centauri whipped around fast to confront the figure.  Centauri gasped behind his helmet as he had a flashback...






Griswald: Aye, laddy, what can I do for ya?


Reuisu: I've come to Tristram to defeat the demon infestation here.


Griswald: Oy, another warrior!  The name's Griswald, young one.  I am the blacksmith here in Tristram.  Of course, thanks to the hell that's enveloped this town, I'm glad to know some warriors are brave enough to come help us.


Reuisu: Thank you, Griswald.  Do you know where I can find lodging?


Griswald: Ogden's tavern us just over there.  He'll let ya rest up while ya stay here, and I'll repair anything you need me to.


Reuisu: Thank you again, Griswald.






Centauri: Griswald...  What's happened to you?!?!


The blacksmith Griswald had half his face town off, revealing bloody muscle tissue.  His arms were considerably more powered, and a red aura seemed to surround him.  Standing behind him, was the Dark lord himself, Diablo.


Diablo: Magnificent, isn't he?




Diablo: Shown him the Darkness.  He's quite cursed now.


Centauri: Griswald, break out of it!


Diablo: It's no use.  He's my slave now.


Centauri's compartments in his armor began to open, revealing all his weapons for his giga Destroyer attack.




The weapons in his armor shot out, enveloping the area that Diablo had jumped from with explosions, fireballs, and exploding ground.  Diablo then disappeared.  Griswald ran over and hit Centauri's armor, knocking him onto the ground.


Tuxedo Mask: You must hit him, Sailor Centauri!


Centauri: How can I?!?!  He's a good man, I know it!


Moonshine: He's not your friend anymore, you have to kill him!


Centauri was punched again, knocking him into a flaming wall.  The armor protected his body from being lit aflame, and he stepped out of it pain, no less.


Centauri: But-


Cain: The forces of darkness have tainted his soul, you must do this!


Centauri looked one last time at Griswald, who began to charge at full speed at Centauri, raising his arms for a large punch that would've killed Centauri, even with the armor.


Centauri: Forgive me, old friend.


Just as Griswald was about to lash down, Centauri's giga blades lashed into his shoulder and stomach.  Griswald just stood there for a moment, then went limp.  He fell to the ground, evaporating into dust.  Centauri collapsed onto his knees and watched as the dust faded into the wind...






To Be Continued