*Theme song: The Touch, by Stand Bush*





The red portal shimmered, and six figures stepped through.  The first three were Reuisu Lovhaug, Sailor Centauri and guardian of Alpha Centauri, Michelle Tsuki-Kagayaku, Sailor Moonshine and the secondary Guardian of time, and Lucy, Sailor Cephiros and Guardian of the former planet Cephiros.  Next came Darien Chiba, AKA Tuxedo Mask, the Guardian of earth.  Next was Tyrael, Archangel to heaven.  Finally, came the old mage Deckard Cain, last of the Horadrim.


Akara: Sailors!  You have retrieved Cain!


Cain: Hello.  Good evening.


Akara: hello, Deckard.  I am Akara, high priestess of the sisters of the sightless eye.  We require your counsel...


Cain: I would be delighted to.


Akara: And Reuisu, thank you for-  Reuisu?


Reuisu was sitting down, looking at the moon.


Michelle: Leave him be, he has a lot to think about.


Lucy: Oh come on, Reuisu!  Cheer up!  We got Cain out alive.


Reuisu just sat there.


Reuisu: What was it all for, I wonder...


Reuisu's thoughts drifted away...  Reuisu was snapped back to reality, however, when a woman approached them.


Charsi: Hello, I'm Charsi, a blacksmith around these parts.  I hear you're trying to destroy Andariel.


Reuisu: Your sources of hearing are correct.


Charsi: Well, I might know something of assistance...


Michelle: What?


Charsi: Before I fled the monestary when Andariel came and took over the area, I heard a rumor of a Horadric Malus, a powerful mystic hammer that could imbune things and also was filled with great attack power.  It might be able to be helpful in defeating Andariel.


Lucy: Which way to the monestary?


Charsi: About two or three miles from here, to the west.  Be warned: the demons that made everyone flee the monestary are more powerful than our best magical weapons.  Best to stay on guard.


Reuisu: We'll recover the malus, don't worry.  Titans, TRANSFORM!




A pink glittery silhoutte of Michelle appeared, with only her heart necklace showing.  Suddenly, crystal showered out of it, wrapping around her torso and forming the shirt and first bow of the outfit.  The crystal then shot out more crystals that wrapped around her arms and legs, forming the gloves and boots.  Another spray of crystal formed her skirt and back bow.  The skirt and bows were colored gold.  One last burst of crystal formed a tiara and ear rings.  The crystal then shot out a beam of energy, forming into a staff.  She grabbed the staff, and stood in a pose.




Out of her ring came energy bolts which wrapped around her torso, forming the front of the outfit.  Then the ring fired beams at both her arms, wrapping around them to form the white gloves.  The ring shout out another beam, which wrapped around her legs and formed the boots.  She then twirled around as did the beam from the ring, which wrapped around her hips and formed into the skirt.  Her tiara and earrings formed with one last blast from the ring.  She stood in a pose of her winking with her ring outstretched in front of her.




The whole pink glittery thingy appears with a silhouette of Reuisu.  Chest armor enveloped his torso as the symbol of spirit appeared on his forehead.  Leg armor came around his legs, with ankle armor and foot armor.  Behind the armor, only visible in spots where different peices of armor joined, was a black outfit.  Arm armor enveloped his arms, wrists, and hands.  His hand armor was seperated, only having finger armor and palm and backhand armoring.  A red blade emitted from his wrist armor.  A green grid in the shape of the helmet armor, except for the visor.  The red blade passed in front of the grid, and the head armor appeared.  The black visor formed directly afterwards.  He stood in a pose of his two red blades coming out as he kneeled down with the Greek symbol Alpha behind him.







Andariel: I knew Charsi would want that hammer back.  It's foolish of her to understimate the abilties of demons.


Shadowy Figure: Yes, my mistress.


Andariel: The Titans cannot be allowed to take the Horadric Malus.  Is that understood, Smith?


Smith: yes, my mistress.







Centauri jumped through the air and into the metal doors, breaking the metallic, reinforced hinging and forcing the door to slam down onto the ground with a massive THUMP that vibrated the monestary itself.


Centauri put his hands around his mouth and shouted, "Stand clear!"


Everyone sweat-dropped.


Astra: A little late for that, Centauri.


Voice: A little late for all of you!


Sixteen small, red figures emerged from the darkness.


Centauri: Fallen ones!


Moonshine: Good, I wanted more practice with my time sceptor!  MOONSHINE-


Fallen One: hang on!  We've brought the reinforcements!


Out of the shadows came three Fallen ones, but different from the others.  they were a foot taller, and held strange wooden staffs.  They also wore strange bone helmets on their faces and loin cloths around their waists.


Fallen One: Allow us to introduce our SHAMANS.


Centauri: I'm REALLY scared, now!  Oh the horror of it all!  Oh no, they have sticks and are taller!  Oh, we're really done for now!


Shaman: Save your insults for the weak-minded, Sailor fools!


