*Theme Song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*







Andariel: It has begun, my lords.


Mephisto: What has?


Andariel: My final victory over the Titans.  My legions are beginning to attack the Rogue Encampment where the Titans are staying.  Soon, the world will be yours again!


Diablo: We are counting on you, Andariel.  Do not fail us, or we shall obliterate you.


Andariel: Oh, I will not, my lord.  I will not.


Andariel walked away.


Baal: Duriel, my legion, come forth.


Out of the main doorway came a nine-foot demon.  It had scythed bones for arms, and a back plate attached to it's head.  It walked like a slug, but standing half-way upright.  It's lower body consisted of hundreds of tiny legs.


Duriel: Andariel will fail.  I will succeed.






Hratli: Andariel's lair is deep within the monestary itself.  Most likely she'll be heavily guarded.


Reuisu: Tyrael, that's where you come in.  Your angelic power is better than anything any of us have, and could probably frag all the demons on the way to Andariel herself.


Tyrael: Understood.


Akara: What about those shaman creatures you encountered during your last encounter?


Reuisu: That's where Michelle comes in: her Moonshine mirror has proven enough to vaporize them.


Charsi: I'm assuming the Horadric Malus will be required for this job?


Lucy: I'm afraid so.  It showed incredible power defeating the Smith with one blow, so it might do some damage against Andariel.


Darien: And what are we going to do when we do get to Andariel herself?  All of our previous encounters with her have proven quite innefective.


Reuisu: I got Oracle to patch me into Ami back in Tokyo to get up a battle plan.  Andariel has proven to not move very fast, so if we surround her and attack at once, and evade each blast as it comes while still readjuting everyone elses positioning, we should be able to stop her.


Hratli: We have little time.  My sisters of the Encampment are doing as much as they can to keep off the demonic forces that are coming towards us on all sides, but they are losing rather rapidly.


Reuisu: Start distributing bibles and crosses.  It's a temporary solution, but it's an effective weapon.  Also, place crosses onto the bows when they shoot them at the demons, and throw some holy water at them if you have to.  Just hold them off until we can defeat Andariel!


Akara: And when you do, we'll reopen the lanes and let you and your friends travel to Lut Gholein.


Reuisu: Let's get moving, people!






The whole pink glittery thingy appears with a silhouette of Reuisu.  Chest armor enveloped his torso as the symbol of spirit appeared on his forehead.  Leg armor came around his legs, with ankle armor and foot armor.  Behind the armor, only visible in spots where different peices of armor joined, was a black outfit.  Arm armor enveloped his arms, wrists, and hands.  His hand armor was seperated, only having finger armor and palm and backhand armoring.  A red blade emitted from his wrist armor.  A green grid in the shape of the helmet armor, except for the visor.  The red blade passed in front of the grid, and the head armor appeared.  The black visor formed directly afterwards.  He stood in a pose of his two red blades coming out as he kneeled down with the Greek symbol Alpha behind him.




A pink glittery silhoutte of Michelle appeared, with only her heart necklace showing.  Suddenly, crystal showered out of it, wrapping around her torso and forming the shirt and first bow of the outfit.  The crystal then shot out more crystals that wrapped around her arms and legs, forming the gloves and boots.  Another spray of crystal formed her skirt and back bow.  The skirt and bows were colored gold.  One last burst of crystal formed a tiara and ear rings.  The crystal then shot out a beam of energy, forming into a staff.  She grabbed the staff, and stood in a pose.




Out of her ring came energy bolts which wrapped around her torso, forming the front of the outfit.  Then the ring fired beams at both her arms, wrapping around them to form the white gloves.  The ring shout out another beam, which wrapped around her legs and formed the boots.  She then twirled around as did the beam from the ring, which wrapped around her hips and formed into the skirt.  Her tiara and earrings formed with one last blast from the ring.  She stood in a pose of her winking with her ring outstretched in front of her.









Cephiros: No guards.  This is bad.


Centauri: She thinks she's herding us into a trap.


Tyrael: Isn't she right?


Centauri: She doesn't know that we know that she's setting a trap.  And a rather bad one at that.  Up ahead, large doors.


Tuxedo Mask extended his cain at the doors from a safe distance, slamming them open.  Nothing jumped out.


