*Theme song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*





Reuisu: No...  This is a dream!


Reuisu was standing on the crane.  The Nega rebels were on the other side, holding the control switch.


Nega Rebel: This is no dream.  Now, make the choice or-


Reuisu: I refuse to comply your presence!  This is a dream!  It's the same dream I've had for years!  I've finally gained up enough control to admit it!  I refuse to let this dream control me!  You're not in control any more!


Nega Rebel: And just for that...


The Nega rebel hit a switch, and the two fell down into oblivion.  Reuisu started to shake in fear.


Reuisu: REI!


Reuisu jumped off the crane down towards Rei.  He was suddenly Sailor Centauri, and still falling.  He finally caught up with Rei, and pulled out his flute device.  He shot out a yellow bolt of energy rope, and wrapped around a steel beam.  He gave the flute to Rei, then proceeded to follow the screaming child.  Remembering a vital peice of the next few seconds, he then turned around and used his Giga blade to slice the steel beam behind him that was falling towards him in half.  Turning around again, his anti-gravity thrusters kicked in and he stared in horror at the ground: the seconds he took to destroy the beam cost the child his life.  He was now in a bloody puddle on the hard, sandy ground.







Reuisu, as usual, woke up sweating like a horse.  The sun was just beginning to come up over the horizon in Lut Gholein.


Michelle: You finally woke up?


Reuisu turned to see Michelle rolling up her sleeping bag, as were the other Titans.


Reuisu: What...  What time is it?


Miya: Shortly after six AM.  Remember, you said we should get up early and go talk to Jerhyn about getting some mercenaries working in Lut Gholein to help us against the demons who are here?


Reuisu: Yes...  Yes, of course.  Hey, where's Lucy?


Astra: She told me she was going to go look around for herself, try to find anyone who may be able to help them.


Reuisu: Really?  We can't be short-handed in this.  Astra, go tell Jerhyn we will meet with him after we find Lucy.  Everyone, let's go find our cheery little friend.






Lucy walked into the nearby tavern.  A woman was sitting at a table, looking utterly depressed.  She walked over and sat down at it.


Lucy: You look terrible, no offense.


The woman looked up at her.


Woman: Your one of those Titans, aren't you?  The Sailor Titan guys?


Lucy: That's right.  I'm Lucy, Sailor Cephiros.


Woman: Hello there.  My name's Atma.  Thank God you're here...


Lucy: You've been attacked a lot by the demons?


Atma: They killed my entire family.


Lucy: I'm so sorry...


Atma: And now things have gotten worse.  The demons have found a new way to attack us.  They've taken the sewer system.  Every time we try to dumb our trash or something, a demon jumps out and attacks us.  We can't hold out against them.  Lut Gholein is drowning in it's own filth.


Lucy: This is horrible!  Where is this sewer system?


Atma: Let me guess: You and your Titan friends are going to go down there and save us from ourselves?


Lucy: Not the Titans.  Me.







Lucy: I guess this is it.  CEPHIROS TITAN POWER!!!


Out of her ring came energy bolts which wrapped around her torso, forming the front of the outfit.  Then the ring fired beams at both her arms, wrapping around them to form the white gloves.  The ring shout out another beam, which wrapped around her legs and formed the boots.  She then twirled around as did the beam from the ring, which wrapped around her hips and formed into the skirt.  Her tiara and earrings formed with one last blast from the ring.  She stood in a pose of her winking with her ring outstretched in front of her.


Sailor Cephiros looked at the manhole in front of her.  She immediately kicked it open and stood back.  She aimed carefully with her ring.




A firey silhouette of a woman running shot out of the ring and down into the manhole.  Immediately, there was an explosion as demon organs and blood splattered up from the open manhole.  Cephiros peeked over and looked to see if all the demons in that part were dead.  They were, and she climbed down.  She then heard a squishing sound and looked at her boots.  They covered with green ooze.


Cephiros: Maybe I should've gotten galoshes before I came down here...