The Shaman's hand glowed with a red intensity, and a ball of fire shot out of it and at Centauri.  The ball detonated into a small explosion which blasted Centauri to the ground, but he got up again, quickly.  A different Shaman shot out another fireball.




Cephiros pointed her ring at the fire ball, and it fired out a ring of energy which wrapped around the fire ball, and engulfed it into nothing.


The Fallen ones quickly charged at the Titans, tackling into them quickly.


Centauri: GIGA BLADE!


Centauri's red energy blades shot out of his wrist armoring and he sliced through six Fallen ones.


Moonshine: Just like last time!  MOONSHINE MIRAGE!!!


Moonshine glowed for a moment, then disappeared from sight.  The confused fallen ones turned from one way to another, looking for Moonshine who had disappeared.  However, up in the rafters of the monestary, was their tagret.




Moonshine's staff turned into a mirror, and reflected the light of the moon onto the fallen ones, vaporizing them.




Out of Sailor Cephiros's ring came a firey silhouette of a running woman, which plowed into a group of fallen ones, exploding on contact and bursting the fallen ones into flames.  Suddenly, the shamans raised each one's staff, and shot out yellow electrical beams at each of the annihalated fallen ones's remains.  Suddenly, the fallen fallen ones turned back into  Fallen ones!


Centauri: Oh, bloody hell.


The Fallen ones charged again, but Centauri quickly shot off a Giga Destroyer, annihalating them again.  But, as quickly as they were defeated, they were risen again.


Cephiros: I don't understand, what's happening?!?!


Moonshine looked around and then realized it.


Moonshine: The Shamans!  The shamans are resurrecting them!


Shaman: No DUH, do-gooders.  KILL THEM!!!




The flaming sword skyrocketted through the air and into a shaman, vaporizing it.  Tyrael floated down.


Tyrael: The dead are supposed to stay dead, blasphemer!  The either go to heaven or hell, not back to the mortal realm!  We shall terminate you!


Shaman: KILL THEM ALL!!!


Moonshine: If you don't like what you see in the mirror...


Moonshine's mirror shot out a beam of energy into one shaman after another, vaporizing them all along with the fallen ones.


Moonshine: Like shooting ducks in a pond!


Suddenly, the ground began to shake!  The group moved further into the monestary, seeing a giant figure moving towards them.  Seven and a half feet tall, a dark gold, and giant white horns were what made up this figure.


Figure: Greetings, Sailor brats.  I am the Smith.  PREPARE TO DIE!


The Smith rose his arms into the air and showed off his muscular power.  Centauri rolled his eyes.


Centauri: I've heared it all before.  You megalomaniacs are all the same.


The Smith returned the insult by punching Centauri right in his armored face.  Centauri went flying across the room into a stone wall, crashing through it and into the paved ground.  His face plate was dented.  He slowly got back up.


Centauri: Alright.  This guy is TOAST.


The others walked over to Centauri and then began to walk in synch with another towards the Smith, slowly.


Centauri: Pull 'em.


Centauri's giga cannons came onto his shoulders, Moonshine pulled out her time staff, Cephiros aimed her ring, and Tyrael pulled out Azurewrath.


Centauri: Heat 'em up!


The cannons barrels began to glow a bright yellow, Moonshine's staff turned into a mirror, Cephiros' ring glowed red, and Azurewrath began flaming.  The four then stopped in front of the Smith.


Centauri: Let's show this prehistoric SOB how we do things in Tokyo.


All four of the attacks shot out at the Smith, knocking him back onto the ground on his back.  He immediately jumped back up and charged at them.


Centauri: RUN!  RUN LIKE HELL!


The four turned around and immediately ran in the opposite direction as the Smith continually charged after them.




The firey runner did little more than singe the Smith as he turned around and ran at full speed at Cephiros, who jumped up and evaded him.




The mirror shot out a beam of light at the Smith's side, cutting into him like a scalpel.  Out of him fell a small, bloody hammer.


Tyrael: Is that...


Centauri: The malus?


The Smith was enraged by this turn of events, and turned around again and charged at the Titans and Tyrael.


Centauri: Cover me!




The flaming sword came into the Smith, burning into him slightly.  Centauri jumped right over the Smith and picked up the malus on the ground.  When he touched it, for a brief moment, Centauri felt a power surge flow into him as the malus glowed as well.  The malus stopped glowing, and Centauri threw it with all his might right into the Smith's head!  striking right at the base of his skull, the only sound that could be heard was a slight cracking sound as the Smith suddenly fell to the ground, disintegrating, leaving the bloody malus behind.  Centauri then suddenly realized how small it was.  Only about half a foot long!


Centauri: All that...  From a little hammer?









Charsi: Thank you SO MUCH!  The malus is the keystone for winning against Andariel.


Reuisu: No problem.  It's just part of our-


Cain: Sailors!


The five turned around to see Cain and Akara running to them as fast as they could.


Darien: What?


Akara: It's Andariel!  She's beginning her final offensive!






To Be Continued...