Previously on Sailor Moon Titans Hunt...


Reuisu: The others don't know about the Prophecy.  I suggest that we begin a Titans Hunt, so to speak.  I've contacted Oracle, and she will be our guide in locating the Titans.



Reuisu: "Those who were less sought that which would make them Prime!"  The prophecy!  These four demons, Belial, Osmoudon, Duriel, and Andariel, are basically lesser evils, servants of the original Prime Evils.  But now that the Prime Evils are gone and destroyed, they're seeking the Eternals to become the new Prime Evils!



They both stopped when they looked at the Tree of Inifus.  The Eternal was gone, and Andariel was nowhere in sight.


Cephiros: She distracted us!


Centauri: And now the Prime Evils have an Eternal.



Chris: I don't know.  I guess I'm just starting to think we've lost our edge?


Miya: Lost our edge?


Chris: Yeah.  Look at us, Miya.  We're supposed to be the Titans, the Champions of Justice, Agents of love and all.  We can barely function as a team these days!  We split apart, supposedly trying to find our own way, and all it did was separate us during the one time when we truly had to be together.  We can't even face up against some old guy with a few tricks and turns.  What's happened to us?


Miya: I don't think there's really anything wrong with us.  We did our best-


Chris: NO!  We didn't do our best.  The full seven of us managed to defeat Baal the fricking lord of destruction, TWICE!  Reuisu defeated Diablo single-handedly twice!  We've beaten Queen Beryl time and time again!  We've saved the world more times than I can count, why the hell couldn't we handle some stupid uber-necromancer?!



Reuisu: This is BAD!


Chris: Well obviously.


Reuisu: The New Prime Evils have gotten their hands on three out of four of the Eternals!  If we don't do something soon, those horrible beings will use the Eternals to plunge this world into hell itself!



Cephiros: Stay dead this time, spider-bitch!


Andariel's pupils dilated.


Cephiros: INTREPID RING!!!


Cephiros quickly extended her arms out from her talisman, which shot out a green ring of energy that quickly traveled through Andariel's body, leaving her nothing but a pile of decaying bones.



Reuisu: Bloody hell!  It's just one reunion after another, isn't it?


Tal Rasha: Indeed.  And the news gets better!


Reuisu: I'm afraid that's where you're wrong, my friend.  Duriel has gotten his hands on the fourth Eternal.  The New Prime Evils now have all of the Eternals.



Angel: I beg your pardon, but it just sounded like you were going to give us the Eternal.


Duriel: Your ears are quite correct, Sailor.  Belial and Osmoudon have finally informed me of their plan with the Eternals.  They do not seek their power for personal use.  They seek to break the boundaries between Heaven and Hell.


Tyrael: The Lord of Destruction tried this already.  He who brings Chaos stopped him.


Duriel: True.  But it is not the intent of the Prime Evils to allow the Lord of Chaos to roam freely to destroy, but to shatter the stone entirely.  If the World Stone were shattered completely, nothing could stop the mortal plane and hell from merging together.  Not even Lucifer.



And now the Continuation...


*Theme song: Never Surrender, by Stan Bush*







Reuisu stepped off of the boat, thanking Meshif for once more taking him to Kurast.  Tyrael and Michelle followed soon afterwards, carrying their bags into the now-busy port.  Ever since the Titans had first destroyed Mephisto so many years ago, Kurast had finally managed to turn itself around.  Instead of being a rotting, decaying city next to a swamp, they had become an important port town that allowed for billions of dollars in trade and economic growth.


And now, the Titans had returned.  Miya, Chris, Christine, and Anna were already waiting at the port with their own bags when they saw the three get off the boat.  They quickly got up and approached, each of them exchanging hugs without saying a word.  Reuisu finally broke the ice.


Reuisu: What did I say to you people?


Miya: 'Splitting up will only destroy us.'


Chris: 'If you had any sense, you'd come home now.'


Anna: 'I can't believe my family abandoned me.'


Christine: 'What the bloody hell were they thinking?'


Michelle: 'I'm rather disappointed in you all.'


Voice: 'Come home or I'm dragging you back, myself!'


The group all smiled, hearing the rather familiar voice of the biggest optimist of their group who had just now arrived by her own boat: Lucy Yubiwa.  Everyone immediately gave her tight bear hugs; Davros close behind her with her bags.  The group all looked at him, and Chris stepped up.


Chris: So, you're Davros.  You're the one that corrupted Reuisu many times before, deliberately tried to destroy him, stole his transformational items more than once, and originally destroyed Baelrog.


Davros gulped, the blood draining from his face as he prepared to leave the group for the shunning he was no doubt about to receive.


Chris: Welcome to the team, partner!


And Chris took Davros' hand and shook it fiercely with a grin on his face and a laugh in his voice.  Everyone except Reuisu gave similar responses to Davros' arrival.  When Reuisu could take it no longer, he finally separated everyone from Davros.


Reuisu: Excuse me, but last time I checked, I am still the leader of the Titans!  I have final say about who is allowed into this little clique of superheroes, and I made it very clear last year that anyone who was not located on the Titans Paper was forbidden from joining us!


