*Theme song: Never Surrender, by Stan Bush*








Michelle: Are you sure that this'll even work?  We haven't done it in so long...


Reuisu: It worked the last time we tried to get into the Durance of Hate, and it'll work now.


Christine: It should be even more accurate thanks to the fact that there are three more of us.


Reuisu: Now, I should warn you guys, Michelle and I just discovered that our sailor forms have been... upgraded, so to speak, after we touched the Eternal.


Lucy: The same thing happened to Davros and me.


Chris: Let's just get this show on the road!  I'm anxious to show these new Prime Evils just how we took care of their predecessors.




Reuisu held up his transformation into the air as white feathers suddenly burst from it.  A silhouette of Reuisu formed up as the feathers began to swirl around his torso.  The feathers fell into perfect alignment with him, but instead of forming thread, they hardened into a detailed gray armor.  Similarly, the feathers that came around his arms and legs formed into gauntlets and metal boots.  A pair of gray and black wings spread from his back as he struck a pose of flying into the sky with one fist pumped upwards.


The group of Titans, except for Michelle, stood and gasped as they examined Reuisu's new form.  Sailor Archangel, in turn, smiled and flexed his new armor out for a bit.


Archangel: Damn, I'm good.  Moon-face, you're up!


Michelle: My turn, eh?  MOON CRYSTAL POWER!!!


Michelle shot her arms out from the locket she wore around her neck, her body becoming a pink silhouette.  Her short staff appeared in her hands, but as she began to twirl it around her body, it formed into a much larger staff that formed up the shirt and ribbon.  She did a back flip in the air and her skirt, boots, and gloves appeared.  Her skirt was changed from a golden color to that of a much deeper hue, and her lipstick and earrings formed into new, brighter color.  She winked as she twirled her much longer staff and stood ready.


Sailor Moonshine twirled her staff around elegantly, grinning.


Moonshine: That's right, who's got it now, eh?


Lucy: Me, Michelle!  CEPHIROS TITAN POWER!!!


The old Cephiros suit disappeared from Lucy's body, leaving her only a silhouette as her transformational ring shot out a beam of light that formed a talisman necklace.  The Talisman burst out with five large ribbons that wrapped around her torso, forming a kiwi-colored bow and green collar.  Four rings came out from her torso, one on each of her arms and legs, moving down her arms and legs and forming white gloves with green starts and green high-heels.  The final thing that came to her outfit was the green miniskirt and a green belt with a kiwi-colored ring on it.  Cephiros stood in a pose with her, pointing her ring out and her winking.


Sailor Cephiros twirled around happily, winking at the group.  Miya rolled her eyes and pulled out her heart necklace from her shirt.


Miya: Well, I'm a gal for the classics.  CRESCENT HEART POWER!!!


Out of Miya's heart brooch came three large hearts.  One heart descended down her body, and the other two onto her arms.  As the hearts passed over her skin, they formed the gloves of her Sailor outfit.  As the larger heart passed over her torso and slowly over her legs, forming the mini-skirt and the boots.  As the three hearts ended at her feet and hands, they shot up to her head and hit it, forming the tiara and earrings.  She stood in a pose with her making a smooching face.


Miya: Beat THAT with a stick!


Chris: My love, you're always going to be the best one!  ASTEROID BLAZING POWER!!!


A glittery silhouette of Chris appeared.  Asteroids shot around him, and several blasted into his chest, forming into the shirt and bow.  Asteroids then shot into his arms, exploding on contact, and forming into the sleeves.  Finally, the last asteroids shot into his legs, exploding on impact, and forming into the pants and boots.  The last asteroid shot into his face, forming into a halo.  He stood in a pose with an asteroid shooting at him from behind.


Sailor Asteroid leapt into the air, flipped once, then landed gracefully back on the ground, smiling.  Christine rolled her eyes and pulled out her own transformation stick and twirled it around her hands like a baton.


Christine: Out with the old and in with the new!  NEO CRYSTAL POWER!!!


The whole pink glittery thing happened with a silhouette of Christine.  She held out her transformation stick in front of her, and then the stick glowed with a silver brightness, and the silhouette slowly became covered in crystal.  First her torso was enveloped, then her arms, and finally her legs.  The crystal then shattered, forming her shirt, blue bows, gloves, gold mini-skirt, and boots.  She then twirled around, and her earrings and tiara with a blue gem formed out of nowhere.


Sailor Crystal winked at the others as her hands glowed with bright blue and red energy.  Anna stepped up to the center of the group, looking around them all.


Anna: And what about me?  Doesn't a little youthful enthusiasm factor into this?  LIFE PRISM POWER!!!


A silhouette of Anna appeared, and she twirled her transformation stick around her.  Lights shined from the ground underneath where she had twirled the stick, and they surrounded her, forming the gloves, boots, and shirt of the sailor outfit.  Five beams shot from around her into her torso, forming the skirt.  She ran her hand through her hair and the earrings and tiara formed.  She stood in a pose of her just standing there, smiling serenely.


Davros smiled as everyone turned to him.  They wondered what sort of witty repartee he had in store for them.  He just shrugged and began to speak.


Davros: Well, all I've got is something old with a new twist.  SUPER ALPHA CENTAURI POWER!!!!