Centauri: Keep moving!


Moonshine: I still don't get it!  One would think she would've put up something, I don't know, a quill rat or a zombie or something, but it's completely deserted!


Tuxedo Mask: I am actually feeling disturbed by that fact too.


Centauri: Wait a moment, there are no more doors ahead!


The five had reached a stone wall.


Voice: That's right, fools.


The five turned around to see Andariel drop down from the ceiling in front of them.


Tyrael: No guards?  No helping demons?  What sort of trickery is this, demon spawn?


Andariel: I've decided that minions are useless.  I will fight you myself.  I will destroy you all by myself.


Centauri: ATTACK!


Andariel shot off a green blast at the five, knocking them into the stone wall.  Getting right back up again, they readied their weaponry.




Centauri shot off a missile at Andariel, who merely punched it away with one of her tarantula legs on her back and into a nearby wall, blowing it open.




Cephiros aimed her ring and a firey silhouette of a woman running shot out at Andariel.  However, just before it hit her, Andariel snapped out her fist right at the silhouette, dissolving it with one punch!




Tyrael threw the holy sword at Andariel, but she immediately jumped into the air as Azurewrath flew out the other side of the room.


Andariel: Foolish Archangel!  Did you really think I had learned so little from our previous encounters?!?!


Andariel lept back down and shot a green blast of energy at Tyrael, shocking through him and sending him cringing at the ground.


Moonshine: TYRAEL!


Moonshine ran over to him and tried to hold him up as he continually grasped his chest in pain.


Andariel: Child's play.


Andariel then shot out a blast of energy at all of them, continually, and sent them blasting into the wall, and unable to move as the green blast continually sent flashes of pain through their systems.  Andariel began laughing maniacally as they all screamed in pain.  Centauri slowly reached behind his back and grabbed the malus.


<Can't...  Die...  Now...  Can't...  Let...  Rei...  Down...  I...  Have...  To...  Stop...  Andariel...  Have to...  Stop...  Diablo...  Only...  One...  Way...> Centauri thinks.


Centauri pulls the malus over his head and a confused look comes over Andariel's face.




Nothing happens as the pain continually surges through him.  Centauri's legs begin to weaken.




Centauri falls onto his knees and the draining blood from his arm begins to make his arm feel weak and limp.




Centauri's arm falls down, but the hammer lightly taps his transformation stick...!






*Sailor moon and Sailor Moon R transformation music*


Centauri's armor suddenly disappeared, except for the wrist and ankle armor, which turned golden with a blue jewel appearing on each.  The whole pink ribbon thing happened with his torso, making a white sailor outfit, except it wasn't like a girl's.  The ribbon was smaller, and the upper part just before the neck was not visible.  White sleeves materialized on his arms, with black gloves appearing above the wrist armor.  White pant legs appeared, with black boots below the ankle armor.  No mini skirt appeared like a girl's outfit.  A black collar appeared on his neck.  Instead of a tiara, a golden halo came over his forehead, with a gray jewel in the center.  He stood in a classic pose.


Super Sailor Centauri floated down to the ground as Andariel gasped and halted her attack.


Cephiros: Well I'll be damned...


Moonshine: He's a Sailor soldier alright.


The other four exchanged gasps and shocked glances as they continued to stare at Super Sailor Centauri.


Centauri: Andariel.  Your evil has outlived yourself.  You have tortured the sisters of the sightless eye for too long.  Prepare to die.


Andariel: I don't care if you do have some flashy new look!  DIE!


Centauri: GIGA FORCE!


Centauri put his hands half a foot away from each other, and electrical energy sparked in between them, forming into a sparkling, blue energy ball which shot out Andariel, blasting her to the complete other side of the building and through a wall.


Andariel slowly got back up, bleeding a heavy green blood.


Red, yellow, and orange energy began to form and electrically shock around Centauri's arms as it grew to an immense size.


Centauri: TERRA-


Centauri threw it into the air, then smashed into it with the hammer, sending it spiraling at Andariel.


Centauri: FORCE!!!!


The attack sliced right through Andariel, who screamed a deafening scream through the catacombs, through the monestary, past the forest and out onto the Rogue Encampment, where the attacking demons suddenly vaporized as Andariel slowly faded away into dust.




To Be Continued...