*Theme song: Never Surrender, by Stan Bush*






Reuisu: I can't believe this happened.


Michelle: It's horrible.


Lucy: Terrible.


Miya: Inconceivable.


Chris: Well, I actually like it.


The eight Titans had just arrived back in Crystal Tokyo.  They had exited their plane and were met by a full orchestra, crowds of excited people, and eight Sailor Soldiers surrounding one Neo-Queen Serenity.  The crowds cheered and yelped in glee and happiness as the orchestra played an orchestral version of the Sailor Stars song.  Serenity walked up to Reuisu and did a slight bow.


Serenity: Welcome home, Titans.


Christine: Well, this is certainly unexpected!  We had hoped to come home to just a little tea and coffee.


Voice: Reuisu!


Reuisu looked past the crowds and Sailors, seeing one girl with long golden hair standing in the back of the airport.  She had slight cat ears coming out of her head and a tail extending from the back of her dress.  Reuisu immediately shot past everyone, leaping over the entire crowd and running towards the woman.  And so, Reuisu took the woman, AKA Astra, into his arms and kissed her passionately.  And of course, this act of romance elicited another excited shout from the assembled crowd that had come to welcome the heroes home.







Reuisu: So give us the heads up!  We've heard about a lot of stuff happening around here.


Serenity: Well, what's to tell?  After that stupid speech before the Global Education Association, we denounced a fringe religious cult after they sent Lita's daughter that... thing.


Lita: And I'm happy to say my daughter has recovered from the incident stronger than ever, just like her mother.


The group giggled and chuckled together.  The entire group was within the spacious limousine of Neo-Queen Serenity, and they were all traveling to some unknown destination.


Rei: Well, what about you guys?  What happened to the Eternals?


Lucy: After we defeated Belial and removed the Eternals from the World Stone, we gave them to Tal Rasha, who had come to Kurast to meet with us.  He's separated them once more.  One in Kurast, one in Lut Gholein, one with Akara and the Rogues, and one in Harrogath.


Ami: So there's no chance that someone else could come back and do the same thing Belial tried?


Chris: There's always the chance that it'll happen, but we'll always be there to stop them.  Titans Together!


All: Titans Together!


The group once more experienced a joint laugh and recovered quickly.


Mina: Oh!  And there's always the other victory we accomplished in the past week: the Welfare Bill's going to go through without a hitch thanks to Hotaru.


Hotaru blushed and sat back.


Hotaru: Yeah, that's right.  It cost me my boyfriend, though.


Reuisu: Well, I still think he's a deadbeat since he's a drug lobbyist, but since I don't like to see any of my friends in pain, I already put a call in to the young man and informed him that if he did not go to you and apologize for being a pompous ass, I would go down to the Senate and send him packing to the Durance of Hate.  He's now kindly waiting patiently in your apartment, my young friend.


Hotaru blinked, then jumped over to Reuisu and hugged him tightly.


Christine: Say, where are we going, anyway?  This isn't the way to Crystal Tower.


Reuisu grinned as Hotaru let go of him and took her seat once again.  Both he and Astra exchanged winks.


Reuisu: We're going to a little 'Welcome Home' present I got for us all.


Lucy: Ooh, I love presents!  What is it?


Reuisu: That.


Reuisu pointed out the window when the limousine stopped.  The Titans opened the doors to the limo and got outside, staring with fully opened eyes.  Standing tall was a large tower sitting in a round park area.  The tower was shaped like a gigantic letter T, and was covered in windows and a large entranceway similar to the stoop of Crystal Tower.  Reuisu and Astra just grinned with delight as the Titans stared at the massive building now standing before them.  The other Sailors got out of the car and stood beside Reuisu and Astra.


Reuisu: My friends, allow me to introduce you to the future headquarters for the Sailor Titans: Titans Tower!







Reuisu: Construction started shortly after I left.  Astra handed most of the actual planning and design, and she has, of course, done a spectacular job.  It has thirty-five levels, made of an almost indestructible steel-duranium hybrid, and can house all of the Titans with up to forty guests.  Within a week or two all systems will be operational and the symbol of the Titans shall stand strong.