Instead of forming armor around his entire body, golden wrist and angle armor formed up for him.  The whole pink ribbon thing happened with his torso, making a white sailor outfit, except it wasn't like a girl's.  The ribbon was smaller, and the upper part just before the neck was not visible.  White sleeves materialized on his arms, with black gloves appearing below and above the wrist armor.  White pant legs appeared, with black boots below the ankle armor.  No mini skirt appeared like a girl's outfit.  A black collar appeared on his neck.  Instead of a tiara, a golden halo came over his forehead, with a gray jewel in the center.  He stood in a classic pose.


Sailor Archangel stood up, looking around the entire group and smiling.


Archangel: My family, it's good to have you back.  Now let's just see if this still works!


The Titans all nodded and gathered in a circle.  They took a deep breath together and closed their eyes, focusing their energies on a singular goal.






The group began to glow with alternating colors for auras.






The transformational items and clothes of the Titans began to glow a bright white.






Winds picked up and surrounded the eight with a tornado of electricity and smoke.






And with that, the group all began to float in the air, propelled upwards by the mystical energies that they commanded.  They all opened their eyes.




And with that, the vortex they had summoned, along with they themselves, disappeared into the Kurast night.  Tyrael smiled from beneath his cowl, and sliced his sword against the wind, opening a dimensional portal with it.  He flew into it, following after the Titans.







Belial: I can already sense their presences approaching us...  We must flee!


Osmoudon: You go, Belial.  I must stay and hold off the Titans.


Belial: But why?!  Surely our combined strength will be more than enough to face them should the Titans catch up with us!


Osmoudon shook his head.


Osmoudon: They could still do something to interfere with our plans.  It is necessary to delay them as long as possible.  Let them feel superior if they defeat me, it shall make it all the easier to reclaim the Eternals from them should they crush me.


Belial: But without you, this could never have come to pass!


Osmoudon: Fear not, my good companion.  With the destruction of the World Stone, I shall be reborn into the new plain of death and destruction as the mortal realm trembles before the might of Hell and the Prime Evils that command it!  Now go!  We must finish the task!


And with that, Belial nodded and proceeded down the cavernous entranceway.  Osmoudon turned and readied himself, growling as the entire Durance of Hate began to glow brightly.  Osmoudon covered up his eyes and squinted before the light subsided, leaving the eight Titans in their place.  They all looked around and readied themselves as they saw Osmoudon standing nearby.


Archangel: So this is the demon who started the new Prime Evils.  Somehow I thought you'd be taller.


Osmoudon: Sorry to disappoint you, Sailor fools.


Asteroid: I think you'll find that our opinion of demons is so low that you'd have to try very hard to disappoint us.


Moonshine: Ready, guys?


Crystal: Always!


Cephiros: Take it, Archangel!


Archangel: Demon, we represent that which is good in the world!


Centauri: We shall not allow you to continue with your plans!


Life: We are the Sailor Titans!


Moonshine: We shall right wrongs!


Cephiros: And triumph over evil!


Love: We are agents of love!


Asteroid: Agents of justice!


Crystal: And in the names of our guardians,


All of the Titans pointed at Osmoudon.




The Titans split off then, preparing themselves for combat.  Osmoudon growled and went for the nearest one: Sailor Cephiros.  Osmoudon leapt into the air to try to crush her, but Cephiros looked up at Osmoudon with a grin.


Cephiros: INTREPID RING!!!


Sailor Cephiros extended her arms out from her talisman, allowing a green energy ring to fire from the talisman.  The ring traveled through Osmoudon quickly, shooting him away from her and to the ground.  A dozen tentacles shot from Osmoudon's golden body, heading straight for Cephiros.


Centauri: GIGA BLADE!!!


Sharp red blades shot from Super Sailor Centauri's armor, and he proceeded to slice apart the tentacles before they could get near Cephiros.  Osmoudon stood upright once more, relentlessly releasing all the remaining tentacles from his body.




Sailor Archangel had flown to the ceiling of the rather spacious Durance, allowing him to conduct his attacks from the air.  His Angelic staff glowed a bright gold and white, and the end of it fired an energy pulse that slammed into one of Osmoudon's legs, eliciting a scream of pain from the creature.  It collapsed to one knee, but continues to try to use his tentacles to attack the Titans.


Asteroid: ASTEROID SHOT!!!


Sailor Asteroid pointed his hands at the tentacles; the right aiming towards the ones heading towards Sailor Love, and the left towards the ones coming at him.  Meteoric fireballs shot from his hands and collided into the tentacles, blasting them apart in an instant.  Osmoudon quickly recovered from the burning sensation running through his leg and leapt at Sailor Life, the smallest of the group.


Life: SOUL LIFE!!!


Life had been charging up her attack from the instant they had finished the Sailor Titans motto.  From her small wand launched a triangular spirit that pushed Osmoudon away from the young Sailor and began consuming Osmoudon's skin.  Osmoudon growled and waved the being away, which made it dissipate.




Moonshine held up her staff to the air, and the tip shot out a fireworks-like light that exploded in the air around the group.  The dust that quickly fell from it rejuvenated the Titans and made Osmoudon scream in pain.  Osmoudon opened up his eyes to see Sailor Love standing over him.




Five identical pink hearts formed up and slammed into Osmoudon on all sides.  He screamed in pain before finally his entire formed could take no more, and his demonic form simply popped from the stress.  When the hearts faded, all that was left was some rather disgusting remnants.


Archangel: Now THAT'S a good day's work!







To Be Continued...