*Theme song: Never Surrender, by Stan Bush*






Reuisu: You know, this actually feels a little weird.


Astra: How do you mean?


Reuisu: When I was first searching for the Titans, I would be contacting messages via laptop to Rei back in Tokyo.  And now, here we are.  You're in Crystal Tokyo, and I'm here in Lut Gholein contacting you.


Astra: Well, I can tell you that the main difference between what happened back a thousand years ago and what's happening now is that I am not off fighting demons whereas Rei was.


Reuisu: And I am quite grateful for that.


Astra: Although, politics that are occurring here in the city are not exactly the best.


Reuisu: What do you mean?


Astra: Serena's going to be giving a big speech in front of the Global Education Association in a moment.


Reuisu: I heard about that.  It's a pointless speech.  They're just making her do the speech because the GCE's too stupid to see that the Queen's not trying to screw them over.


Astra: Unfortunately, they are that stupid, and when someone starts shouting at the administration that they're not trying to help Education...


Reuisu: Yes, yes.  Anyway, Astra, I have to get going.  Serenity may be saving the world with negotiations, bills, and laws, but I save the world the old fashioned way: with a kind word and a two-by-four.


Astra: And you stick to that, babe.  I love you.


Reuisu: I love you more.


Astra smiled, blushed, and the communication line on Reuisu's laptop turned off.  Reuisu closed the laptop and stood up, walking into the next room, where Michelle and Tyrael were sitting along with Prince Jerhyn and Tal Rasha.


Reuisu: What's next?







Serenity: AMARA!


Serenity growled as she stormed through the hallways of Crystal Tokyo down to her limousine.  All of her personal aids that stood beside her were wincing, and trying to keep a safe distance from their boss.  Rei moved in beside her.


Rei: Your majesty, are you still upset about the GEA Speech?


Serenity: No, but they can still go to hell.  I'm pissed off about something new, Rei!


Rei: And that would be, mam?


Serenity: First I have to get Amara.  AMARA!


Amara Tenou walked out from behind a group of cubicles, and started walking with Serenity, Rei, and the rest of the group.


Amara: You called, your highness?


Serenity: Remember that invitation to appear on Capitol Beat to debate with the Senator from America on Christian issues in the thirtieth century?


Amara: The one we turned down because we didn't want to get into a fight on religious extremists, school prayer, and abortion?


Serenity: That's right.


Amara: What about it?


Serenity: I'm sending you to fight with them.


Amara: Why?  I thought we didn't want to get into a fight about those things, that it would make us look bad.


Rei: It will.


Amara: So why do you want me to go fight with them?


Serenity: Because something's come up.


Rei: What has?


Serenity, one of her aides, and three secret service agents entered into a nearby elevator, leaving everyone else outside.


Serenity: I'll explain in the car!







Michelle: One down, two to go.


Reuisu, Michelle, Tyrael, Jerhyn, and Tal Rasha were all assembled within the standard meeting place in Jerhyn's palace.  Tal Rasha stood up.


Tal Rasha: The Staff of Kings was a good start.  The three of you managed to go in and retrieve the Staff with little or no effort.  Unfortunately, our next encounter with our demonic foes may not be so fortunate.  To merge the Viper Amulet and the Staff of Kings together, we shall require a mystical item known as a Horadric Cube.  There were only five Cubes ever created, and one of them is in the Lut Gholein desert.


Tyrael: The cube does indeed possess great power.  Its ability to merge multiple items to create an entirely new one was part of the reason why two of the cubes were destroyed.


Reuisu: What guarantees do we have that the Cube is still in the desert?


Tal Rasha: Only that the chamber that it was sealed in has not been opened for hundreds of years.  It was sealed in an underground temple called the Halls of the Dead.


Michelle: Should I be asking why it was called such a happy name?


Tal Rasha: The Halls were a burial ground, young Titan.


Reuisu: If that's true, then judging by what's been going on around here, it's more than likely that we're going to be dealing with Skeletons, Zombies, and possibly some stuff we've never encountered before.


Michelle: How do we reach the Halls?


Reuisu: Town portal?


Tal Rasha: Only option.  All the known entrances are sealed and several feet below the ground.







Angel: You know, a thought has occurred to me.


Moonshine: And what would that be, oh wise leader?


Angel: Well, for a temple that's supposed to be underground and isolated from the rest of the world, there sure is a lot of air flowing through here.


Tyrael: And that is the only thing you're wondering about?


Angel: Well, I was a wee bit suspicious when all the torches came on the instant we came through the town portal onto this end.


Moonshine: I was a little curious about that, too.  Of course, my curiosity didn't last very long.


Tyrael: Oh?


Moonshine: Yeah, the dozens of Skeletons and Zombies sort of took my mind off of it.  ACK!


Tyrael: What's the matter, my love?!


Moonshine: Nothing, nothing.  One of the Skeletons that I killed had a section of their bone snap off and scratch my leg.  Don't worry, it's not bleeding.


And through all of the conversation that the three were having, they were each engaged in combat with about several undead creatures at once.  Moonshine was using her staff as a club, smashing in heads or knocking them clean off.  Tyrael's sword, being imbued with angelic power, cut through the Skeletons and Zombies as if they were air.  And Sailor Angel's staff, even if it hadn't been angelic as well, was still a big, strong stick.


So, it should've been a quick battle.  Unfortunately, every time the three killed a group of undead, the very same creatures that they had just killed glowed a bright gold, then put themselves back together and arose once again.


Angel: This is getting old FAST!


Angel slammed his fist through one of the skeletons' skulls, smashing it to dust.


Moonshine: Actually, it's familiar!


Tyrael: What do you mean, my love?


Moonshine: Back in the old days, when it was just you, Reuisu, Lucy, and me!  Remember the Fallen One Shaman?


Angel: Of course!  Something like that must be around here!


Tyrael: Pray tell, Reuisu, could it be that creature over there?


Tyrael pointed at a demon standing in the nearby doorway.  It had some type of Egyptian headdress on, and it held its arms out with its hands glowing.  Its skin was a mixture of red and gold, and was almost humanlike.


Angel: Probably!


Tyrael promptly tossed his sword at the demon, blade first.  Azurewrath sliced right into the creature's neck, chopping it's head clean off.  The beast fell to the ground, and the three quickly sliced and smashed the remaining skeletons and zombies.


Angel: Bugger all!  They might've been annoying, but at least they were more of a challenge then the Sand Maggots.


Moonshine: This is turning into something of a more funny assignment than an action-packed one.


Angel: Don't worry, moon-face.  Knowing our luck, Duriel will be clawing at our skin soon enough.






To Be Continued...