Suddenly, she heard a slight growling from behind, and turned around.  A light flashed on, and Cephiros' face turned pale as she looked at the demon before her.  It was eight feet tall, standing on four tan legs.  It had four arms on each of it's sides, two of them holding swords.  It's head was oblong and it's eyes were blood red.  It's face was mostly flat, with a helmet wrapping around it's forehead.  It had a loin cloth wrapped around it's croch, and a sort of leather armoring around it's shoulders and forearms.


Cephiros: Um...  Hello?


The demon roared with fury and charged at Sailor Cephiros.  She responded by ducking out of the way and watching as the demon charged past her.  It immediately turned back around and began to violently run at her again.  Sailor Cephiros jumped up and kicked the demon right in it's face.  It was knocked back about an inch, and it's eyes began to glow with an even fiercer red than before.


Cephiros: I think I pissed him off...


Cephiros turned around and was about to begin running away when she saw more lights switch on.  Two more of the demons were standing in front of her.  She gulped and readied her ring.




Sailor Cephiros twirled around as she fired her ring, having firey silhouettes of running women fly around her in all directions, blasting into the demons as well.







Mephisto: Duriel, come forward.


The slug crawled and bowed before Mephisto.


Mephisto: How was your latest attack against the Sailor Titans?


Duriel: Well, um...  The sand maggots were destroyed, my lord.  But they were outnumbered and outgunned!


Mephisto: Hmmm...  I see.  I understand.


Duriel let out a sigh of relief.  All of a sudden, one of Mephisto's tentacles shot out and wrapped around Duriel's neck.  He was lifted into the air as he began to suffocate from the pressure applied by Mephisto's tentacle.




Duriel: Of course!!!  I completely understand, my master!


Duriel was dropped to the ground.


Mephisto: Destroy the Titans and you will be rewarded.  Fail and end up like Andariel!


Duriel: Yes!  Of course, I will attack at once, my lord!


Duriel scurried away.  Baal and Diablo stepped in.


Baal: Perhaps I made a mistake making him our slave.


Mephisto: He is a distraction while we make our plans against the Titans.





Cephiros stood panting and breathing heavily over the dead and nearly dismembered bodies of the demons.


Cephiros: Man...  *Pant*  Maybe I should've...  *Wheeze*  Gotten the others...


Voice: Hmmm...  You destroyed three Sand Raiders with your own power, yet you're exhausted!


Sailor Cephiros looked around, trying to discern where the voice was coming from.


Cephiros: Who are you?  Where are you?


The ground in front of Cephiros that was seven feet long burst upwards as Duriel plowed through it and into the cramped tunnel.


Cephiros: EEP.  Who-  Who are you?!!?


Duriel: My name is Duriel.  Ah, you are alone.  A prime target for my masters!  Now, Sailor Titan, DIE!


Duriel was about to strike down with massive claw when...




Azurewrath flew from the air behind Duriel, and it sliced straight through his claw, which cracked and crumbled with a hole through it.  Duriel screamed and brought his claw to his stomach in an attempt to stop any blood that could be flowing out of it.  The claw ached and burned as the holy fire singed through the hole.  Duriel turned around, and Sailor Cephiros looked around him.  Behind the two stood four silhouetted figures: The Titans and Tyrael.


Centauri: How dare you attempt to kill our friend while she's alone!


Moonshine: It's a cowards way to fight!  Also, how dare you take a peice of a city that the people need!


Love: We're Sailor Titans!


Centauri: We're Agents of love!


Moonshine: We're agents of justice!


Love: And in the names of people with good hygiene for dumping their waste,




Duriel stood there.  He began to laugh out loud.


Duriel: You foolish little children!  How you overestimate your abilities.  Do you really think you can defeat my masters?


Centauri: And who are you?


Duriel: I am Duriel, your latest enemy.  And unlike Andariel, I will not be a pushover.


Centauri: Wanna bet, slug boy?


Duriel and Sailor Centauri glared at one another.


Duriel: You have a fire in your belly, young man.  It can be a dangerous thing if uncontrolled.  I will enjoy annihalating that fire along with you and these urchins you call Titans.  All forces within the sewers, RETREAT.


Duriel burrowed back underground.  Cephiros collapsed onto her knees and sighed.  The others walked over to her.


Centauri: When I say stick together, I mean stick together, not, "Take on an entire demonic force single-handedly."






To Be Continued...