*Theme song: Never Surrender, by Stan Bush*






Rei Hino yawned as she entered the doors of Crystal Tower.  People walked back and forth around the crowded lobby of the palace of the ruler of the world.  She wore a beige business suit, her hair tied into a ponytail behind her.  The secretary at the lobby greeted her.


Susan: Morning, mam.


Rei: Good morning, Susan.  Anything I should know about before I enter hell once more?


All of a sudden, there was an immense shout that came down through the hall.




Everyone in the lobby stopped and stared at the direction the yelling had come from, seeing that it had come from a very POed-looking Neo-Queen Serenity, who's eye was twitching as she stood next to Ami Mizuno, who winced.


Serenity: I want my daughter in my office NOW!


Serenity stormed off away from the lobby.  Everyone returned to their business once more, and Susan faced Rei again.


Susan: Probably.







Michelle: So, let me see if I have this down: Rini was out at a bar with some friends of her's, and she went to the bar to get some drinks for her friends, at least for the ones who were over 21, when some guys came up to her and started hitting on her.  She tried to get away, but they wouldn't let her leave.  Luckily, one of her friends saw this and came up, pushing the panic button and the Secret Service Agents managed to get in and arrest the guys who had been harassing her.  What's the real problem?


Michelle Kaiou was sitting in the secretary's area just outside Serenity's office.  She was sitting on a couch along with Hotaru.  Both wore business suits, albeit different colors, and they waited patiently for their commander in chief to return to her office.


Hotaru: Yeah, pretty much.  I had gone up to the bar to try to defend her, and they started calling me names.  I should've grabbed the panic button first, but I was so worried about her...


Michelle: It's okay; another of her friends handled it.  But what I don't understand is why this is such a big deal.


Hotaru: Because-


Serenity had suddenly entered the area.  Hotaru and Michelle stood up, the thing to do when the Queen had entered a room.  Serenity was obviously still angry.


Serenity: Is she in there?


Hotaru nodded.  Serenity immediately stormed in and slammed the door behind her.  Rini sat on a couch and she looked up at her mother briefly.


Serenity: What the hell were you doing at a bar?!


Rini: Some friends of mine wanted to celebrate the latest test scores we had, and we all agreed to go there, and for those of us not of legal drinking age to stay away from the stuff.


Serenity: And just why the hell did you go up to the counter without your panic button?!


Rini: Mom, it was only for a seco-


Serenity: NO!  Stop right there.  You do not leave this palace without your panic button!  You keep it on you at all times when you are outside of the tower, no matter how short a time!


Rini: Mom, why are you getting so upset about this?  Everything turned out okay.


Serenity: This time it did!  But you know what?  The next time, the Secret Service may not even know what's happened, and you won't have friends to come to your rescue!


Rini: Shouldn't the Secret Service be more afraid of what happens to you, Mom?


Serenity: Yes, they are!  My being shot would be bad enough, but you don't seem to understand the fact that the Secret Service is TERRIFIED of you, Rini!  Do you want to know why?!


Rini nodded. 


Serenity: One night, you're at a party, and you leave your panic button on the table and go over for some drinks.  Somebody suddenly grabs you from behind, putting a hand over your mouth and a gun at your back!  They pull you out the back way, and you're in such shock from it that you don't notice the two dead Secret Service Agents laying on the ground!


Serenity began to pace back and forth in front of her.


Serenity: It's a big party with lots of noise and confusion, and it's fifteen minutes before someone asks, "Hey, where's Rini?"  It's another half hour before the first phone call!  It's another hour before someone even thinks to close the airports!  And then, a few hours later, I get a call from a man claiming to have my daughter tied up in a metal shack with a gun to her head, and if I don't authorize the release of 40 Iranian terrorists to Uganda, I'll never see my daughter again!


Serenity stops and looks down at Rini.