Michelle: Little problem with your logic there, boss: Sailor Centauri IS on the Titans paper.  It doesn't have to be you who is wearing the armor.


Reuisu: Oh yeah?  Let's put it to vote, then!


Five seconds later Reuisu regretted suggesting that.  Every one of them voted to let Davros stay.  Reuisu, with a sigh, accepted it.


Reuisu: Well, I suppose I can TOLERATE him for a time.  Oh, and by the way: Chris and Miya?  When we get home, you two are getting married.


Miya rolled her eyes.


Miya: Look, Reuisu, we've already talked about this and-


Reuisu: You don't want the Queen to pay for it.


Chris: That's right.  We want to support ourselves when we feel we're ready-


Reuisu: Do you two love each other?


Chris: Beyond words, yes.


Reuisu: Are you going to love each other 'til death do you part?


Miya: Yes.


Reuisu: Then suck it up and get married already, you bleedin' idiots.  I'LL pay for the wedding.  You two are getting hitched whether you like it or not.  Not because it's the right thing to do, although it is, but because you've put it off for too long.


Everyone smiled at Reuisu's comments.  Even Davros put on a smirk.  However, Reuisu wasn't finished yet.


Reuisu: As much as we probably don't want to accept it, Sailor Argent gave us the kick in the butt we needed.  We've become far too complacent with ourselves.  While Michelle and I were facing skeletons and demons in Lut Gholein, we came to the undeniable conclusion that we think each new enemy is going to be just like the last one, that we feel totally self-confident and prideful whenever a new threat looms over the horizon.  When Sailor Argent first appeared, did we try to track her down?  Did we even try to further any investigation of where she might have gone?  No.  We just waited for her to make her next move.  And so, we were attacked and forced to live out our worst nightmares.  Things got bad.  REALLY bad.  It split us apart, although as much as I feel it was the wrong decision, we probably needed it.


The group stared at Reuisu dumbfounded.


Reuisu: We needed a break.  A break from each other, a break from the hardships of our line of work, and a break from familiar people and surroundings.  And breaks are good; I admit that.  However, our enemies take advantage of us.  And I don't care if we faced them before.  I don't care if they're doing the exact same plans they did the last time.  I don't care if we've traveled back in time to an earlier point and we already know the outcome.  It's always different SOMEHOW.


Reuisu smiled as he saw them all hanging on his every word.


Reuisu: I'm sure you're all tired of hearing me speak, so let me just get to the point of this: Break's over, people.







Hotaru briefly waited outside of Neo-Queen Serenity's office.  She sighed as she realized it had only been a few hours since Amara's comments on Capitol Beat, and now they'd have to ruin so many things just to try appease people they didn't like in the first place.  As the meeting in her office finally ended, Hotaru walked inside of Serenity's office to see she was with two other people from the communications department.  Neo-Queen Serenity slammed the clipboard featuring her daily schedule onto her desk and glared at Hotaru.


Serenity: Hotaru, what the hell did you do to this welfare vote?!


Hotaru: Well, we scheduled it for Wednesday night.


Serenity: Why?


Hotaru: For two reasons.  The first was to get you out of that Shinto Charities Event-


Serenity: I'm going to that.


Hotaru and the two assistants from the communications department exchanged glances.


Hotaru: After Amara's comments on Capitol Beat?


Assistant: Your majesty, none of us thought it was a good idea-


Serenity: The fundraiser was MY idea.  I've known the Head Priestess for over twenty years, and I'm not playing politics with the church right now.  You've got me running a vote from the mezzanine floor of a Broadway theatre.  Did anyone want to run this past me first? 


The three winced and gulped, but Serenity dropped the issue with her next question.


Serenity: Where are we on the vote, anyway?


Hotaru: Well, to tell you the truth, mam, we're sort of slipping.


Serenity narrowed her eyes once more.


Serenity: Why?


Hotaru: The drug lobbyists are-


Serenity: True or false, Hotaru: my life would be better right now if you and your boyfriend traded jobs?


Hotaru just blinked and stared at Serenity with a dumbfounded look upon her face.  Serenity walked back behind her desk and sat in her chair.


Serenity: Why is it for every good thing you do around here we have to endure three screw-ups?


Hotaru: Well, I'm sorry, mam-


Serenity: Sorry doesn't get me 218 votes, Hotaru!  It doesn't get back Amara's comments on Capitol Beat that should have been cleared through your office any more than it gets back the pain and humiliation both Lita and Seinko have now suffered through!


Hotaru bit her lower lip.


Serenity: And why the hell don't you know what Senator Thompson's commitments are before you get anywhere near my schedule?!  I've got the Royalty box at a Cattle Call!  WIN THE DAMN VOTE.


Hotaru gulped.


Hotaru: Yes, mam.


And with that, Hotaru turned around and left Serenity's office, feeling utterly ashamed with herself and her profession.  Serenity continued doing her paperwork.







To Be Continued...