*Theme song: Never Surrender, by Stan Bush*







Archangel: Come on!  There's not much time left!


Eight Sailor Titans ran through a mystically charged cave beneath two continents.  After they had disposed of Osmoudon, it hadn't taken the group long to realize that Belial had no doubt already gone on his own way to begin the necessary ceremony to destroy the World Stone.  The cavern that they were traveling through would lead them all the way back to Mt. Arreat in Harrogath, where the Stone was located.  The cavern had been charged with temporal particles, enabling that even though time outside was passing as it normally was, within the cavern, the Titans were moving very quickly across the land.


And then, they were there.


Even though the group had seen it before, it's beauty never ceased to amaze them.  A huge cavern, about the size of Crystal Tower itself, with a big-ass red crystal floating above it all was what the room was.  Huge rocks and boulders defied gravity and floated around the World Stone with electrical bolts that sometimes launched out from the humongous diamond-shaped object.  And standing at the base of the World Stone was Belial.


Archangel: There he is!


Moonshine: What do you think: another motto and kill or just kill?


Centauri: I say we go for kill!  TERRA FORCE!!!


Centauri leaped off of the ledge that the Titans were standing upon and roared, red and orange energy gathering up in between his hands.  He held his arms above his head as he fell downwards, the sphere of energy finally growing to a quarter of the size of the World Stone.  He then threw the attack down at Belial, who suddenly turned around and saw him.  Belial winced as the energy slammed right into him, sending him flying away from the World Stone.  Unfortunately, Belial quickly recovered from the assault and quickly got to his feet.


Belial: Impudent Titans!  You have interfered for the LAST TIME!!!


Belial roared, a wave of black energy shooting forth from his hands and mouth.  The wave slammed into the other Titans, who had just gotten down from the ledge.  The eight were quickly knocked into the cave wall so hard they made imprints in the wall.  They all winced and yelled from the pain for several seconds before each of them fell unconscious.








Sailor Archangel groggily awoke to the sound of Belial continuing the ritual.  Belial spoke words unfamiliar to him, with sounds and vibrations that a human could never hope to form using his own tongue.  Archangel felt around, seeing if there was a way to escape.  He winced, realizing that his feet and wrists were chained to a wall of rock, allowing for little or no movement.  He turned his head from side to side, seeing the other Titans begin to awaken with similar reactions to their predicament.


Archangel: You'll never get away with this, Belial!


Belial stopped speaking in the ancient language and turned to face Archangel.


Belial: Quoting some ancient expressions from your world, Sailor?  Good always triumphs over evil, that sort of thing?  Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, you impudent maggot, but I seem to have the upper hand on this occasion. 


Cephiros: You're pathetic.


Asteroid: Indeed!  You're trying to-


Belial: SILENCE!


The group shut their mouths.  Belial narrowed his eyes and approached Christine.  He quickly used one of the blades on his arms to slice a cut into her left arm, making her wince and yelp slightly in pain.


Centauri: If you dare hurt her-


Belial: I shall harm the frail thing some more if you do not be quiet!  I am the last Prime Evils, Titans.  I am the Lord of Torture.  Would you like another demonstration of my unique talents?  Perhaps on the child?


Life: Go ahead and do your worse!  I've faced worse than you!


Belial: Yes, like your father.


Sailor Life winced, the blood draining from her face.  Belial walked over in front of the eight year-old.


Belial: Yes, you can still remember him, can't you?  You remember all the things he said about you, all the things he did to you...


Belial leaned into her ear to whisper to her.


Belial: And all the things he SHALL do to you.


Love: Get away from her!


Belial: And then there was the bitch who couldn't hang onto her man.


Sailor Love narrowed her eyes, balling up her fists as she continued to struggle against the chains.  Belial approached her next.


Belial: What's wrong, Miya?  Are you still ashamed of the fact that Sailor Argent seduced your precious love?  Well maybe if you had been as accommodating as she was, Chris wouldn't have-


Asteroid: You have five seconds to stop talking until I rip myself from these chains and tear your damn head off.


Belial grinned and walked over to Sailor Asteroid.


Belial: It seems I struck a nerve!  Tell me, Chris, how many times did you fantasize about your precious Sailor Argent?  I bet it was several times a day...  You'd sit over Miya's unconscious body and just think about Tara all day long, your hands moving down and-


Moonshine: You know, you really do talk a lot.


Belial shifted his eyes towards Sailor Moonshine, whose time staff was located near the opposite wall.  Belial grinned and walked over to the second keeper of time.