Serenity: But then I have to clear that decision with the Senate, and they say, "We're sorry, your majesty, but we just can't open that door!"  So now we have a new problem, because this planet no longer has a commander in chief, but a desperate mother who's daughter is sitting IN A SHACK IN UGANDA WITH A GUN TO HER HEAD!  DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!


Rini blinked, shaking slightly from that speech.  She nodded slightly.  Serenity relaxed a little.


Serenity: Rini, I want you to have the same fun as any teenage girl, but these are strange circumstances.  I just want you to be safe.


Rini: I know, Mom.  I know.  This won't happen again.


Serenity: I certainly hope not.








"Lady, the God you pray to is too busy being indicted for tax fraud!"


Amara Tenou rewound and played that line over and over in her office, staring at it with sad eyes.  She had been so hoping that the appearance on Capitol Beat would be a huge blow to Christian extremist groups, but instead it had turned into an embarrassment both for Amara, Neo-Queen Serenity, and the administration.  Not to mention offending millions of people across the planet was probably not the best thing to do.


Amara had already heard the rumors circulating around the building: Serenity would probably fire her.  Someone knocked on her door.


Amara: Come in.


Michelle Kaiou walked in carrying a cup of coffee.


Michelle: Here, I thought you might like this.


Amara took the coffee cup from her, then stared at her.  Michelle raised an eyebrow.


Michelle: What?


Amara: Michelle, when have you ever brought me coffee throughout our stay in this tower?


Michelle: Never.


Amara: That's right.  Look, Michelle, if she fires me, she fires me.  There's nothing we can do about it. 


Michelle: Yes there is!  She's your friend, Amara!  You're one of her personal guards and Chief Advisors!


Amara: Michelle...  That's not enough reason to keep me.








Amara: We're going to do WHAT?!


Rei: We're going to bring over the Senator, along with Reverend Al Caldwell and Reverend John Van Dyke, to make a formal apology and hope that they'll announce to the people of the earth that they forgive you and that all the other Christians on the planet should forgive you.


Amara: Rei, I can't do that!


Rei: Yes, you can, Amara.


Amara stood up from her chair, her teeth clenched.  Rei stood opposite from her on the other side of the desk, standing calmly with her hands behind her back.


Amara: Rei, I know from a political standpoint I screwed up royal, but you can't honestly expect me to start groveling before these people!


Rei: We're not going to grovel, we're going to sit down calmly and make sure this doesn't become a thing.


Amara: I don't surrender, Rei!  This is not the time to be apologizing, especially after what they did to Lita and Seinko!


Rei: It wasn't Christians in general, Amara!  It was a fringe group!


Amara: I don't care if they were a cult!  Did Senator Thompson denounce these people?  Did Al Caldwell?  Did John Van Dyke?  Did-




Amara silenced herself immediately.  Rei had stopped being calm.  She walked over to Amara and got right in her face.


Rei: I am TRYING to save your job!  Right now, the best thing that I can advise Serena to do right now from a PR standpoint is to show you the door!  You're going to meet with them, and you're going to live with it!








Amara stood in the room along with Rei, Michelle, and Mina.  This was the room opposite to Serenity's office, where most meetings of this sort of thing took place.  The three opposite of the senshi were Senator Thompson and two men in business suits.  They were Reverends Al Caldwell and John Van Dyke.  Both appeared to be older men, although Al had a beard and glasses, and was also quite bald, whereas Van Dyke only had very gray hair.


Rei: It's good to see you all this afternoon.  As I'm sure you are aware, there's some animosity that's been occurring, and we'd like to find a way to resolve this situation peacefully.  Let's sit.


The group all sat down in chairs opposite from each other.


Rei: Okay, her majesty Neo-Queen Serenity, every Sunday, does a radio address to the world in which she-


Al: Excuse me, Rei, but could I interrupt for a moment?


Rei stopped and nodded.