Reuisu was giving the grand tour of the humongous building that stood about half the size of Crystal Tower.  They were now moving through the housing section.  The hallway they moved along still didn't have a lot of things, like walls or doors, but it was impressive nonetheless.


Michelle: How did you pay for all of this?!


Amara: With the help of the people who run the world.  It took some deal-making, but the Senate managed to pass a resolution stating that it would divert funds from military and Political reports and place them into a fund for construction of the Tower.


Reuisu: And the rooms are all available to those Titans that wish to stay here.


Davros: Great!  Where's my room?


Reuisu stopped and turned around.


Reuisu: You do not have a room.  You're not a Titan.


Lucy: Reuisu, we've been over this-


Reuisu: SHUT UP!


Everyone was taken aback.  Reuisu had never raised his voice to Lucy before in his life.


Reuisu: Do you have any idea what that monster is capable of?!  I don't care if he's redeemed himself, it doesn't change what he did in the past!  And furthermore-


Christine: All right, THAT'S IT!


Christine suddenly grabbed Reuisu by the ear and dragged him away, much to his anger and dismay.  Christine threw Reuisu into the only room with a door.  She walked inside of it and slammed the door behind her.


Reuisu: Whatever you have to say, Christine, it won't change my opinion about that-


Christine: SHUT UP!  How dare you talk about being able to change things he's done in the past when you know full well that your slate isn't exactly clean, either!  Or does the name 'Devastator' ring a bell?!


Reuisu clenched his teeth.


Reuisu: Those were extenuating circumstances beyond my control.


Christine: Bullshit.  Davros was infected with a shard of Chaos.  The Technis controlled you.  The man's paid for his crimes every second of his life ever since being freed from the control of the shard.  He's fought alongside us, and best of all, he didn't do anything to even upset Lucy while the two of them traveled together near the Rogue Encampment.  I think this is the case in which trusting someone might actually be a viable thing to do!  If you can't accept that, than I hand in my resignation as a Titan.


Reuisu blinked and stared at Christine.  He looked down at his own hands, remembering the destruction and horror he created when he was controlled by another.  Reuisu looked within his own soul, trying to find the real cause for his hatred towards Davros, and then he saw it:


It was Rei.


Because of Davros, Reuisu's first love, Rei Hino, had fallen from his reach.  He had sworn to her that he would love her to his grave, and he dug that grave the instant that Rei had been infected with Davros' darkness and convinced him to betray his teammates.  Because Davros had infected Rei, he had never been able to propose to her.  Because Davros had infected Rei, he had never been able to fulfill the life he wanted so badly with her.  Because of all that, Reuisu was without a family or a friend for a thousand years.


Reuisu saw all of this, and he rejected it.  He had Astra Koneko now, and it didn't matter that Davros had done so much harm to him; he had done good, too, whether intentional or not.  Reuisu turned around from Christine and opened the door, facing the others.  Davros stood, nervous as all hell, for what was to come.  Reuisu looked at him briefly, then smiled.  He extended his hand outwards, and Davros took it.


Reuisu: I'm going to give you this chance to redeem you like the others gave me after I was exiled for a thousand years.  However, if you go evil even for an instant, I will kill you on the spot without hesitation.


Davros: That's fair.


Reuisu grinned and turned towards the other Titans.


Reuisu: Guys, it's been a helluva year.  We've seen some good and bad times, but I think it's safe to say that things are looking up for us.  Now let's make sure we keep things up, okay?  As we go through the days of our lives, some of us face our own demons, some of us face political strife, and others are worried about afternoon tea.  But still, I say that for a world rife with evil, we've done pretty well.  Let's get back to work.


And as the camera backs out of the tower, the voice of Christine began to speak.


Christine: My name is Christine Finnethy.  I'm a simple worker, sort of a middle class citizen of the Silver Millenium.  However, in reality, I'm an agent of love and justice, Sailor Crystal.






To Be Continued...