Belial: And then we have the little French girl.  No angst for you, is there?  But, oh yes, instead of trying to stay behind and protect your precious Paris, you went off gallantly to help others and allowed your city to fall into such chaos and disarray that millions are dead, all because of-


Tyrael: You shall be silent, Demon!  If you are going to do something to us, I recommend you get it-


Belial: Always interrupting me, aren't you people?


Belial growled and walked over to Tyrael, whose wings were bound to the walal by black chains and seals.


Belial: You are an Archangel, Tyrael, yet you use humans to do your bidding.  You are nothing more than a puppet of not only God, and in turn you play the role of puppateer when dealing with humans.


Crystal: We fight things like you of our own free will.


Sailor Crystal's hands were covered in black energy as to prevent her from crystallizing the chains that were binding her arms.


Belial: And you think you're so innocent, Christine?  You judge people before you even know them.  I know vocally you've supported Davros, but in your heart, you think he's a murderer.  You even judge your fellow teammates!  Some you see as murderers, others not worthy to even look at you-


Centauri: Leave her be, villain!  If you wish to torment someone, torment me!


Belial narrowed his eyes and sauntered over to Sailor Centauri, no smile on his face this time.


Belial: You?  Why do I have to waste my time on you?  You already know of all the sins that burden your heart each moment.  All the people you killed...  All the lives you ruined...  All the possibilities that could arise from say... romance?  Isn't that right, Sailor Archangel?


Belial grinned and turned towards Sailor Archangel, who merely glared at Belial.


Archangel: I have nothing to say to you.  The day shall yet be ours, Belial.


Belial: Not while I possess these.


Belial walked over to the lower peak of the World Stone that continued to float near them, it's red glory lighting the cavern around them.  And there, floating all around the Stone, were the four Eternals.


Tyrael: How did you acquire the Eternals that were in our possession?!


Belial: It was a simple matter of probing your mind to locate them and sending one of my minions to retrieve them.  You were unconscious for quite a while, Sailor nothings.  And now, it is time to end the Titans Hunt that you, Reuisu, so hastily began!


Belial grinned and began laughing maniacally as the crystals glowed brighter while the World Stone's shine seemed to fade away more and more.  The Titans all struggled futilely against the chains, unable to break their power.  Archangel struggled the hardest, not willing to give up after all that he'd gone through the past few months.


Belial: Do you know what I'm going to do first when your world and Hell are combined, Reuisu?


Archangel stopped struggling and stared at Belial.


Belial: I'm going to find your beloved Astra and RAPE her.


Archangel blinked once, then narrowed his eyes, letting his fists clench.


Belial: I shall violate her a thousand times, and she will enjoy every single moment of it.


Archangel's eyes began to glow a bright gold, but they quickly changed to red, much to Belial's surprise.  Archangel's armor began to change as well, glowing brightly into a blood red as the Sailor Titan lifted off of the ground, his chains disintegrating.  Belial opened his mouth and let loose a beam of energy at Belial, but Sailor Archangel merely held up his hand and absorbed the assault.


Archangel: You would dare harm her?


Archangel growled and plowed into Belial, slamming him into the ground.




Archangel roared and began slamming his armored fists against Belial's face.  Belial winced in pain as Sailor Archangel repeatedly punched him in the face.  During the time Archangel was assaulting Belial, the other Titans were quickly discovering ways in which to break free of their bonds.  When Archangel was finally done with Belial (whose face now a jumbled mess of dead flesh and bone since Archangel had crushed the entire skull and was still pounding at the dust and blood), he got up off of the corpse and spit on it.


Archangel: No one harms my friends, or the ones I love.


All of a sudden, the entire area began to shake.


Moonshine: The Eternals!  We have to get them away from the World Stone!


And with that, the entire group assembled around the World Stone in front of each World Stone, two per Eternal.  Sailors Asteroid and Love grabbed onto theirs, and their sailor fukus began to change in multiple ways as they pulled.  Their bows became longer and firmer, and the jewels on each of their tiaras was changed and surrounded by more extravagent jewelry as they pulled the Eternals away.  Similar things happened to Sailor Life and Crystal when they pulled their Eternal away.


And when they ordeal was all over, Sailor Archangel stood up and looked about the room.  The World Stone was beginning to glow with it's previous glory, and each two Titans held an Eternal in their hands.  He looked over at them all, pumped his fist in the air, and hollered annoyingly.


Archangel: Oh YEAH!  Damn we're good!







To Be Continued...