Al: The goals and spirits of Christian and family-oriented organizations, while being embraced by a growing number of people throughout the world, have been met with contempt by the current government.  Now, yesterday morning on the political talk show Capitol Beat, that contempt was given a voice, a name, and a face.  I'm of course referring to you, Madame.


Al faced Amara.


Amara: I'm glad you brought that up, reverend-


Al: Now, I'm surprised at you, Amara.  I've always considered you a friend.


Amara: And I'm honored that you do, sir.  Now, allow me to explain myself.  My remarks in no way represented either the office of the Chief of Staff, Rei Hino, or those of the Queen.  Senator Thompson, I'd like to apologize.  My remarks were glib and insulting.  I was going for the cheep laugh, and obviously I made a colossal mistake.  Anyone who is willing to sit down and talk out ideas deserves more than a political punch line.  Senator, I apologize.


Senator Thompson exchanged glances with the rest of the group.


Thompson: All right, then.  Let's deal.


Rei stared at her, not understanding her meaning.


Rei: Excuse me?


Thompson: What do we get?


Rei: For what?


Thompson: Insulting millions of people.


Rei continued to stare at her dumbfounded.


Rei: An apology.


Thompson: In the Sunday morning radio address, we want public morals, school prayer, or pornography.  Take your pick.


Rei: School prayer or pornography?


Van Dyke: It's on every street corner!


Rei: I understand but-


Thompson: Condoms in schools.


Mina: I'm sorry?


Thompson: Condoms in schools.


Rei: Well, we have a little problem there.


Thompson: Why?


Mina: We have a Surgeon General who says that they dramatically reduce the risk of teen pregnancy and AIDS!


Thompson: So does abstinence.


Van Dyke: Rei, give the average teenager a condom and his mind will immediately turn to thoughts of lust.


Rei: Give the average teenager a broomstick and his mind will turn to thoughts of lust!


Michelle: Rei-


Thompson: School prayer, pornography, condoms; what's it going to be?


Rei narrowed her eyes.


Rei: We're not prepared to make any sort of a deal.


Amara: Yes we are.  Senator, I-


Thompson: Word on the streets is that you're cleaning out your desk before the end of business today, Amara, so I'd just as soon negotiate with Rei, if you don't mind.


Al: Senator-


Thompson: Please allow me to WORK.


Al winced and stopped talking.


Thompson: It was only a matter of time with you, Amara.  That Tokyo sense of humor was just-


Rei's ears perked up.


Al: Senator, there's no need for-


Thompson: Oh, shut up!  They think they're so much smarter than us!  They think it's smart talk that nobody else does.


Amara: I'm not actually from Tokyo, but the point of the matter is-


Rei: She meant Shinto.


Everyone shut up.  They all turned and looked at Rei.


Rei: That remark she made about 'Tokyo sense of humor?'  She was talking about you and me, Amara.


Amara: You know what, Rei, let's not even go there, all right?


The two exchanged glances, creating a moment of awkward silence.


Al: There's been an apology!  Let's move on.


Van Dyke: I'd like to discuss why there's so much talk about the first amendment coming out of this building but nothing at all about the first commandment!


Thompson narrowed her eyes.


Thompson: I don't like what I've just been accused of!


Rei: Well that's just tough, Senator!


Van Dyke: The first commandment says 'Honor thy father-'


Rei: No, it doesn't.


Amara: Rei-


Rei: It doesn't!


Amara: Look-


Rei: NO!  If I'm going to make you sit through this preposterous exercise, we're going to get the names of the damn commandments right!


Thompson: Okay, here we go...


Rei: Honor thy father is the THIRD commandment!


Van Dyke: Then what's the first commandment!?


Serenity: 'I am the lord, your God!'


No one had realized that the doors to the room had suddenly been opened, and her majesty Neo-Queen Serenity had walked into the room.  Instantly, everyone got up from their seats as a sign of respect for the Queen, as per tradition.


Serenity: 'Thou shalt worship no other God before me.'  Man, those were the days, eh?


Senator Thompson extended her hand to the Queen.


Thompson: Your majesty, it's wonderful to see you.


Serenity: You too, Senator.  Al, it's great to see you again, as well!


Al: It's always a pleasure, madame.


Van Dyke: Greetings, your majesty, I'm John Van Dyke.


Serenity shook his hand, too.


Serenity: Indeed, you are.  What have we got here, Michelle?


Michelle: Well, we've got some hot tempers here, your majesty.


Van Dyke: Your majesty, can I ask you a question?


Serenity: Of course.


Van Dyke: If our children can buy pornography on any street corner for five dollars, isn't that too high a price for Free Speech?


Serenity: No.


Van Dyke: It's not?


Serenity: I do feel, however, that five dollars is too high a price to pay for pornography.


There was once again an awkward silence.


Michelle: Maybe we should all sit down-


Serenity: No, let's not, Michelle.  These people won't be staying that long.


Serenity walked over to a nearby counter and picked up a cup of tea that had been made for her by one of her secret service agents.


Serenity: Al, how many times have I asked you to denounce the practices of a fringe group that calls itself the lambs of God?


Al: Well, I'm sorry, your majesty, but that's really not up to me-


Serenity: Crap.  It is up to you, Al.  You know, fellows, my husband doesn't think I should do anything when I'm upset.  Before the great restoration of our little world during the time when most of us were frozen for a thousand years, I had a very unhappy birthday.  I was very upset at Darien because he hadn't bought me a present for my birthday!  So upset that I even got attacked by a heart snatcher and almost died.  The real painful thing, though, was the fact that I had forgotten to tell Darien what day my birthday was.


Serenity drank her tea as she paced around the room.


Serenity: Darien told me not to do anything while I was upset, and he was right.  And he was right a few nights ago when I gave a very angry speech at the Global Education Association.  And I was just about as angry as I ever could be.  My domestic advisor, Lita, has a twelve year-old daughter named Seinko.  And it seems that Seinko gave an interview in one of those teen magazines like seventeen or pop or something, and somewhere between boy bands and makeup tips, she talked about her feelings on a woman's right to choose.  Now, Seinko, all of twelve, has always been precocious.  However, she's got a good head on her shoulders and I like it when she uses it.  So, I couldn't understand when, on the night of my speech to the GEA, I found Lita in her office on the ground, in tears!  I asked her, 'Lita, what's wrong?'  She said, 'It's Seinko...'


Serenity stopped in front of Senator Thompson and the two Reverends.


Serenity: Now, I love all the people that work for me.  I also love their children, and I've read my bible from cover to cover, so I want you to tell me from what part of Holy Scripture did the Lambs of God get their divine inspiration when they sent my Domestic Advisor's twelve year-old daughter a Raggedy Anne doll with a knife stuck through it's throat.


The three winced, bowing their heads down in shame.  Serenity narrowed her eyes at Al.


Serenity: You'll denounce these people, Al.  You'll do it publicly, and until you do, you can all get your fat asses out of my tower.  Michelle, show these people out.


The Senator was already moving.


Thompson: I believe we can find the door.


Serenity: Find it NOW.


And with that, the three hurriedly left the room.  Amara blinked.


Amara: Could I just say that as it turned out, I was the calmest person in the room?


Serenity: Oh, shut up.


Everyone turned to look at Serenity.


Serenity: A few minutes ago I got a communication from Reuisu.  He's reunited with the other Sailor Titans in Kurast and is preparing to move against the last two Prime Evils.  Through wind, snow, and storms these eight have fought to become a family once again.  They've faced hardships and fought battle after battle in the past few weeks.  Let's make sure there's still a world left for them when they come home, all right?  Let's get to work.


Everyone nodded and began to leave the room.


Serenity: Oh, Amara?


Amara stayed and turned to face Serenity.


Serenity: 'Too busy being indicted for tax fraud?'  Don't ever do it again.


Amara: Yes, mam.







To Be Continued...